I sit here as usual working at night , on the computer, and I think over the past couple years. (yes I do mean serious thinking ) and I realise that I am missing something. Its not Stability, nor looks, its money(or lack thereof). See I questioned , what it is I maybe do so wrong, but I realise its not so much me..Money is useful , of that we have 0 doubt, but in the grand scheme of things does it really ever buy true love , and happiness ? Not unless you are purchasing a hooker and some alcohol, apparently. (since I dont purchase hookers I would not know) I do however drink. Now in retrospect, I think I have it figured out..or for my case anyway. I pay bills, I take care of my kids, I fuck like a champ, I am awesome relationship material, except I dont have a gold card ? Now , excuse me if I am wrong here, but just because I cant afford to buy you a new car doesnt make me less of a man, it actually makes me smarter than the dumbass(s) that do. Secondly Id rather not get a Gold Diggin Whore (Steel Panther song, Check em out) I actually want a decent female. So, I stay on the watch, but Apparently around where I am from , we dont have those even close to that. So, That being said, I wonder if there are any good ones that are at least cute with all their own teeth , anywhere close to where I am? If there are , instead of rolling the carpet up at 9pm, let me know. JEEZ.. Mind you there is truth to this small note here. But its not written to be bitter..its written to maybe help me make sense of what it is that I am missing, maybe i didnt get the memo on, or what have you. The issue however, remains the same..what has become of the good girls who are only bad girls behind closed doors ? My point is , is it still something so elusive ? or am i Truly looking in all the absolute wrong places , and finding jack shit but psycho women , or just plain stupid ones ? Anywho...decide yall ?