You thank you know people, but you know nothing.
Their are so many ways to say somthing I say and say hello I say tamayto you say tomotto ( if I am spelling it corect.) I say I like I like youyou, and you say you ?. ?. ?. You say
Ok I see what you say has no meaning just words comeing from your mouth. I fall for the trap all the time. It set up and I see it and yet I still walk into it.
One day just one day I will catch those two
Those who go by the name of Fath and Desten other wise knows as Fate and Desteny. They come into our live and make them the way it should be we chose how to live our lives and they set in moshion.
I feail for those who are damed when they stand agenst you. Feair has no meaining until they turn on you then you face their full grount.
Ironey has little to no say she stand their and waite she judge only when it left up to her.
An you say you wonte to know me yet you do so little to show intres.
I like you and you say and do nothing in return.
You call this somthing I call it nothing.
I will end now and return to the world from whitch I came from. Enjory for u will never see me again