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37 Year Old · From Leesburg, FL · Joined on November 27, 2006 · Born on February 13th · 1 referrals joined!
37 Year Old · From Leesburg, FL · Joined on November 27, 2006 · Born on February 13th · 1 referrals joined!

Name: TiffamyAge: 18Birthday:Feb 13 Current Gender: FemaleLocation:Leesburg,Florida (Buttfuck Egypt)Current Hair Colour:Faded out BlackHieght: 4'8"Wieght: 95lbsEye Colour: Mostly GreenNumber of Fingers and Toes: 10 each

37 Year Old · From Leesburg, FL · Joined on November 27, 2006 · Born on February 13th · 1 referrals joined!
Swings! Slides. Fairvilla. Shoes! Especially 7" platform heels. Eyeliner. Mascera. "Yamil" cookies Ice Cream! My nipple rings. And no, you can't see them. Pie It's the only good thing about my job. Climbing on the roof in the middle of the night. Nailpolish. Sleep. Even if I never get enough. Cookies. BAWLS. Swimming. My house. My cousins are the cutest. My phone. It's tiny like me. My Kitty. She'll pwn yours."Cause she's hardcore like that. Taking random pictures. Fishnet. DDR Sonic Nerds.
Aphex Twin Andriod Lust Bjork Combichrist Concrete Blonde Deftones Emilie Autumn Funker Vogt Fiona Apple Gym Class Heros Gorillaz God Module Hanzel Und Gretyl ICP Jack Off Jill KMFDM KoRn (old) L'amma Immortal MSI Massive Attack NIN Negative Format Nirvana Orgy Porcelain and The Tramps Placebo Presidents of the United States Radiohead SOAD Shiny Toy Guns Snake River Conspiracy Sublime Team Sleep Tech N9ne Unter Null VNV Nation Wumpscut Wierd Al Yankovic Zug Island
Alice in Wonderland Booty Call Chicago Donnie Darko Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Grease Hellraiser IT I <3 Huckabees Jeckel and Hide Killer Clowns From Outer Space Lion King Monty Python and the Holy Grail Natural Born Killers Old School Plan Nine From Outer Space Queen of the Damned Rent Secratary Trainspotting Unfaithful Van Wilder (National Lampoons) Waiting X-Files Fight the Future
Albert Fish. Snuffles. Elephante'.
Video Games
Sonic. Mario Vectorman. Lineage II Basically, any of the old games.

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