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Johnnydevil's blog: "Real Fu-Kin Life."

created on 02/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/real-fu-kin-life/b56627  |  396 followers

Hi kids. How are we?

Hope everyone's staying cool as summer is starting to heat up most definitely.

It's been a bit since I posted something like this but due to recent events and some of the things I've seen around here lately it might be time to revisit some realities of this place we all know and love or hate to love or better yet for some - love to hate.

1. Fubar.com is a business - and we're all customers.

I know this is a rather cold way to look at it, but alas it's the truth. Think about it. They are here to make money. They are here to keep the servers on and all that and pay themselves a salary. Therefore, there will be attempts to generate and improve revenue. Everyone has an opinion on that. You really think they want things that put the site in a negative light be it on site or somehwhere else? If you were running a business would you? 

Personally, I recall a time when the only real income generated here was via blasts. Things have obviously changed since then on a wide variety of fronts in the past 16 years, but this is an important point to remember.

2. If someone tells you then "run" any aspect of this site - they are lying to you.

The only people that "run" this site are admin and those that assist and/or those are designated with a higher level of mods to take action on behalf of admin. That's literally it. I don't "run" anything , the reds & yellows don't "run" anything either. All they truly are those that simply know how the "game" is played at a higher level than most others. If someone makes you  grandiose promises of Fubar glory there's a very high chance you're being manipulated and lied to and pretty much being used for however you can support (usually via your credit card or bank account) their ego-driven attempts to further their own rank, profile & level.

Is it worth it to go down with the ship? These ships always, always sink.

3. Threatening the lives, employment & relatives of other members, relatives and the like.

This is starting to become commonplace at a level around here not seen in nearly 13 years. And let's face it - it's coming from the top members & colors.

Why anyone would accept, condone or be a part of any "team" that practices this behavior on an internet gaming website with an interactive twist is beyond me. Don't be manipulated.

It's a game children - a game.

That's your profile. Those are your blings, your stats, your everything. Ownership of that needs to be taken by you. Can you learn things from other people as you go? Of course. But being any kind of part of any kind of "team" that practices legitimately illegal behavior because a member of their "team" didn't get a red colored name for a week or top this and that is absolutely absurd. Actions have consequences. And finally on this point, you do realize it's 2022 right? It's not 2007, 2010, 2012, 2016 or hell even 2020.

All it will take is one absurd and illegal real life event that hits the news to bring this party to a screeching halt and a lot of investigators at a lot of doorsteps (for those that have doors.) 

Do any of you really want that? I KNOW a lot of you do not.

4. Off site chat channels & content.

Yahoo & AOL Messenger have been replaced with Discords & Telegrams. You think they are secure? You think by only letting select people in that it won't get out? You think that sharing nudes in an anon-ib esque format won't get leaked sooner or later (this is a federal & state crime by the way, for those that participate)? 

If you believe any of these statements to be true, you are way out of touch with reality kids, way out of touch. If they are festering a shady enviornment for the sole purpose of their own sick pleasure, depraved sense of self worth, or to keep what you believe to something they are "running" guess what kind of people that will be in those chat channels? 

The ones with the same intentions as their leaders.

How do you think that will end up? 

 They will screenshot & knife you faster than Jon Snow stabbed his Queen.

And as much as some would like to believe it - this isn't Game of Thrones.

5. Proof is king. Hearsay is bullshit.

I've always encouraged people to screenshot proof of misdeeds by others. Mostly to protect yourself from those that will mean you harm because there will always be those that will want to in some way, shape or form. Don't be lazy. Grab that screenshot. They can save not only you from future grief but perhaps someone else down the road from the same predator (that's what they truly are) doing the same things to someone else. Simply saying "I heard..blah blah" isn't enough to fully believe - it never has been.

Question them. If someone said it on the internet, then it was available somewhere to be screengrabbed.

Truth isn't drama. Truth is truth. Uncomfortably so for many.

And don't even get me started on the lies. It's amazing how I can see people post things publicly that are a straight lie about their personal life in 2022 when they were literally admitting they did the same exact thing in 2012.

That is so widespread it's not even funny. That's a topic for a completely different day.

In conclusion, just remember that the entire purpose of this website is to have fun and that this is a business.

You're only hurting and stressing yourself at the end of the day.If it's not fun any longer, you can always log out no matter what someone tells you.

 You can always delete if you feel it is that detremental to your mental health to even have the ability to be tempted to log in.

But at the end of the day, your profile is yours.

What you do and how you choose to utilize it and who you wish to engage with it are all your choice.

Blaming others and taking it to stupid levels for what happens with it simply doesn't ring true.

If you follow this simple advice, much more enjoyable your Fubar experience will be.


- JD

R.I.P. Jimmy 411


Hello everyone. I know this is late but better late than never.

Recently we lost a Fubarian that many of you knew or at the very least saw rating your page day in and day out, his name was Jimmy411.

Personally I became friends with Jimmy about six years ago, I found him to be a kind soul, and wow, did that man put in WORK for the Fubar game. Religiously rated thousands of profiles daily no matter what. Was always on the top most active list - always. Then that ethic he also applied to achievements and was proud to upload every single one , eventually hitting top level with outstanding Fu numbers day in and day out.

But what so many on here fail to appreciate is the person behind the profile, the numbers, the bling and everything else you see on a daily basis.

Jimmy was a family man, even thgouh he really never had the change to have one himself and loved his two nieces dearly. He was a hard worker, often working 15 hour days and still found the time to dedicate himself to the Fu game, returning every rate. How many can say the same?

He also loved spending his little free time at his lake house, gaming and partaking in some casino entertainment & was also a huge Kansas City Chiefs fan. He was also a huge talker to those he actually felt comfortable talking with.

Just overall a really great guy that not too many really never got the chance to know, other than what they saw on on Fu - the numbers and the rates.

He genuinely loved this site, most of the people and especially the game aspect.
Sadly, he passed away mid-January due to an aggressive cancer that was simply found too late to provide any kind of treatment for.

The activity on his account after his passing was his family members trying to reconcile the account, as they were aware of his love for the Fubar game.

It's kind of sad in more than one way that we have to question these kind of instances of people passing and when someone does pass - our minds go right to "is this real?" or "is someone looting the account?" We ask these things because some sick, depraved folks on here have done exactly that in the past.
But that's another story for another day.

So let's take a second to say a prayer for Jimmy411 - a rare, good Fubar soul that has passed away far too soon.

For any questions or more information, please contact Ally at the link below as she is the one that had direct contact with the family and can provide the most accurate information for anyone with questions.


@ fubar


R.I.P. Jimmy - you'll be missed.

Remember when everyone wanted 2020 to end because it was so "awful?"

2021 told 2020 to hold its' beer.

Last year was god awful.

Even in the final days of the year we saw the untimely passing of Betty White & John Madden and all kinds of catastrophes taking place all over the world.

It just didn't want to go out before taking more away from us.

I am sure we all have our stories, events, etc.

May 2022 be a year to remember - for all of us.

Happy New Year!


- JD

Ready & set to annoy everyone & get blocked some more!

This is simple.

If you can do any of the below, you are winning Fu.


1. Have a conversation that doesn't revolve around sex.

2. Have a conversation that doesn't revolve around money.

3. Make a friend (literally 1 or more) that doesn't ghost you when you don't log in.

4. Find someone you truly love.

5. Have a conversation that truly doesn't revolve around "numbers."

6. Log in for what you enjoy.

7. Spend your money on bling & people that actually matter, not just to "do it."

8. Don't live on here for a decade plus, every day, all up in Fu Drama claiming that you know everthing.

No one knows everything.

9. Log in and be active when you want to not when you "have to."

10. Be comfortable in your own skin & don't feel the need to filter yourself to death for the approval of people that don't and never will matter once you log out.

That's all.

Stay safe out there kids, the world is on fire and it's simply not as safe as it was even a few years ago.


- JD

Six Degrees of Fu

Ever hear of that term "six degrees of separation?" 


Think of it in FU terms. 






Tell me you don't know someone that is/was fumarried to this person who used to have that person in their family but their ex and someone else they fought with is also in the family of the person that has this next person's bling in their favorites who they were or did meet in real life but kept it on the down low and offsite because they were married to this white name profile who is only a level 60 or less who is in this other person's #1 spot who also had a relationship with the 2nd person on the list last decade or so and was such a terrible person that you were waiting for the truth to come out meanwhile his new beau has red NSFW folders and runs famps all day who polishes that random bling of any of the people above even though it's really not for an achievement it's just to irritate the people's blings they are polishing because the same pack of 5 or 6 people who all have the same set of friends also have the same set of ex friends, Fu spouses who are all halfway in person #1-#10 family on this list in some capacity who randomly rates 1 picture or polishes one bling just to spy on any of the above who have made fake accounts and are in group text message chats talking shit about the same people that they have in their family only because they pay them credits because they ran a couple of times and then they got cut and now they are after the same pack of friends adding tops and fu spouses of anyone listed above.

Tell me you don't know anyone like that.

It's a literal laugh riot.


DNO People

Good afternoon kids sorry been forever. Don't really know what to say or how to say it so I am just going to ask this question about the new fu thing called DNO.

If you don't want someone to own you, why are you making a spectacle out of it by putting it in your status or name?

Why don't you just go to your privacy and settings and turn your Be Owned: to "no."

I understand why people do this they want the person owning them to get points, blah blah but ask yourself this:

Are the amount of points really worth your name having a DNO in it (I thought it said DNR which was quite the chuckle) or going through drama ?

In the grand scheme of things, is that million points really , REALLY going to matter?

Or are you really just looking for attention or trying to make a statement because you are strong and independent and no one will mess with you?

(tons of lolz)

I could go on and on but it would probably be called hate speech and the FBI would show up at my house.

Anyway, have fun out here I will write when I can, real life is super busy.

Happy Fu-ing!


Election Eve 2020....

Good day kids, hope you are all well and staying safe out there in these crazy times.

Happy Election Eve! 

The next 48 hours are going to be something to behold I am sure.

For better or worse, that is to be determined...

People are going to be watching this like it is a two day Super Bowl Event...

or longer, depending on whether or not we have clear cut winner and someone that concedes but odds are likely that neither one of those will happen anytime soon.

With that being said, the most important thing you can do is actually vote.

Voters have submitted mail in ballots and participated in early voting at record levels.

In some states, these totals have actually exceeded the overall total of voter participation in the 2016 election combined.More people voting is never a bad thing.

So unglue yourself from your favorite cable news channel (barf) for a second and get yourself out of the echo chamber of media that is loaded with people that share the same beliefs that you do for a minute and think about some things that you actually should before you cast your vote:

1. Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?

2. Do you feel the country is headed in the right direction?

3. Do you honestly believe the party that you are voting for will actually make it better? 

Very simple questions. 

Of course, there are so many media distractions on both sides of the aisle that it is hard to think of things that simple.

One side says the other is an incompitent clown the other side says the other is involved in a sex ring, blah blah. 

Throw in some people that still think COVID is a hoax and those that everyone with a (R) next to their name is a racist, sexist or worse.

Blah blah.Filter out the noise, unplug from the god awful social media and cable news and think for what's best for yourself and your family going forward.

When you do that, the choices before you will be clear.

Always #voteyourconscience


- JD


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