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44 Year Old · Female · From Miami, FL · Joined on May 27, 2007 · Born on November 27th
44 Year Old · Female · From Miami, FL · Joined on May 27, 2007 · Born on November 27th

I am a writer for two newspapers and freelance for a magazine. I'm writing two novels as well.

I moved to the Miami area in Jan 07 so I still don't know tons of people yet. I live with one of my best friends and he's in the Coast Guard so half of the time I basically live alone. I have a mini beagle named Tornado but I call her Torey for short. She's 20 pounds of pure evil but completely adorable.

I love to travel and basically live and breathe my work these days. I am not a typical girl by any stretch for many reasons but I do have a large fixation with shoes. In fact, my newest pair are blantantly displayed in my pictures due to this fixation. They were a gift and I love them. I also show off a whole lotta leg in those pictures because I kept getting comments on them and I'm not above compliments! But for the record...I was a dancer for 15 years, if I didn't have nice legs there'd be something wrong! I'm not sure what else to say about myself really. If you want to know anything just ask, I'm pretty open.

44 Year Old · Female · From Miami, FL · Joined on May 27, 2007 · Born on November 27th
There are so many things I'm interested in to list them all would be nearly impossible.

I'm very easy going and will try anything once as long as it won't kill me immediately.

I have weird fears, the ones that most people generally mock me for are fish and birds but what can I say? I have a distrust of creatures that can do things that I cant...like breathe under water or fly.

I read a lot because I'm a writer and I like to see what's already out there. I consider being a writer not only as my career but also as a way of telling people who I really am. It's more than a profession it is a state of mind. That having been said, I HATE ebonics. If that offends you, I'm sorry but I think that ebonics absolutely BUTCHERS the english language. I don't use it and I don't speak to people who use it. I am not trying to be openly rude or anything of the sort but perhaps now if I don't answer you, you'll know why.

I love movies but I rarely go to the theater cause the price is ridiculous so I have to be DYING to see something for me not to wait til it comes out on DVD. That, and I don't have a whole lot of time for things like that.

I respect intellect and a sharp wit a lot more than pretty much anything else. I'm friendly when I want to be but I can tell you this, if you're opener is telling me the size of what is in your pants, I won't be interested and I won't answer. In my experience if you feel a need to talk about it, you probably have no idea how to use it or you're just plain lying so keep it to yourself. If you're cool enough not to think I'm a bitch now, by all means say hi!

I love music of all genre's. The only thing I really can't stand listening to is the hardcore stuff that sounds like someone is just yelling at me. I don't appreciate that sentiment.

I'm very close to my father and was raised on his music so the oldie's are a big favorite for me. I have a VAST knowledge of music trivia and "who's singing" is one of my favorite games to play. So is "name that tune". I know, I know, I'm a dork but my dad and I did that on many a business trip to Manhattan that I accompanied him on and those are some of my all-time favorite childhood memories. Things like that tend to stick.

If I had to choose a favorite artist I would have to break it into the following categories:

Fav Female Singer: Jewel
Fav Male Singer: Billy Joel
Fav Current Group: Nickelback/Lifehouse
Fav Oldies Group: Beatles/Simon and Garfunkle

You can take the girl out of New York but you can't take the New York out of the girl so when I moved to Florida I brought with me a strong disdain for country music. I wasn't interested in a twangy song full of lyrics about losing your girlfriend when she stole your truck and ran off with your brother. But my roommate listens to a lot of country and started to force me to actually pay attention. I went kicking and screaming but now I can say that I honestly enjoy country music...well most of it.
I'm not a huge fan of rap but I have always like Tupac and artists like him. I'm more into lyrics than melody so as long as a song has something to say, a story to tell or some form of intelligence behind it, I'll probably like it as long as I can understand it.

Activity Feed

  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • DragonLord2001Writer27
    Good evening:I thought I would stop by and send my salutations. I am a fellow artist, then again, I did write you a letter. Anyhow, I had the absolute pleasure of viewing your pics and meeting toronado, very cute pooch. As for what is in my pants, why do you want to know the size of my house-keys. They are normal sized. I on the other hand am 6 feet and over 300. My family and friends call me bear. For my size I am actually a gentle giant. I really have a passion for intelligent conversation. I am certain that most people are busy playing checkers while I am one of the few playing chess.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • thebestlover1978Writer27
    Your work looks like it paid off.. you've got a great body.. lovely legs nice perportionate everything else. and Your smart.. shoe fetish can be forgiven everyone has faults..lol. You didn't say what type of writing you do...be in miami Monday morning. later babe

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Writer27
    Hey darlin! Have a badass day!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Writer27

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Writer27
    Hello cutie!!! Hope you have a great day!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    17 years ago · Reply
  • The Darke Onefu...Writer27
    Lost in thought, hopes come and gone, livin out a lifes debt overdrawn,attemptin to write feelings to page,and turn myself from fool to sage,drawin fears and tears through a well of inks,the paper and print drinking it as it sinks,and so I go on, lost in thought, reaching out,taking your hand and drawin it in what its about,Showin the world, who you and I are,showin them more of my inspiring star,so if ever you think I do this for naught,look again once more, at the words here wrought,and see within to the feeling beneath,see what you mean, my insipiring sweetling.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Rock Your WorldWriter27
    interesting profile

    17 years ago · Reply
  • gdsgdfhhWriter27
    hello, thank you for adding me to your friends! :)

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Uchiha is backWriter27
    wow you are quite gorgeous.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Writer27
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketjust flying in to say hi

    17 years ago · Reply
  • 17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Writer27
    Thanks for the add :)

    17 years ago · Reply
  • The Darke Onefu...Writer27
    life is what we make it, a story in a book, a single chapter or verse, we fill it with our victories defeats and pursuits, so make of it what you will, write a song about it or another story later, and live in your own moments of glory, because there is really no way thats better to rehearse....hows that for a comment, lol

    17 years ago · Reply
  • The Darke Onefu...Writer27
    which is why so few of my poems are published, and why only my closest friends or people who love to read ever get close to my work...I cant look at it and they have to grab it or I destroy it, lol

    17 years ago · Reply
  • The Darke Onefu...Writer27
    Not juvenile whatsoever, some prefer to write in rhythmic stanzas and verses, and some prefer to write in a natural styling where you dont have to rhyme, just express, I personally do a litle of both, but I prefer to read other peoples works, as I over judge my ability and just automatically tear it or delete it

    17 years ago · Reply
  • The Darke Onefu...Writer27
    nothing wrong with that, I just tend to try to bury myself in the unnatural and daydream of its existance. I have to say that I respect you for being so dedicated to writing...I am more a poet and short story writer, do all types, I just cant write well enough to hold attention in a book, lol

    17 years ago · Reply
  • The Darke Onefu...Writer27
    Man we have some number of things in common, got to ask though, what do you like to read, im a lover of sci fi personally

    17 years ago · Reply
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