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FAN Make Me Be Good's blog: "~ Walls ~"

created on 11/16/2007  |  http://fubar.com/walls/b155480


Passion is a feeling It's not a word for sex… It's the anticipation Of what will happen next… It's looking deep inside The eyes of my beholder… It's your gentle touch Placed upon my shoulder It's the subtle kiss… As I'm wrapped inside your arms… It's the confidence That you'll bring me no harm… It's the laughter that we share With the funny things you do… Never feeling lonely As long as I'm with you… It's the moonlit stroll barefoot in the sand… It's the jealous look of others As we're walking hand in hand… It's the comfort of a snuggle Near a blazing fireplace… It's the happiness I see With a smile upon your face… It's the Goosebumps on my body When you whisper in my ear… It's the beating of my heart Whenever you are near… Passion is a mood A feeling so complex… It sets the perfect ambiance For a night of wild sex! - Author Unknown

Wyoming cowboy

A Wyoming cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked. "Well, I can think of one thing," the cowboy offered. "Once, on a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of bikers, who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker and smacked him in his face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I yelled, "Now, back off!! Or I'll kick the #$%$)@ out of all of you!" St. Peter was impressed, "When did this happen?" Just a couple minutes ago..."

A New Chapter:

A New Chapter


Deprive me of my home,
Of children, wealth and land...
If you, O Lord, I gain.
--Tukaram (c. 1607 - 1649), Hindu poet and saint

If your business went bankrupt, you might feel sorry for yourself. However, Tukaram, who was a Hindu poet, saw that his misfortunes had brought him closer to God.
"It is well, O God, that I became bankrupt and was crushed by famine; this is how I repented and turned to Thee...
It is well that my wife was a shrew, I sought your protection, O God."
(Roger Lesser, "Saints and Sages of India")
Tukaram's misfortunes prompted him to turn much closer to God. No one wants misfortune, but if it comes, rather than wallow in self-pity, you can use it to find out more about your inner being.

When things go wrong, do you get angry or depressed? After a divorce or business failure, you have to close a chapter of your life. It is too late to rewrite it, just as when the bell goes off at the end of an examination, you have to hand in the test. Rather than looking back with regret, say to yourself, "This is the first day of the rest of my life."
Start to make positive plans, but also ask yourself, "What do I really want out of life?" You may find your misfortunes have been a spur to help you discover your true self.

~ Marcus Braybrooke ~

Think before you speak...

Here are six reasons why you should think before you speak - The last one is great! Have you ever spoken and wished that you could Immediately take the words back... Or that you could crawl into a hole? Here are the Testimonials of a few people who did.... FIRST TESTIMONY: I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow And asked loudly, 'How much do you charge for a shampoo and a blow job?' I turned around and walked back out and never went back My husband didn't say a word... He knew better. SECOND TESTIMONY: I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls. I was unhappy with the women's type I had been using. After browsing for several minutes, I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who works at the store. He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, I looked at him and said, 'I think I like playing with men's balls' THIRD TESTIMONY: My sister and I were at the mall and Passed by a store that sold a Variety of candy and nuts. As we were looking at the display case, The boy behind the counter asked if we needed any help. I replied, 'No, I'm just looking at your nuts.' My sister started to laugh hysterically. The boy grinned, and I turned beet-red and walked away. To this day, My sister has never let me forget. FOURTH TESTIMONY : While in line at the bank one afternoon, My toddler decided to release Some pent-up energy and ran amok. I was finally able to grab hold of Her after receiving looks of disgust And annoyance from other patrons. I told her that if she did not start behaving 'right now' she would be punished. To my horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a voice just as threatening, 'If you don't let me go right now, I will tell Grandma that I saw you Kissing Daddy's pee-pee last night!' The silence was deafening after this enlightening exchange. Even the tellers stopped what they were doing. I mustered up the last of my dignity and Walked out of the bank with my daughter in tow The last thing I heard when the door closed behind me, were screams of laughter. FIFTH TESTIMONY: Have you ever asked your child a question too many times? My three-year-old son had a lot of problems with potty training and I was on him constantly. One day we stopped at Taco Bell for a quick lunch, in between errands It was very busy, with a full dining room. While enjoying my taco, I smelled something funny, So of course I checked My seven-month-old daughter, she was clean. The realized that Danny Had not asked to go potty in a while. I asked him if he needed to go, And he said 'No' . I kept thinking 'Oh Lord, that child has had an accident, and I don't have any clothes with me.' Then I said, 'Danny, are you SURE you didn't have an accident?' 'No,' he replied. I just KNEW that he must have had an accident, because the smell was getting worse. Soooooo, I asked one more time, 'Danny did you have an accident ? This time he jumped up, yanked down his pants, Bent over, spread his cheeks And yelled 'SEE MOM, IT'S JUST FARTS!!' While 30 people nearly choked to death on their tacos laughing, He calmly pulled up his pants and sat down. An old couple made me feel better, Thanking me for the best laugh they'd ever had! LAST BUT NOT LEAST TESTIMONY: This had most of the state of Michigan laughing for 2 days And a very embarrassed female news anchor who will, In the future, likely think before she speaks. What happens when you predict snow but don't get any! We had a female news anchor that, The day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, Turned to the weatherman and asked: 'So Bob, where's that 8 inches you promised me last night?' Not only did HE have to leave the set, But half the crew did too they were laughing so hard! Now, didn't that feel good? Pass it on to someone you know who needs a laugh And remember We all say things we don't really mean, So think before you speak!!!!!
Immigration - The Dark Side Bank of America , can I help you? Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with you any longer. The Bank: Why? > Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's right. I'm taking my business elsewhere. > The Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account >number? > Customer: (gives account number) > The Bank: For security purposes and for your protection, can you please give me the last four digits of your social security number? > Customer: No. > The Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help you, I'll need verification of who you are. > Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don't have social security numbers.You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you? > The Bank: No sir, I wouldn't. > Customer: Why not? > The Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line. > I provided "snopes" for doubters: >http://www.snopes.com/politics/immigration/bankofamerica.asp > Now .I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have included the URL's for verification of the following facts. > 1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. http://...com/zob77 > 2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. >http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html > 3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. >http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html > >4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of >English! http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.html > >5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. >http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html > >6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. >http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html > >7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. >http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html > >8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & >social services by the American taxpayers. >http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610 /29/ldt.01.ht ml > >9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are >caused by the illegal aliens. >http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.htm l > >10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular,their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US >http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html > >11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal alie ns from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.Homeland Security Report: http://...com/t9sht > >12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass >deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period." >http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf > >13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm > >14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States ". >http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml > The total cost is a whopping . $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR > If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message, but on the other hand, if it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, then forward it to every human in the country including every representative in Washington, DC for four times a week, for a month. > God Bless You And Yours and God Bless, this country, what's left of it!
The below are valid reasons as to why drinking should be allowed at work. If you use them wisely, you may even be able to convince your boss into allowing alcohol. 1. It's an incentive to show up. 2. It reduces stress. 3. It leads to more honest communications. 4. It reduces complaints about low pay. 5. It cuts down on time off because you can work with a hangover. 6. Employees tell management what they think, not what management wants to hear. 7. It helps save on heating costs in the winter. 8. It encourages carpooling. 9. Increases job satisfaction because if you have a bad job you don't care. 10. It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work. 11. It makes fellow employees look better. 12. It makes the cafeteria food taste better. 13. Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are wasted. 14. Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable. 15. If something does something stupid on the job, it will be quickly forgotten.

Sarahrella ...LOL

After watching the movie Cinderella, five-year-old Sarah started using her pinwheel as a magic wand, pretending she was a fairy godmother. "Make three wishes," she told her mother, "and I'll grant them." Her mom first asked for world peace. Sarah swung her wand and proclaimed the request fulfilled. Next, her mother requested for a cure for all ill children. Again, with a sweep of the pinwheel, Sarah obliged. The mother, with a glance down at her rather ample curves, made her third wish, "I wish to have a trim figure again." The miniature fairy godmother started waving her wand madly. "I'll need more power for this!" she exclaimed.

A Woman's Fairy Tale:

This is the fairy tale that we should have been reading as little girls! Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat, contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle. A frog hopped into the princess' lap and said: Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the dapper, young Prince that I am and then, my sweet, we can marry and set up housekeeping in your castle with my mother, where you can satisfy my needs, prepare and serve my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children, and forever feel grateful and happy doing so. That night, as the princess dined sumptuously on lightly sautéed frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she chuckled and thought to herself: I DON'T F***ING THINK SO!!!!! Share with all the princesses you know! It's sure to brighten their day!

Once upon a time

Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs.... who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants.... The race began.... Honestly: No one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!!" "They will NEVER make it to the top." or: "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!" The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one.... Except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher....The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!" More tiny frogs got tired and gave up.... But ONE continued higher and higher and higher.... This one wouldn't give up! At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. Except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top! THEN all of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal? It turned out....That the winner was DEAF!!!! The wisdom of this story is: Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic.... because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you, the ones you have in your heart! Always think of the power words have. Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions! Therefore: ALWAYS be....POSITIVE! And above all: Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this! Most people walk in and out of your life......but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart. In two days tomorrow will be yesterday. Today is no special day because I have no particular reason for posting this... I have no news to tell you.... nor any problems to discuss with you.... or gossip to tell you... But today is special because it's only one of those happy moments... when I thought of you and how special you are... and I would like to share these thoughts with you... MANY SMILES BEGIN BECAUSE OF ANOTHER'S SMILE...SEE YOU AT THE TOP! ¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§« ¤»¥«¤»§«¤»§«¤»¥«¤ If you fall down 10 times, Stand up 11.

The Little Girl

A little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it was "too crowded." "I can't go to Sunday School," she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by. Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and, taking her by the hand, took her inside and found a place for her in the Sunday school class. The child was so happy that they found room for her, and she went to bed that night thinking of the children who have no place to worship Jesus. Some two years later, this child lay dead in one of the poor tenement buildings. Her parents called for the kindhearted pastor who had befriended their daughter to handle the final arrangements. As her poor little body was being moved, a worn and crumpled red purse was found which seemed to have been rummaged from some trash dump. Inside was found 57 cents and a note, scribbled in childish handwriting, which read: "This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go to Sunday School." For two years she had saved for this offering of love. When the pastor tearfully read that note, he knew instantly what he would do. Carrying this note and the cracked, red pocketbook to the pulpit, he told the story of her unselfish love and devotion. He challenged his deacons to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building. But the story does not end there... A newspaper learned of the story and published It. It was read by a wealthy realtor who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands. When told that the church could not pay so much, he offered to sell it to the little church for 57 cents. Church members made large donations. Checks came from far and wide. Within five years the little girl's gift had increased to $250,000.00- -a huge sum for that time (near the turn of the century). Her unselfish love had paid large dividends. When you are in the city of Philadelphia , look up Temple Baptist Church , with a seating capacity of 3,300. And be sure to visit TempleUniversity, where thousands of students are educated. Have a look, too, at the Good Samaritan Hospital and at a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of beautiful children, built so that no child in the area will ever need to be left outside during Sunday school time. In one of the rooms of this building may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little girl whose 57 cents, so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history. Alongside of it is a portrait of her kind pastor, Dr. Russell H. Conwell, author of the book, "Acres of Diamonds". This is a true story, which goes to show WHAT GOD CAN DO WITH 57 CENTS.
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