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41 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 26, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 5th
41 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 26, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 5th

My name is Brandon. I was born and raised in Lowell, MA. I don't have much to say here except..I've nothing but respect for all those who know me and whom have EARNED my trust. As far as fakes and posers go..they can all suck my ass. If you're real with me and show you can be trusted then more power to ya! Well if your still reading this is at least your showing some sort of interest. I'm open to conversation if it's real. Hit me up with any questions, comments or just to say hi.

41 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 26, 2009 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 5th
Here are just some of my interests and things I like...

Movies: Casablanca, Strangeland, Clockwork Orange, Pi, all the SAW movies, and anything with Will Ferrel.

T.V.: Family Guy, C.S.I., House, Prison Break, and The Simpsons.

Books: The Jungle, Helter Skelter, and anything on Albert Einstein.

Here is just a little bit of the music I like/listen to.

Johhny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, Tool, MushroomHead, KoRn, Atreyu, Life In Vain, Kamelot, any metal really. Also into some Blues and Classic Rock.

Video Games
I am not much of a "major gamer" but I do have a few games which I do greatly enjoy playing..

PC: World of Warcraft, Diablo, Wizards101, and Crossfire

PS2: Need for Speed (Whole series), Def Jam Fight for NY, Black, God of War (I and II), and Guitar Hero.

GBA: Just about anything for Gameboy.

Looking to get a Nintendo DSi soon, but finances a little rough at the moment.

Im open to any suggestions for things to play. Just keep in mind the only systems/consoles I have are what are listed above. Feel free to check out my music and general interests and make suggestions there as well. Thanks

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