The average person has 1000 wishes. A Soldier has but one, to come home safe. I know 97% of you won't post this as your status, but the 3% that do are my friends. In honor of someone that died or is fighting for your freedom, please post!! My daughter-n-law is in labor, I'm gonna be g'ma soon!! :D Why do I keep coming back.......... Hope those thunder boomers come back!! Loved not having 104 degree weeks Happy 4th. Please take time to thank those that are serving or have served to give you the freedom we celebrate. *salute* Happy Mother's Day to all the mommys and to the single daddys that are raising their kids on their own. I miss my friends! :( lovenhugsnkissesnallthatgoodstuff!!! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.....are ya scared yet? Trying to keep in mind that every day and every thing should be considered an adventure and a chance to learn.......(damn its gettin hard to do :( ) Livin;, Lovin', Laughin' It WILL be a good day damn it!! :P Always missing the one...... Fu-versity 3/6! 5 years who would have thought |