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sKiTtLeS's Status
sorry haven't been on lately, been going through some things.
Oct 19, 2012comment
dinner done, dishes washed , house cleaned, and now time to get ready for the Pacer game yup court side seats baby!!
Oct 16, 2012comment
yupp making dinner and its going to be awesome.. pork chops, brussle sprouts, green beans, stuffing and mash potatoes yummy yummy yummy
Oct 16, 2012comment
So i haven't been on at all been going through some things and being sick.. soooo anyways i will be on here for a bit
Oct 16, 2012comment
Going to bed, not feeling good. peace out
Oct 13, 2012comment
Just want to down in my sea of sorrow...
Oct 13, 2012comment
my ex left me a parting gift... We we're together so long not to mention I was told I can't get pregnant by 3 doctors.. but by miricle, I'm pregnant
Oct 12, 2012comment
yey i lvled
Oct 12, 2012comment
just need 1 more fan and 1 more like to lvl
Oct 12, 2012comment
rate and fan me so i can level please!
Oct 12, 2012comment
lol so yesturday my ex writes me this long email talking all this shiz about me basically trying to get me down and normally it works but instead of reacting as I normally would I just said eggrolls are good you should try one. I felt that was a better way
Oct 12, 2012comment
COME JOIN ME IN necrogoatholocaust666 lounge
Oct 11, 2012comment
They told me I was over qualified for the production position but they said they wanted me so they offered me a quality inspector position, working with micro meters and such. Moral of this I GOT THE JOB!!!!
Oct 11, 2012comment
life is nothin but a test to clear... did you have a heart while you were here, and was it sincere?
Oct 10, 2012comment
wow this site was 18+ I thought??
Oct 10, 2012comment
Gaming and caming, feel free to join so i can have some convo
Oct 10, 2012comment
ok broadcasting a lil bit of every type of music
Oct 10, 2012comment
Sick, no makeup but fuck it imma listen to some oldies and chill on cam
Oct 10, 2012comment
VERY sick, not camming tonight sorry ... Help a sista feel better though and R/F/A/B!
Oct 10, 2012comment
Just woke up but I'm broadcasting my mess lmfao RATE/FAN/ADD PLS
Oct 10, 2012comment
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