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Papercut Kisses's blog: "w/e"

created on 05/07/2009  |  http://fubar.com/w-e/b294200

think think think.

screaming kids


flooded bathroom floor due to kids not keeping water in tub.


fogetting to pick up cheese at store for supper.


One ice cube in tray


arm on frying pan just fell off in my hand


sore neck


cooking pizza for kiddos with the cardboard still under the pizza due to forgetting all about it.

= Natasha throwing in the towel PLUS @#^$&!!!!!!!!!!


Later days.

I am freezing my butt off just sitting here.

But yet here I am,mittens and all :)

Been a long week and its not even over, I have been honoured by a close friend to be in her wedding.I am rather excited for her and the fact that this beloved day will be held on my 30th birthday.

I rather toast to the bride and groom then blow out a cake full of candles that could more then likely start a fire.

I also have taking on a few tasks for this special day..be it the costume designs for the jack and Jill party..annnnnnnnnd flyer designs for said event.

burlesque will be the theme,but sweet day in the mornin im sick of looking at short skirts,corsets and little top hats with the mesh..

Jesus I cant believe I just said that,I MUST be getting old.

So besides being the busy little beaver I am, I have picked up a new addiction.

1 vs 100 on 360 has me under its spell..and boy is it grand! I was growing tired of lfd2 so this couldnt have came at a better time.

Specially when I get to kick my sisters butt at it daily.Life can not get any better at the moment.

I havent even started christmas shopping, I think im goin to hell.

Side note Spawn is still holding me hostage till suga sends me more pics of her rack.This is his demand....not mine.

Swear.(its my lie dammit!)

Shepherds pie is goin to be on the menu this evening,I havent had it in a long while..and I think it wil go over well with it being cold and snowy as of late.

effin snow...*cries*

anyone know how to get the feeling back in fingers??these mittens aren't cuttin it.

Later days!





Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.


1.I hate chili but love chili dogs,I know makes no sense!!

2.I wont eat anything yellow for fear that it will taste like soap.(minus bananas of course)

3.I still make forts outta blankets and couch cushions.

4.ice cubs+milk=awesomeness.

5.I love boobies but loathe my own.

6.Get excited when my husband buys me a colouring book.

7.Still take flintstone vitamins,orange is my fave!

8.Addicted to tattoos.

9.Im gonna be a mermaid when I grow up.

10.filling out this blog game for the 4th time since first coming to fubars,curse you Philemon!!


My victims will be :

Papabear,even thou I know everything little thing about him,I gotta.

My wife,this will be her 474576453645 time doing it but OH WELLZ!



My best friend Just.



later Days!

Toujours Frais!

For the record, I learned the difference between a ratchet and a wrench today.

Ooo nov 19th,why are you so cruel to me? I have a headache the size of a sumo wrestler doing cartwheels...this picture that I just presented I know is not pleasing,nore is the headache I am sporting.

If I suffer,you are coming along for the ride with me!!

Good news is Timmy's didn't mess up my iced cap this mornin,which is always a grand way to start off my day.

On most occasions they tend to squirt a tad too much butter caramel in it,thus disproves the saying" you cant have too much of a good thing".

It was a whole 10 degrees outside today also,which is weird for Nov in NS,mind you im not complaining at all.

IF I hear one more child say"but so and so has this/so and so did that" im gonna take a long walk off a short pier into our harbour.

Supper is still yet to be determined, I have no clue on what to make that would please everyone at the dinner table..or atleast even one.

All I want for christmas is a clue.Can I has yours??

why in the commercials for mini vans are the seats to frekkin easy to remove they show almost little to no effort to get the job done,BUT takes myself and two other people cussing,pushing and shoving to even BUDGE one side of it..mind you 45 minutes later and losing of ones mind ...mission accomplished.

I hate glitches in games,the whole purpose of having a safe room is so that I dont get beheaded by a zombie..but the fucker reaches thru the big steel door,pops my head like a dandelion and the game is over before I even start.


Why doesn't fonzie the bear get any play?screw Kermit!!I mean who doesn't love a man that can make her laugh and wiggle his ears so easily.


IM not proof reading this junk,its a rant..if you were here in front of my face and I went on about it..you would get stutters and cuss words added by the tons..so be lucky you not within walking distance.


Later days.


Nutella is your friend

Let's start off blunt, have you done anything sexual in the last 48 hours?
Depends on what YOU classify as being "sexual"....

Your phone rings, it's the person you fell hardest for, what do you say?
SHouldn't you be workin??errrr,I mean I love you :)

Where is the person you have feelings for?
Probably under a car.

What color are your eyes?
Take a look and find out for yourself.

Do you like the snow?
bah, I do like it..I just hate cleaning the crap off my car when I need to be somewheres in a hurry, or I cant pull up my driveway(starts on a nice little hill) due to the SNOW..and being called snow blower thru high school didn't help either.

Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?

Which did you discover first, myspace or face book?

What/who woke you up this morning?
My grizzly Bear,gotta get my mornin smooches before he leaves or im cranky all day.Swear.

Where did you sleep three nights ago?
In my bed<== sounds reasonable.

What color is the shirt your wearing?

The past 72 hours have you been under the influence?
Nah, I dont drink and such.

What are you doing at this very second?
Typing out the answer to this question.

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
well...no :(

What are you listening to?
The cars outside my window.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
The fall, I love the nice crisp smell of the air,and the beautiful colours that come with it.

Do you think your past mistakes made you into a better person?
Of course.

What are you planning on doing after this?
Going to get my kiddos from school,clean em up,cook supper..have a nice bubble bath,play some vids with my sis and friends theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen tuck my midgets in bed,give em some bedtime snuggles followed by some one on one time with my grizzly.

Do you have any pet fish?

Last night you felt..?
a tad blah,but better today.

Do you know someone you wish you had never met?
I wonna say yah, but I can't Because if I hadn't have met this person..I would be less two beautiful Men in my life.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I have a few already puddin.

You can get a puppy or a new car. Which do you choose?
New car I has a puppy.

Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you're at in life now?
No, because a couple years ago, I sure as hell didnt believe in marriage,or want to get married ever.

Are you open with your feelings to people?
Depends on how close I am with them.

When was the last time you were craving to get drunk?

What's currently bothering you?
My hair, just wont behave.

Target gift card or Hollister gift card?
huh and huh?
Did you smoke a cigarette today?
yuppers, just one thou.

Do you still pinky promise?
LOL all the time , with my kiddos and hubby..he think im being silly thou.

What is the last movie you watched?

Do you have both a loud side and a quiet side?
Yes I do, I am rather shy, until you get to know me and I get comfy..then ..poor you:(

Where did you go in a car last?
Take my kiddos too school.

If you found out that you were going to be a parent, what would you do?
We have been trying for another one,but god hates me so yeah. 3 is better then nothing so I will stop my bitching now:|

This past summer, did you have a "thing" with anyone?

Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Yuppers,my three best friends,Chris,Mattoe and Justin.

Your mood?

If you could change one thing this year about your life would you?
I would still have my grandmother,and we would have went to florida to visit chris's mom..and NC to visit Chri's dad.



Later days.

I loved this story when I was younger.

I told my grizzly bear once that I loved him more then salt and he looked at me like I was crazy..plus I really dont like salt LOL.

added salt that is yanno?

Anywho I found a version of the story..I dont think its from moss gown but its still close enough.

Maybe He will read it and get the idea of what I said,or just continue to think im losing it.

It truly is a lovely story,and makes me smile as I read it now.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, when most stories begin, there was a kingdom far away, where most kingdom's are. In this kingdom, there lived a king with three daughters. Now, this king was a fairly ordinary man, sometimes wise, sometimes foolish. He loved his daughters, and made certain they wanted for nothing,2

One day, the king wanted to know how much his children loved him. He put the question to them.
"My daughters, I crave to know how much you love me. Pray, tell."
The first daughter to speak was his eldest. "Father, I love you more than gold or silver."
The king was pleased that she loved him more than such valuable things, and smiled at her.
The second daughter, his middle child, spoke next. "Father, I love you more than diamonds and pearls, more than rubies and emeralds, or any other gem."
Again, the king was pleased to be loved more than such precious things. He looked to his third, and youngest, daughter.
"Father, I love you more than salt." She spoke simply, quietly.
More than salt? More than salt?! The king was displeased. He couldn't believe his daughter had compared him to something so common and coarse as salt. He was angry, thinking of all the gifts he'd lavished on her. Such was his rage that he banished her from the kingdom. She left without saying a word, simply carrying away a small box of salt in her pocket.3

The princess traveled to the next kingdom, where she worked as a shepherdess. Meanwhile, in her father's kingdom, something strange happened. As soon as the princess had crossed the border, all the salt began to disappear. At first, no one noticed. There was salt for their meat, salt for their broth, salt for their bread. Soon, though, the people realized that no new salt was coming into the kingdom. No matter how hard the caravans, ships, or gypsy traders tried, they could not bring salt beyond the border.4

After a while, the king fell ill. As he grew weaker, sicker, the royal physicians puzzled out what could be wrong. Finally, they decreed that the king needed salt, or he would perish. Until then, no one knew that salt was necessary for life. Tales of the king's plight reached beyond the borders, from town to town, and finally to a simple shepherdess' hut. When the princess heard of her father's illness, she went to him. She carried nothing with her but the clothes she wore and her box of salt. For long days, she walked, until she reached the palace. She made her way to her father's room, where he slept fitfully, close to death.5

The princess kissed her father on his sunken cheek and sat beside him. She cut a piece of bread, buttered it, and sprinkled salt over it. She managed to sit him up and coaxed the bread into him. He slept again, and woke a short time later, a little stronger. The princess called for broth, sprinkled salt in it, and encouraged the king to eat. He regained his strength slowly, after that, until he was well. He wept and held his daughter close.
"Daughter, can you forgive a foolish father?"
"Of course, father. I love you." She meant it, too.
From that moment on, salt flowed freely into the kingdom once more.6

The king never looked down on salt again, and he knew that his youngest daughter loved him best of all, for when she said "I love you more than salt.", she meant that she loved him more than that which gives life, which is a great love indeed.

 Later days..err mornins??no no..nights..ahhh you get the idea!!

whudda tramp!

I honestly dont know why this song came too mind,but I truly love the vocals and the sauciness of that pup!




Later days!!

The art of Stealing.

What color eyes do you have?

This lovely shade of brown,goes with everything. 

How tall are you?


Right handed or left?

Lefty I am,I believe im the only one in my whole family that is too.




Your Heritage:

im 100% me,and 0 % you.

sorry,french canadian,Mi Kmaq Indian,Irish and I believe thats it.

Your job:

Mother of 3,and student at the moment,left work after my last heart spasm.

 Do you like your job?love it,I really dont see me doing anything better.

Any tattoos/​piercings?The only things I have pierced now are my ears,I have 9 tattoos.

What underwear are you wearing right now?


The invisible kind?

What shoes did you wear today?

My purple ballet slipper style ones,it was rather warm here so I could totally get away with it!

 Do you play video games?


Do I play videogames?  *guffaw* *chortle* *snort*  Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start << im keeping this but adding a double tap.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?


I dunno,probably.Once upon a time I was rather childish and didnt think about other peoples  feelings.

 Have you ever had your own heart broken?yup, I believe a grand total of 3 times.

Favorite car:


Viper,blue with white sport stipes.

Favorite animal:kangaroos,I think its the whole motherly thing it has going on.I love seeing em carry around the wittle babies:)

Favorite soda:

Soda?? oh lord... my fave POP is sparkling cranberry with tons of ice!!!
or pepsi.



Favorite underwear:

I have little pink ruffle ones,I wonna pair of astro boy ones thou:|

 Favorite music:

I have way too many to name off, everything in moderation minus techo.

 Ever feel like you're not good enough?

There are times.

Do you want to be in a relationship with someone?

Unless you know something I dont, I recalling being in one already :S



Do you like anyone?

I like lots of people,they're placed in the friend category.

 Who was the last person to drive you somewhere?

ummm...I pretty much drive myself everywheres. I guess the last time someone did thou..was in an ambulance last year after I got in that car accident.

 Do you want someone you cant have?

yes, silver surfer.. but alas he is nothing more then a fantasy in my comic book dreams.

When was the last time you cried?

Watching my midget get a shot,he was crying and screaming" mommy,why are you letting him do this too me?!?!"





What is the last movie you watched?

Purple Rain.*sighs*



When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?

About 30 mins ago when Chris got past a campaign in the game that I have been trying too do since last night!!


effin tank:|



When was the last time you totally broke down?

When my ex loosen the bolts on my tires,and they almost flew off while driving on the highway with my babies in the car.


yup,I can pick em.

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?

Pink lemonade.

 Last person to worry about you?

I dunno?


Anyone crushing on you?


I dont think so,I mean I wasn't informed.

 Your ex shows up at your house what do you say?


Nothing, cus I would be too busy calling the police and telling them he is breeching his conditions on the restraining order.:)



Where is the person who has your heart?




Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a B?




If the year consisted of only two seasons, which would you choose?


Spring and Fall.<check!




Would you ever pick up gum from the ground and eat it?

If I wanted to be nasty,sure.





Do you have to wear retainers?


Do you own Vans? If so, what color are they?I used too,and they were pink and brown:)






video in comment section,cus I said so.

Tonight is the night!

Where I actually go and get my next tattoo, I am excited but since im waiting on my two main pieces this is gonna be something small BUT meaningful.

Least to me.

This is what I will be getting,sept it wont be black where the hair is..

What im going to get done is get all the people in my family(being my husband and 3 midgets) and I birthstone colours all thru it.

Its something different,something that NOONE else will have,and it will be MINE!

I think Its gonna come out beautiful.

Later days!


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