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Axetapper's blog: "Tapper's Riffs"

created on 06/18/2007  |  http://fubar.com/tapper-s-riffs/b93026


Seems some of my family members have taken it upon themselves to believe that they, right or wrong,like

to try and impose their will upon other family members as it pertains to me.Let me be clear...

This is Fubar and Fubar is A social networking online website. It encourages making new friends..it

encourages lust in some cases and it encourages other things that promotes friendship and maybe more.

As I see it, I live in Canada..I love my country and I'm likely never to permantely reside elsewhere. My

family members live in their countries and likely feel as I do about their homeland countries. That

leaves us all with a dilemna. How do we, as individuals, who might happen to find somebody we might

consider babe material, access meeting them in person. The US and Canadian Govt's have made international

travel a fuckng nightmare; thanks to 9/11

First off, long distance romance can truly not come to fruition unless both parties find a way to meet in

person. I have, to date, not met ONE family member in person. While I totally adore my family members, I

truly cannot say that I am " in love" with any of them; if for any other reason than the mere fact we

have never touched nor seen each other in person. So any of you who think I"m going to cave into some

arbitary lifestyle you have cooked up inside your heads, well it aint going to happen.

Next, some of my family members are far too concerned about which order of importance any one of you stand within my heart. Fact is, I hate decisions where I must choose this or that. I'm here to relax and enjoy the company around me..Not listen to this that or the other about what person said or did this or that.

Finally, If I have to..and the bitchery won't stop about one another in either my shout, my email here or

private email, I will deprioritize my family member status and let Fubar decide the order of importance.

I love all of you for a variety of reasons and cherish all of you wonderful women for reasons that I cant

really put into words...but if you girls truly understood a fucking thing about me, you would let me love

all of you without conditions or expectati0ns: and if all of you. who claim to love me so much, would

just let me love you all without a bunch of drama, your BRY would be a very happy guy.

Be cool and enjoy the Fu

Big Bang Fuck UP

I've been robbed twice now of the the Big Bang MVP. Yep followed all the rules..and on completeion of the 5th stack, the damn system would not credit it me with the 5th stack and kept getting hung up on one more to go..no matter what..one more to go.

Yes I know some of you have it and congrats on battling out the glitch as well as the needless bouncer checks in the middle of it where timing is of the essence, but too many others have shared with me how the system if flawed and essentially doesn't work.

Hey man, try finding 5 people on here running 5 blasts at the same time that you can even think about trying to  make an achievement out of. That in itself is an achievment. But to have it fuck up and fail twice and to have a needless bouncer check in it too and apparently I'm not the only one here with this issue.

Hey Fu..wer'e getting hosed here. The system doesnt seem to work and the bouncers are  here to ensure it stays broken too. I mean, WTF is this all about. Wrote Scrapper and told him what happened but hey, as much as he cares, he needs snapshot proof in order to award. Next time I do it, I'll be sure to include the damn bouncer check so he can see what I"m talking about. She's a senior bouncer and knows better too. That's just fucking mean.

So Fu, one rant in the books, part two yes but hey, enjoy and feel free to say how you feel

Hey Fu..Axe here..well here I am at Level 57 and I'm realizing that from here on in, I will never ever Level again with the present Level requirement of top 10 Dude/Dudettes of the week.

That is a ridiculous requirement and attempts to force you, me or anybody else  at that level, to become a TOP 10 member ;even for a week..just to level. I call that greed and promotes narcissistic behavior and empowers those that are already REDS with too much control over who gets in and who doesn't. In short, its a rigged game that empowers favoritism, narcissism and and anti social behavior that will cap the achievement levels of most people. What I'm saying here is that in order to become a TOP 10 member, you have to supplant a RED and in order to to do that,  you have to be so far up too many REDS asses that when they brush their teeth, you're winking at them.

As things stand, I will never ever level again..I've been here almost 7 years..I have over 400k profile rates yet I will never ever get the top 10 lifetime acheivements because I apparently just wont suck whatever cock it is around here that awards these acheivements to others as I've encounterd many with much less who already have that achievment. Management as usual doesn't care. Favoritism rules around here so there we have it.


In short Fu, before long, as things stand, I wiill begin the process of not logging in here daily. I come here essentlially for friends and family but if the game is stacked against me and I can't possibly advance then fuck it  if you can't offer a fair game to everybody, then just shut up and go home, cancel the website and lets all get on wtih real life because this place has become a rich mans moneypit.


PS Fu: Don't like how things are or how they have become? Wank to Scrapper..Wank to Fu Support. No sense telling bouncers. They only exist here to interupt your fun and work flow with needless checks because they think you need it. I mean, if they mattered to anything, would they at least not be paid for their time?


What Has The Fu Become

Fu has evolved from Lost Cherry to Cherry Tap ( when I joined) to just Fubar as it is known now. Since the early days many things have changed and many people have come and gone for an assortment of reasons but I stayed on.

A few years ago level requirements were added to the system which gave the place a sense of purpose and direction and focus on here and along the way various acheivements were added to sweeten the pot shall we say.

Lately though, especially since the advent of Pony Polish requirements to level and most recently High Value Bling polishes requirements, there seems to be a change in the direction of people and how they see things to the point that courtesy and respect for one another are being disregarded.

There are profiles on here whereby you are not allowed to polish certain items unless you pay or otherwise pledge some kind of severance to the profile owner. I find it particularly sad that some of these people, who are already level 57, insist upon visitors to their profiles pay to polish or whatever these needs of theirs so demand. I ask " Have your heads grown so big that you can't find it within yourself to allow others to visit your profile without renumeration simply because you have reached the Top Level?

I find this kind of behavior "antisocial". This is a social network..Why are you behaving in an antisocial way? .Some members have been blessed with 10, 15 or more of some very expensive bling and yet you find it necessary to "charge to polish" GIFTS  THAT CAME FROM ANOTHER MEMBER TO YOU"?  Is your head now too big to fit thru the ego door that you feel  must charge others just to take in your aura of your success?


Anyways, it would be nice if we could return to more friends helping friends way instead of this F**k You A**hole way that has emerged..


Ya I know..my rant..my wank..leave comments on how you feel and if you like how things are or not..Its all good no matter what..Enjoy The Fu..It should be fun. 

New Layout

Well apparently, my profile as well as others out there have been changed in that all your plugins from photobucket, picture trail or other places have been wiped out...You might want to check your profile under " View as others see it" and see if yours look ok..Mine now looks like shit..All the headers are there but no plugins... Apparently, I have to restart and apparently, you can't use the HTML code that we used to use from other places now to fix it either as it won't take.. Thanks Fubar for cheering me up


Well...Here is something that is a pet peeve of mine on here...It would seem that all the surveys on here for 10,000 Cherry Points are for US residents only and so I can't participate in any...I am limited to in the things I can do on here because of it... That means the amount of gifts I can give people is severely limited by the Cherry Tap policy or whomever's policy it is.... What do you guys think?

Tapper's Vids

Hey Man...My friends and fans...Tapper(Brian)..needs your help....I created a .wmv file and it is created from Windows Movie Maker...It is me playing Happy Birthday and I will share that with people who are my friends...but here's the deal.... 1. I need to know if I can successfully upload my personal video that I created on this PC in Windows Movie Maker with XPSP2 as my operating system to share with My friends on their Bdays only and ..... 2. If I ever need help with doing shit on here and making things work out and maximizing my webpage and making it better, my friends will always help me...Right? If that is a go, answer Question 1 cause one of my online friends is having a Bday on the 27th, I thought it would be a great way to get this thing off the ground... Why am I doing this? Why not....It makes everyone just a little bit more happier than they were when they got up...That's why!

Cherry Tapping

Well...hey..Here is my first blog and it's on Cherry Tap but as I like to call the experience on here.."Cherry Tapping"... I like the quick messages and the layout and I think there is a chat room but as of yet, I have yet to experience that.... I can't believe all the wonderful people and hot looking ladies on here...Hubba Hubba Anyways, more stuff to follow but for now, gotta go Tapping.
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