52 Year Old
Invited by: spitfire69 ITS ...·
Joined on January 27, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on June 18th
Status: Married Here for: Friends Orientation: Straight Hometown: Fort Wayne, IN Zodiac Sign: Gemini Smoke / Drink: Yes / Yes Children: 2 kids Education: College graduate Occupation: shipping@recieving
Eye Color: hazel Hair Color: brown Height: 5'9" Weight: not telling Piercings: three Tatoos: nope Overused Phraze: ya what ever!
FAVORITES Food: chinese Candy: any thing chocolate Number: lucky 7 Color: black and gold Animal: not sure Drink: diet dew Alcohol Drink: long islands Bagel: onion Letter: don't have one Body Part on Opposite sex:the butt!!!!!!!
This or That Pepsi or Coke: neither McDonalds or BurgerKing: bk Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon Hot tea or Ice tea: iced tea Chocolate or Vanilla: both Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee Kiss or Hug: kiss Dog or Cat: both Rap or Punk: rap Summer or Winter: winter Scary Movies or Funny Movies: scary movies Love or Money: love
YOUR... Bedtime: whenever the kids get to bed Most Missed Memory: my grandpa yelling at my sisters and i to get down out of the tree. First Thought Waking Up: oh i have to go to work yuke Goal for this year: Best Friends: tracy Weakness: when my kids cry Fears: na Longest relationship: 8 years with my husband
HAVE YOU... Ever Drank: yes Ever Smoked: yes Pot: yes Ever been Drunk: yes Ever been beaten up: depends Ever beaten someone up: yes Ever Shoplifted: no Ever Skinny Dipped: yes Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite Eye Color: brown like my hubbies Favorite Hair Color: brown Short or Long: short Height: depends Looks or Personality: personality Hot or Cute: cute Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol sometimes Muscular or Really Skinny: somewhere in th the middle
RANDOMS Number of Regrets in the Past: a few What country do you want to Visit: france How do you want to Die: in my sleep Been to the Mall Lately: no Do you like Thunderstorms: yes Get along with your Parents: yes Health Freak: no Do you think your Attractive: sometimes Believe in Yourself: most of the time Shower Daily: yes Been in Love: still am Do you Sing: maybe
52 Year Old
Invited by: spitfire69 ITS ...·
Joined on January 27, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on June 18th
Just thought i'd say HI,while I was flying by!Be sure to stop by my page and FAN me, RATE me,Comment on my pic's.If you would like to learn more about me, come check me out!
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