ok so i apperently have been missing for quite some time and a few of you on my family list have called me to get short polite answers and no call back.... sorry bout that
the reason i have been gone is i have been severly depressed for a while now and very few know it. ive lied to my dearest of close by friends lol the whole 2 i have, and said i was just too busy.... there has been no work and no life so i guesse i was busy with that pesky time space travle thing huh? yea ok so now u know th ejist of it. i recently have been feeling a lil better. enough to go out of town for the week and hav fun. no im still not fully fixed yet and i probly never will be so thanks to the person/ poeple who broke me. i still wont be on much but i thought id just say hi im alive and miss you few i did speak to often.
sorry i have been lame and sory i lied about being ok all this time to my close friends. byesss big huggs n love