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42 Year Old · Female · From Lehigh Acres, FL · Joined on July 2, 2007 · Born on March 27th · 1 referrals joined!
42 Year Old · Female · From Lehigh Acres, FL · Joined on July 2, 2007 · Born on March 27th · 1 referrals joined!

I have brown eyes, and everyone I meet tells me how expressive they are. I love country music, but I'm not a redneck. I also love pop music, rock music, euro-pop, indie rock, and almost every other type of music there is. I think you should judge on quality of song, not have biases on an entire genre. I make the same wish on every birthday candle, and first night star. I can watch Sex & the City for hours at a time, but can also be ready to go anywhere in less than ten minutes. I'm stubborn & opinionated, but if you change my mind, I'll respect you for it. I don’t like liars. I don’t have an addictive personality. I've smoked pot. I used to drink too much. I have a naive belief that everything will turn out okay, and so far I've been right. I'm always smiling. I owe a lot of student loans. I sometimes drive too fast, but I’ve never been caught. I work hard. I feel the need to prove myself in almost every situation. I have a need for approval that sometimes scares me. I'm an overachiever. I get on fitness kicks, but otherwise, I don’t go to the gym enough. I have a great memory, but I won’t remember your name the first time we meet. I drive an old Corolla. I’ve spent 5 years in college. I’ve had 3 different majors. I love Christmas, and my cheeriness during the season sometimes annoys people. I have brown hair, but sometimes it’s blonde, or red. It has been purple and blue. I love the city. I want a country house, and an uptown apartment. I want a wraparound porch, and a view of the Manhattan Skyline. I love to sing. I love to dance. I’m insecure in some situations. I'm usually the center of attention, but rarely like it. I'd never hurt anyone on purpose. I want to change my own oil, but can't get anyone to show me. I want to change a tire, but I've never had a flat. I've been infatuated, I’ve been in love. I'm looking for someone who complements me, not someone who mirrors me. I love to argue. I can't be taken seriously. I'm sarcastic. I'm witty. I fail simple classes, and I ace the hard ones. I have problems with motivation. I want to be important. I want to be relied on. I was popular in high school, but I wasn’t cool. I’ve had a tongue ring, and various other piercings and now I have a good job. I was told those things never coincided. I love my mother, but I wish she would grow up. I'm an insomniac. I like to be alone. I like to read. I think good books should always look worn. I know every word of every cheesy 80’s song. I love Moulin Rouge. I have a little sister who will always be my friend. I'm stuck somewhere between childhood and adulthood, and sometimes it scares me. I've never been homeless, and I've never been unemployed. I eat too many carbs when I'm upset. I scrape the frosting off my cake and leave it. I always let my hair grow too long between cuts. I have bad eyesight. I need to go to the dentist. I do community service for fun. I give blood when I'm not anemic. I hate Macs, but I want an Ipod. I think South Park used to be funnier. I don't think Austin Powers was ever funny. I've had the chicken pox twice. I spend too much time online. I was born in Philadelphia. I would love to travel, but the only places I’ve ever been outside of Philly and Florida are DC and Buffalo. I took 5 years of Spanish, and speak it every day. I took 10 weeks of Sign Language, and I think it was worthwhile. I wish my name were less common. I love the name Jayden. I like to shop alone. I think Disney is incredibly romantic, and I know that makes me a corporate whore, and I don’t care. I hate labels. I hate even more when people label themselves. Trains creep me out. I don't eat blue things, ever. I believe ESP is possible. I believe that aliens exist, but not that they've visited Earth. I look silly in hats. I love big dogs. I don’t like to clean in front of people. I have a scar on my legs from a surgery. I think all Wal-Marts should be open 24 hours. I love coconut. I'm allergic to milk, but I drink it anyway. I really don’t like the taste of beer, even after 5 years of trying it, but sometimes I drink it anyway. I've kissed a girl. I've never played golf. I think honesty is the most important part of any relationship. I hate socks. I am usually always warm. I don't understand racism. I hate waterbeds. I've had feelings for a man 14 years my elder. I never carry an umbrella. I have very pale skin. I love Boston. I can spend all day in an art museum. I am moved every time I see the Lincoln Memorial. I want to drive cross-country. I want to see Ireland. I love quiet little shops that smell like incense and don't make any money. I love the ocean. I sleep like a baby when it rains. The smell of Nag Champa makes me want to laugh, cry, and make love all at the same time. I love that feeling. I think a lot of people just need to relax more often. I don't usually take my own advice. I hate clutter, but I'm a packrat. I've had the same screen name for 7 years. I don’t usually get along with females. I think flirting should be a sport. I sing in the shower. I wish I were a little taller. I'm impulsive. I'm not moody. I want to learn to ride a horse. I think I want to hang glide, but I might change my mind last minute. I never apologize for my feelings. I put salt on almost everything. I pay someone to wax my eyebrows. I need a back massage. I'm independent, but I'm worried I'll never get married. I like guys to do things for me, but to never doubt I could do them myself. I love to drive. I play poker. I don't understand the draw of gambling. I hate white walls. I think most people need to learn cell-phone etiquette. I have impeccable manners. I'm an empathetic person. I vote for whomever I think will do the better job, regardless of party. I have very little self-control in some instances, and very good self-control in others. I don't like my bagels toasted. I don't separate my darks & whites. I love candles. I do my own taxes. I'm "gifted", but I'm not exactly sure what that means. I think a Christmas tree should tell the story of a family. I'm ambitious. I don’t worry about my own safety, even when I should. I'm not very observant. I think my choice of music both reflects my mood, and influences it. I respect people who work hard, and aren't afraid to be themselves. I'm a completely different person then I was a year ago, and I’m finally who I want to be. I expect to be a completely different person a year from now. I think extended family is important. I don’t really like sweets, but I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think Get Fuzzy is the best comic strip in the newspaper. I don't forward email jokes, or respond to chain mail. I want to travel. I want to make the most of my life, and I'm scared I won’t. I once wrote an English paper that made my teacher cry. I think birth control is a good idea. I think gay people should be allowed to get married. I think pot should be legal, but I don’t use it. I sometimes wonder how the smallest difference in my past could have made me a completely different person. I believe in nature setting boundaries, and nurture filling in the empty spaces. I want to learn to play the guitar. I believe in fate. I'm superstitious. I think religion is a type of psychology, and can be good, or bad. I'm agnostic. I sometimes talk to god, but I know I'm really talking to myself. I think I want to adopt at least one child, even if I have others myself. I'll never be a stay at home mother. I don't agree with home-schooling. I think high schools encourage intelligent students to go to college too early. I love the fall. I wish seasons were half the length they are, and happened twice a year. I don't look good in gold. I'm attracted most to a guy who can captivate me with conversation. I hate when people feel bad for themselves. I don't believe there are very many excuses for being helpless.

42 Year Old · Female · From Lehigh Acres, FL · Joined on July 2, 2007 · Born on March 27th · 1 referrals joined!

I love to sing Karaoke, I like movies, and without music I wouldn't be able to survive.
I like to paint pottery...
I love concerts...
What I don't like are close-minded people, hypocrites, dishonesty, and people who play god with others.
Basically, as long as its not pre-fab pop, mtv neo-glam metal, mindless post-gangsta hip hop, redundant e-tard techno, or that mid-western lousy excuse for music that would make Patsy Cline roll over in her grave, I generally like it.
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