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59 Year Old · Male · From Quebec, Canada · Joined on November 2, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 20th · 1 person has a crush on me!
59 Year Old · Male · From Quebec, Canada · Joined on November 2, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 20th · 1 person has a crush on me!

photo picture074_zpsc2eea5cc.jpgHello! and WELCOME to my page, I have been here for a very long time! as most of you already know? My name is Rob! I am a fun loving kinda guy with a bit of a kik:@ I am not gay or Bi-sexual or Bi-curious, so if your a guy and ya wanna be my friend? then respect! I have many friends on here that I have known for years!! and are very close and dear to me! so you mess with them? and you mess with me:@ I love doing anything that is fun,,,,,,,of course living is laughing and having a good time with friends and family Loving? I love my kids more then life its self, nothing means more to me then they're happiness. yes I was married for 11yrs once and only time, she will have to be one special lady for me to get married again.....jfs I love heavy metal, to me there is no better and talented music played by 3 or 5 guys or women for that matter, if you can play that type of music? then you can play anything..My Zest for life? thats easy! I just want to live my life to the fullest, and laugh until my sides hurt, and love until I die!!! not to much to ask! so? with that in mind? I am here for your questions should you have any? and always willing to help all I can. your friendship is sacred to me, and I cherish everyone of you! please don't be affraid to talk to me, for I am an open book and have nothing to hide....HORNS UP!! and if your into mafia? feel free to add me there as well!! live/Laugh/Love.....Always~(h) ~Rob~ ZThkNmNlOGNkYmVmOQ==.gif
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59 Year Old · Male · From Quebec, Canada · Joined on November 2, 2010 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on June 20th · 1 person has a crush on me!
METALHEAD till death!!! love the dark,thunderstorms,things that go bump in the night,metal chicks rule!,playing drums,hangin out with my kids,horror movies,hunting,fishing,fourwheelin,snow mobiling,and nude sun bathing OH YEAH! AND REDHEADS TOO!!gemini.......Photobucket

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