* MM = Merry Meet
* Round shape for wheel of the year, cycle of seasons
* Skins are different colors, but the inside is the same chocolate, because we are all related.
* Associations with the colors:
o Red = South
o Green = West
o Dark Brown = North
o Yellow = East
o Orange = For the Solar God
o Light Brown = For the Earth Mother (Copper Woman)
o Blue = Sky Father
* Rotate the M & M:
o M = 13th letter of alphabet, and there are 13 witches in a coven
o 3 = Triple Goddess, three phases of moon
o W = Witchcraft, Wiccan
o E = Enlightenment, Enchantment of chocolate
* "Melt in your mouth, not in your hand"--God/dess's love must be experienced directly to appreciate. Also, God/dess will take care of you.
* Sweetness to remind us of how sweet the love of the God and Goddess is!