67 Year Old
Invited by: PeggySuetreehug...·
Joined on May 4, 2007
Born on September 12th
53 of age old like hell, but still going strong*S*reporter and modellphotografer...nudist, wellbuild and love pink music and her look, like to take picture of here wenever its posible*S* THE INSTITUET OF COLOR PRODUKTION! 1974-1976 Sweden here whas mine first step to be an importent producer and potografher*S* SWEDISH MARINE CORE 1976-1980
jobb as an jornalist potografher to make commercial for swedish defens system...travelin whith the world wide warship alvsnabben...around the globe to make foren country to understand sweden and where we are lokated in the map*S*
67 Year Old
Invited by: PeggySuetreehug...·
Joined on May 4, 2007
Born on September 12th