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46 Year Old · Female · From Grand Rapids, MI · Invited by: mrwolfwood · Joined on August 11, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 16th
46 Year Old · Female · From Grand Rapids, MI · Invited by: mrwolfwood · Joined on August 11, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 16th

First thing first, I just spent about...eh...15 minutes writing thought provoking points about myself...and it disappeared. That's right. Gone. Now my fingers are just not feeling like typing all that again. Not that I remember it all. So, I'll just recap the basics, and you may yell at this editor thingy for screwing up all the rest of it.

1. Johnny Depp is my celebrity crush, and will always be so.

2. I do not own a webcam. Never will.

3. Not here for sex. I'm a chick, I can get that in real life if I wanted to. Right now I'm focusing on respect and trust. Anything else will fall into line from there.

4. Bees are evil. I'm still convinced they killed the field mouse.

5. Batman: The Dark Knight makes me feel warm n fuzzy inside. It is my newest obsession. And not for any one actor or one character, without all of the movie, it would be nothing.

6. I collect things. Clothes, shotglasses, devil ducks, gargoyles...have also collected WWF Undertaker (yes, WWF, not that WWE crap), Britney Spears, N'sync, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nine Inch Nails, and Marilyn Manson and ICP...you get the idea. I'm a collector.

7. I hate bees. I have an insane fear of bees. I manage to survive without having to take prozac.

8. I hate death. I have an insane fear of death. I manage to survive without taking prozac.

9. I like going out to coffee houses...for coffee. And playing card games, mostly cribbage and rummy.

10. When I order drinks at bars I like to add "...with grenadine." Sex on the Beach...with grenadine. Long Island...with grenadine. You should try it.

11. I have a cat named Timmy, I am his world. He loves me like no other.

12. I have a mini weener dog named Yoshi. Yes, that is after the green dinosaur from Mario. No...he's not green.

13. If I've missed anything that's important to you, feel free to ask. Just don't be a sicko, psycho pervert. K?k.

46 Year Old · Female · From Grand Rapids, MI · Invited by: mrwolfwood · Joined on August 11, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 16th
I have interestes...? I'm sure I do. I'm interested in being...uninteresting. That's it. That hit the spot.
I'm all over the place with music. I could name a hundred bands, but then I'd look like some super music snob. And I probably only like one or two songs by each of the bands anyway. Eh.

So, how about...I like some industrial, some synthpop, some futurepop, some gothpop, some EBM(pop?), the 80's rock and pop, a little bit of disco, a touch of top 40, a pinch of oldies, a splash of club music, spice it up with some cover songs and parody. I guess that's a good start.
Video Games
I'm a wii girl. But I don't have much skill.

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