Hello everyone!! Great to be back. Just wanted to update everyone...my new job is going great. Next week I should be getting a "promotion", of sorts. Normally, I'd have to wait 90 days for any kind of promotion or position change. It's been 6 weeks since I started. Sorry haven't updated in a while. Been exhausted when I get home from work. Things are going great at work, with "positive feedback" from the bosses! Almost wishing "peak season" will hurry up and get here, so I can relax after the holidays! Til next time. Had a good 1st week of work. Tomorrow starts my 2nd week. Tomorrow is my first day at my new job. I am so thankful things are looking up for me now! Oh this rain makes me wanna stay in bed all day. Someone put me out of my misery, please...!!! It must not be meant for me to work. I've never had this much trouble finding a job. WTF! It's the weekend and I'm supposed to be going camping on the lake; but it looks like rain all weekend. BLAH Thanks to the 2 guys that helped me level-up.;p Trying to level up. Need to be fu-owned for $100,000. Anybody willing to spend that much on me?? Off this weekend! YEAH!! Going to my mother's for my daughter's b-day. Tomorrow, going out on the lake!!! Need to get my tan started. Going to the lake tomorrow! YEAH!!! Got the boat up there already. Can't stay out all weekend, I have to work on Mother's Day. Oh well, will still have fun. Off for 2 days. Getting boat ready to put on the water this summer. My weekend sucked; my day at work was uneventful; but I'm off tomorrow. Thank goodness for the good in the mist of the bad. Sitting here alone, roommate took off a couple of hours ago, don't know where he went. Got a bad headache. Need to go to bed, but can't sleep. What a Beautiful day!!! I love it! TGIF!!!!! Got to work tonight, but I'm off tomorrow. Yeah! Got a meeting at work today at 5pm. Hope it goes well. |