Looking forward to a wonderful 2012!!! Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. ~Mark Overby Could use a drink or two! :) All my soul follows you, love encircles you and I live in being yours. -- Robert Browning Finally back in residence after visiting my Master over the weekend...twas such a lovely time! i'm a happy girl this week! i get to go see my love this weekend! Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense. ~Mark Overby Moving pimpouts to level 40? Seriously? Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. -- Robert Heinlein Negativity gets you nowhere. Love is a smoke made with the fumes of sighs. -- William Shakespeare Just be still, child, and wait...the Lord works in mysterious ways... A year ago today, right here, i met my Master, the love of my life. Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat. ~Ben Hecht slave loves her Master very much. Big changes coming for bella... i adore my dear Master, MisterMagic, for the love and kindness he shows me every day! For you see, each day I love you more,Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. ~Rosemonde Gerard |