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Angel In Chains's Status
So...sat here...leveled to 50 go me. Did some rating, some liking, sent some drinks. Actually could sit here all day doing nothing. Maybe I will some day. Peace!
Apr 24, 2020comment
Fubar us unrecognizable to me. Things have changed and so have the faces. Peace out all
Apr 24, 2020comment
well...came saw rated a few....no faces i recognize flying along the top up there....well maybe happy hour guy...with work & four grandbabies not much time for the fu lately lol....luvs & hugs to all of u still out there!!!
Jul 8, 2014comment
amazes me how i keep leveling when i'm not even here...lol...course that's points not the other bull...hope everyone is doing good! luvs & hugs
Aug 26, 2011comment
thanks for the pimpout Wyocowboyup! ur the best :)
Aug 6, 2011comment
lmao! pop in to snoop...see all i need is a pimp out to level...and i haven't been here since may? well go me
Aug 6, 2011comment
Happy Mother's Day! I hope all you moms' out there are having a wonderful day :)
May 8, 2011comment
thank you daniel for continuing to be my owner while i'm not here...can't seem to find it in me to come back to fubar...too lonely here for me
Apr 30, 2011comment
what's the point?
Apr 17, 2011comment
so...found a bunch of my peeps over on facebook...which is where i am all the time now...find me there if you have one...Janette Swaney...laterkins :) peace and hugs
Apr 9, 2011comment
so anyway
Apr 8, 2011comment
been here once in 2 wks...stop in last nite...accept the 1 friend request i have & that person's #1 has the gall to snoop my page, not even leave a rate or a fan...you women & ur insecurities make me freakin laugh...btw...i rated & fanned ur jealous ass
Mar 29, 2011comment
thank you to the faithful few...and i mean few...who have never forgotten me...you are the reason that i still come back and peek in now and again...i just have no heart for fubar anymore with all the ghosts in the shadows :(
Mar 28, 2011comment
i take that back...in ravaging my blogs and posting them on facebook...i'm giving a few people the opportunity to realize that i am not the bubblehead they think i am...some people need a serious wake up call...js
Mar 15, 2011comment
i'm here to ravage my blogs...facebook needs some melancholy words today
Mar 15, 2011comment
time to get this done...2 years came and went early this week and i have yet to do anything...btw...thanks for nothing...you know who you are phfffffft!
Mar 13, 2011comment
seriously? now i know why i keep my distance...i love people who play games like their back in high school...blah
Mar 11, 2011comment
so anyway...nite
Mar 11, 2011comment
ok..so time to git...work at noon...yuck! hugs and luvs :)
Mar 9, 2011comment
off to wally world...need a new keyboard...this one is driving me nuts!
Mar 9, 2011comment
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