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Literacy Report

"We the People, of the United States of America." Can you read what that sentence fragment says? If you can, you have a Level One proficiency in literacy. Can you explain in your own words what that sentence fragment means? If you can, you now have a Level Two proficiency in literacy. Congratulations. A recently released report makes it very clear that US workers don't just lack job skills. The Pro Literacy President's State of Adult Literacy 2006 report, based on a survey released in December of 2005 by the US Commissioner of Education Statistics, spells out a very bleak forecast for employers. Each day, 99% of all workers perform some reading-related work. The amount of information the average adult in teh US is exposed to daily has increased significantly over the last 50 years. We multitask at work and at home. Television news "crawls" across our screens 24/7. Text messages about world news, financial markets, sporting events, and even teh weather alert us day and night. However, nearly half the population can barely read. According to the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) study, with results released in December 2005, only 13% of this country's adults have English reading and comprehension skills considered to be "proficient." This means that after reading a pamphlet about the dangers of high blood pressure that refers to the disease as "the silent killer," 87% of US adults could not answer correctly the question "According to the brochure, why is it difficult for people to know if they have high blood pressure?" Even more astonishing are the 11 million adults in the US with skills so low that they could not understand enough enough English to take part in the assessment. Another 29% have just the basic skills to complete everyday tasks, as long as the reading is short and the complexity is simple. Far too many workers cannot read and understand a newspaper article written at an eighth grade reading level or complete the type of math problem that is taught in the fourth grade. With employers scrambling to find skilled workers, the pool of qualified candidates shrinks dramatically when nearly half the population in functionally illiterate. The US claim, that they are the breeding ground for the world's best and brightest, is nearly empty. The US outperforms only Italy in literacy and numeracy, falling behind Norway, Bermuda, Switzerland, and Canada in both skill areas. This is only due to the high level of poverty and lack of public educational funding in Italy. The only face the US can save for this indictment on our society is that we are not alone. The United Nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization (unesco) estimates that there are 771 million illiterate adults in the world. In essence, 1/5 of the world's adult population does not have the ability to read and write, with understanding, a short, simple sentence about one's everyday life.

US Literacy Statistics

More than 20% of adults read at or below a fifth grade level (well below what they need to earn a living). 44 MILLION American adults can't read at all. 1/5 of high school graduates can't read their diplomas. 1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives. 42% of college graduates never read another book. 70% of Americans haven't visited a bookstore in five or more years. One of the largest and fastest growing groups of young people in the US is dropouts. In the United States, the annual high school dropout rate hovers at 34%. Twentynine Palms, California has a 55% literacy rate in adults 16 years and older. California has a 47% literacy rate in adults 16 years and older. According to the national government's survey on literacy, the United States has a 97% literacy rate. According to independent surveys, 50% of the US population can not read above a Level 1 proficiency.
Every dawn becomes a new day A time to love, a time to cry Every river knows its own way And its the same for you and i And every heart must have a reason A winding road, a midnight flight Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts We fight and die defending honor The pride and prejudice we hide A mothers tears, a fathers anger From trying to stop the pain and lies So we pretend to look for answers While I blame you and you blame me We dont need the pain anymore To move our mountains, to reach our shores What Ive found is the choice I bring What I can do to let freedom ring Freedom from the darkness Freedom from the violence Freedom from the hate Freedom from the fear Freedom from the hunger Freedom from the forgiveness Freedom from the past Freedom from the mistakes Tell the people now Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts ----------------------------------------------- Our ways are not His ways. Our time is not His. I'm slowly coming to that realization. I'm learning to let go of a lot of things I've carried for ages. I thought that finally bending my knee would be the most difficult thing I've ever done. I was wrong. Bending and acceptance were easy compared to letting things go. Learning that I am not alone, that no matter what I do, no matter where I go, that I am loved and accepted...it boggles my mind. I've always believed that despite my given name that I was unworthy of love. I know that I am imperfect, that I am difficult, that I test the patience of those who would be my friend. To apologise would indeed be lip service. I am who I am, for better or worse. To those who stay the course, I am deeply appreciative, and they should know that because of that, they have no more loyal a friend elsewhere. Life is not easy...nor should it be. Thank you though...to those who enrich mine. I only hope that I may do the same to them.
God's blood...but I am a fool. Not exactly a newsflash for some, I know. Pride doth indeed cometh before the fall. I can only pray that my feet come back under me on solid ground, and soon. Guilty, I may very well be. Of what, though? The first offense that springs to mind is that in my soul, I hold people to the same standards I set for myself. Those standards being honesty and consistency. Lord knows though, I've probably failed these standards more than a few times, and am bound to do so again. The joy of being human, I suppose. If I have another failing at the forefront of the rest, it is that I see only what I want to see in people. And I tend to believe in the best of them. A charming naivete in someone who's purportedly poisoned in her soul. I suppose though, if I lost that faith in others, I would lose everything within myself. In my heart of hearts, I do not particularly care what other's may think of me. Whether they like me or no, that is their decision. That they decide to respect me is also up to them. At the end of the day, regardless of feelings, I would have it that I've been aboveboard in my dealings with them, and entirely consistent. Beyond them is beyond me. Some may call this arrogance. They may very well be right. I call it a survival mechanism. I know that I am not the easiest person to deal with by any means (a vast understatement according to some), but again, I am who I am. I will not compromise that. My own fault in that is that sometimes I will waver and temporarily compromise that, thus provoking an ugly response from the other party when I come back to myself. For those I've wounded, I do apologise as it was never intentionally done. Let that be as a lesson learned, more so for myself. In Hamlet, Polonius tells his son Laertes: This above all: to thine ownself be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. --- For pleasing others above yourself is an empty, foolish, and prideful task. Rather: D. John. I wonder that thou, being,—as thou say’st thou art,—born under Saturn, goest about to apply a moral medicine to a mortifying mischief. I cannot hide what I am: I must be sad when I have cause, and smile at no man’s jests; eat when I have stomach, and wait for no man’s leisure; sleep when I am drowsy, and tend on no man’s business; laugh when I am merry, and claw no man in his humour. 8 Con. Yea; but you must not make the full show of this till you may do it without controlment. You have of late stood out against your brother, and he hath ta’en you newly into his grace; where it is impossible you should take true root but by the fair weather that you make yourself: it is needful that you frame the season for your own harvest. D. John. I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace; and it better fits my blood to be disdained of all than to fashion a carriage to rob love from any: in this, though I cannot be said to be a flattering honest man, it must not be denied but I am a plain-dealing villain. I am trusted with a muzzle and enfranchised with a clog; therefore I have decreed not to sing in my cage. If I had my mouth, I would bite; if I had my liberty, I would do my liking: in the meantime, let me be that I am, and seek not to alter me. Con. Can you make no use of your discontent? D. John. I make all use of it, for I use it only. --- Let us hope that I can but learn from my folly.

The Lost Cherry Scrolls

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....
Oops wrong scenario...
A long time ago on a site called Lost Cherry, A time when kindness, manners and friendship ran rampant. There was a discerning sense of ethics and etiquette. Now as the site has grown many of the old ways have become a thing of the past. Making way for a much more ¡°ME¡± orientated atmosphere. Luckily a lone internet scavenger stumbled across the dead cherry scrolls while rummaging through archives in a hidden data base. After hour upon hour the scrolls have finally been translated.
Baby Jesus said unto the people of Cherryland......
This site is my gift to you, go forth my children, make friends, rate, fan and add in the name of love.
I give you 10¡¯s and 11¡¯s for which to award our fellow brethren. Give them freely and give them often. The 1 through 9¡¯s are of no use and only there to fill space, using them may result in hurt feelings or a rash of 1¡¯s tossed right back at you. (rather damaging to your rating if you are new)
When receiving an offer of friendship through a request, take into consideration the time and love that was given to you in this process, do not merely accept but take the time to visit this new friend and show them the same kindness. (ie: yeah fan back butthead)
As you begin to age and acquire status, never forget how you got there or take for granted all the noobs struggling to be someone's friend. (don¡¯t think for one minute you have earned the right to be an ass)
NSFW pictures are an option not a requirement. Enjoy and accept the pictures each member has chosen to share. Do not shout at a lady or gentleman demanding to see pictures that are not accessible to you. Should you be granted access remember to rate and comment as this is a gift to you. (peeking without showing appreciation deems you an ungrateful pervert)
Creating drama is frowned upon,you are not expected to love everyone you come across, but you are expected to accept them for who they are. In the eyes of another they may be heaven sent. So your words will often hurt more than just the intended target. (in short if you don¡¯t have something nice to say STFU)
Entering contests to win free stuff is encouraged, however begging and whining for help will get you nowhere if you have not stepped up to help others. This is something that takes much time and effort and is a reward not an obligation. (your time is not more valuable than others)
Never assume that just because someone's status shows them online that they are actually hovering over their computer just waiting for YOU to contact them. Do not immediately become disgruntled and send abusive shouts because they did not respond in a timely manner. (this will often result in the block feature being tested on you)
Last but not least, it takes less effort to be kind than it does to be cruel, we are born with kindness, but have been taught to hate. Forget what you have learned and just do what comes naturally.

Here's a thought for those of us who live in Southern California: Isn't it thrilling to know that when you wish to take your life into your own hands, you have but to get behind the wheel and head for the nearest freeway? Cheers!
January 04, 2008 Who Will Control Your Thermostat? By Joseph Somsel "There is nothing wrong with your thermostat. Do not attempt to adjust the temperature. We are controlling your power consumption. If we wish to make it hotter, we will turn off your air conditioner. If we wish to make it cooler, we will turn off your heater. For the next millennium, sit quietly and we will control your home temperature. We repeat, there is nothing wrong with your thermostat. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... SACRAMENTO!"* Building codes and engineering standards are generally good things. Updating and improving codes and standards better protect us against earthquakes, for example, as we better understand the weak points and failure modes of existing construction techniques. Requirements that ensure proper handling of sanitary wastes can be largely credited with the increased life spans in industrialized countries through the reduction of communicable diseases. In California, we have 236 pages of state-mandated standards for building energy efficiency, known as Title 24. This prescribes methods for calculating the sizes of your home windows, the capacities of your air conditioner and heater, the thickness of the insulation in your attic. A small cottage industry has sprung up to perform these engineering calculations that are required for any new commercial or residential construction or major change to existing structures. While I've never personally been involved in this branch of retail professional engineering, I've had colleagues who would moonlight doing Title 24 calcs. It is now just part of the mandated paperwork involved in the construction business these days in California. A new revision to Title 24 is in the works for 2008[2] and it includes a number of improvements and enhancements that are largely good sense items and should be non-controversial. For example a new swimming pool will probably need larger diameter pipes between the pool, the filter and the pump than was former practice. This will reduce the fluid friction losses that your pump must overcome and hence reduce the pump's consumption of electricity, albeit at a minor increase in first cost for the larger pipes and fittings. Another good idea is a requirement for lighter colored shingles, the "Cool Roof Initiative." That is intended to reduce heat loss over cold winter nights by emission and heat gain on summer days by absorption. My neighbor and I both recently discovered that it is difficult to get roofers to NOT use dark colored shingles for some reason. Having a little state muscle behind us will help, especially for renters. What should be controversial in the proposed revisions to Title 24 is the requirement for what is called a "programmable communicating thermostat" or PCT. Every new home and every change to existing homes' central heating and air conditioning systems will required to be fitted with a PCT beginning next year following the issuance of the revision. Each PCT will be fitted with a "non-removable " FM receiver that will allow the power authorities to increase your air conditioning temperature setpoint or decrease your heater temperature setpoint to any value they chose. During "price events" those changes are limited to four degrees F and you would be able to manually override the changes. During "emergency events" the new setpoints can be whatever the power authority desires and you would not be able to alter them. In other words, the temperature of your home will no longer be yours to control. Your desires and needs can and will be overridden by the state of California through its public and private utility organizations. All this is for the common good, of course. In some technocratic worldview, it does have a justification. California's population growth and its affluence have strained the state's electric and natural gas resources. Famously, rolling blackouts have occurred due to shortages of electrical generation during peak periods. Unbeknownst to most citizens, short supplies of natural gas during cold weather have resulted in curtailments of delivery to industrial and large commercial customers. Those last kilowatts tend to be very expensive kilowatts and tend to drive up the average cost of electricity for all. But the discomforts of compliance will fall unevenly across the state. Come the next heat wave, the elites might be comfortably lolling in La Jolla's ocean breezes or basking in Berkeley by the Bay, while the Central Valley's poor peons are baking in Bakersfield and frying in Fresno. California's coastal climate, where the elites live, seldom requires air conditioning. I've lived a middle class life style in Mill Valley, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo and now San Jose, and never have I lived in a home with air conditioning. Even in relatively warm San Jose, separated from the Pacific Ocean by the Coast Range, ceiling fans will get a family through the worst. How will the state ensure compliance and prevent free riders? As above, coastal elites are already free riders as they will see the benefits while paying none of the costs except for the higher first cost of a PCT. For initial construction or home remodeling, it will be one of those items a building inspector will check before signing a certificate of occupancy. Replacing one's mandated PCT with a bootleg unit from Nevada should be within the skill of most homeowners. A low powered FM transmitter might easily be devised to override the broadcast commands for low cost. Even a metal wire shield around your PCT could block its FM reception. Adding a window air conditioner or an electric space heater are other work-arounds as neither have requirements for PCTs - yet. Sweating for the common good is for the chumps. Another problem is that PCTs will obscure the price signals to power plant developers telling them that it will be profitable to build additional generation. As explained in this article, a deregulated electric market will come to resemble other commodity markets, like pork bellies, where shortages cause high prices that induce new capacity and low (or obscured) prices inhibit investment. When bacon prices are high, farmers arrange dates between their sows and their boars in hopes of future, profitable piglets. When bacon prices are low, farmers are more interested in chastity for their herds. If the state "shaves" peak loads by adjusting your thermostat during "price events," generators will not receive the higher prices. This effect will reinforce electrical shortages much like rent control discourages apartment building. The real question poised by this invasion of the sanctity of our homes by state power is -- why are we doing this? It seems to me to be the wrong fix for a problem that we don't have to have. The common sense alternative is to build new power plants so that power shortages don't occur. Of course, they can't be coal or nuclear power plants! The coastal elites have their minds set against those undesirables. The state has wasted billions of our dollars on wind generation that hasn't helped to meet peak loads. For natural gas, offshore drilling should be considered. While we have one liquefied natural gas terminal in Mexico supplying us with Indonesian and, in the near future, Russian, LNG, another receiving terminal to be supplied by Australian LNG was rejected by the State Coastal Commission. While nowhere in the Bill of Rights is there explicitly a right to set one's own thermostat to whatever temperature one desires (and is able to pay for), the new PCT requirement certainly seems to violate the "a man's home is his castle" common law dictum. Californians have until January 30th to send their opinions and comments on the pending revisions to Title 24 to the California Energy Commission[1]. Legislators too[2].
Kesho asubuhi, mimi ni taka Vegas siku tatu. Du maalum. Mimi ni taka Amboy, Kelso Depot, na Nipton mosi kwa Steve Brown na le Sunrunner. Wewetakia mimi bahati. Mifuta ni taka na le njia ya kukata. Ninahiari na le njia kuu. Nilisimulia Ashley kwangu Swahili ni visa.

Harlem Wine

This is not water running here, These thick rebellious streams That hurtle flesh and bone past fear Down alleyways of dreams This is a wine that must flow on Not caring how or where So it has ways to flow upon Where song is in the air. So it can woo an artful flute With loose elastic lips Its measurements of joy compute With blithe, ecstatic hips. -Countee Cullen
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