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51 Year Old · Male · From La Porte, IN · Owned by DNO Synyster UK... and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on February 4, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th
51 Year Old · Male · From La Porte, IN · Owned by DNO Synyster UK... and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on February 4, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th

I,m single been divorce for over 2yrs now i,m a dad of 3kids all from the same ex no off springs,lol, i,m ready to find my new half of my heart, friend ,best friend lover, til times end, i,m affectionent ,passionate, love attention as well give the most attention, honest, loyal,faithful ,not into sharing,i,m just a one man for one woman ..i,m very laid back ,settled an stable, love affection an in public as well, i,m always at home with my kids caring for them there my world, and yes i have full custody,so its hard but still have all the time in the world, i,m very simple, love to be home where the heart is, love to talk big or small, as long as there,s understanding and communication and we know what life is and want from it then i feel we be amazingly great, and will make the most each day an love one another an give ur all ,never take a heart for granted, I can say I was married for 10yrs an together for 13years faithfully, and I just happen to meet her thru friends of friends I didn't have anyone in my life, and everythg going for me which I still do but I single now with kids an there mom does'nt care to see them ..do I like to be single 'NO I don't, have I tried yes I've been on dating site,s that just lead to nothing, and where do the single woman hang out here is a mystery to me cause I want to know , and to its hard to find that woman that wants a man that has full custody of his kids, there great kids ,I love them to pieces,an I. Had to do what's right,its hard for me to be mom in there life, I can do everything, but I can't give them that mother instincts
that a real woman can give a child, an I feel its important for a child to have that role in there life, all I can do is do my best..
In the end of the day's all I can say is I'm a great father,love my kids, I,m a very affectionent, passionate, loyal,kind heart,compassionate, understanding,,loving man ,that always trust people from the start,I don't drink,smoke don't do bars or pubs, I just feel everything you want an need is at home, there's always somethg to do from cleaning,mowing, planting, surfing the net, writing in my journal, playing on the ps3, sooni will be cleaning the pool ,the kids love there days under the sun,or just running freely in the 23 arches of yard,woods,,and too we may just walk to the lake which is a 5 minute walk, or 3 blocks the other way is the mall,an just downtown to everythg..don't get me wrong I do have my free time much of my time is nothing but that, of there grandma and pa live just 100 feet from my home which they gave me a a house which is a blessing, and the kids like the idea of being close to them,lol my parent are amazing they been together/married for 40yrs and I,m 39 so what does that tell you about them they are old hippies but live modren, ...as for what kind of friends I have, well I don't have none, lost them thru the years while I was married,I thought I had everythg I needed, but again I was wrong, but hey that gives the next woman more of my attention right,lol...anyway as I was saying before I really didn't know my ex she had a lot to hide and I was just there, she was,not a woman I would of pick,but I took word of (great friends),not... for years I been push away,rejected, made up fights so she could leave the house to be with whoever,then the last 4 yrs of are marriage, it all stop, cold as dead of winter, but I kept my vows and tryed but nothing work, it killed me cause I,m not the type of person she was, I have a heart,and soul,that knows how to love unconditionally, and that last day as I came home from work early,another man was in my home,I just turned and walk away without a word,all she said was sorry,and she has problems,and I say so but I knew that is,not the woman nor type of marriage want,I don't share,I want a woman I can Call just mine as I,d be just her,s, ...I,m ready to meet a woman that wants a man ,two years been long enough an I know what I want, and its simple ,and if any woman think there interested well hear I am I,m serious and sincere, and I,d never say anything I don't mean or give false hopes, I,m ready to be happy again fully and make a amazing beautiful woman happy too with the heart I have to offer and surly will be totally yours if you really want this man, that knows what happiness is in life..thanks you for reading, yes it may go everywhere but its how I explain it and it comes for the heart.. the main is i,m affectionate,passionate,honest,loyal,caring,i,d giv my life for that one,faithful,dont like cheaters or cheating, cause it happened to me,my ex had another man in my home as i came home early from wrk , anyway i,m layed back,settled, understanding, wear my heart on my sleeve,, i thinkb8,m too trusting but that me, i may repeat some thgs but i want you to know, me, an i,m here for that personto love an hopefully want as i do cause God knows i do...

51 Year Old · Male · From La Porte, IN · Owned by DNO Synyster UK... and is worth 1 coin. · Joined on February 4, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 14th
Mmm, i love to play guitar which i,ve been playin since the age of 6yrs old, yes i,m very good, i love journal write about each day, i,m a big fan of playstation3, my game is m9dren warfare3n i own my games more then i should have,lol but varity is good, i love to cook, my fav color is blue, my eyes are blue, i,m 5,7, i own my own home, which my parent gave it to me, i love to garden specailly flowers, there amazingTentative.gif my parent are ole hippies, and they been married for 40 yrs, and they love each other as they day they met, i,m the only child they had yes i,m spoild, i,m bless and grateful for them an what they do to make my life as easy as possible, i dont have a bill to worry about, i,m a single divorce father of 3, i have full custody of my kids, my ex isnt in there lives as a mother should be she is to buzy, partying an finding a different man for each day of the yrs , she was a woman i didnt know, i take relationship serious an it means somethg to me, my body an love is and will only will be for one, that want a heart soul, an a man as me , yes i,m tired of being alone an single, it suxs , i never thought i would be where i,m at today, but i keep to my marriage vows regaurdless, intil tht bitter end , yes karma was there onmy side in the end, all i want is a woman that wants honesty,faithfulness,affection,passion,communication,compassion, loyal,,understanding, ,i want to wake up an fall asleep next to my woman day after day, til times end, i know what feels wonderful in life, i know what hurt is too, and i dont want to ever feel that again, so if ur wanting a man an ur single ,ready for change and make that amazing change for my heart i have to give you then here i am its ur,s please dont hurt my world as i would hold an protect ur heart as i do my children, i,m a simple guy that has all the time to be wirh you if you have the time to want to be by my side thru life, i,m stable an settle and i,m ready, and all i can say is i,m 100% sure i know what i want, now am i what you want? Hope to hear from that woman you be the most happiest to have found e as i hope you do find me cause i want to be found, i,m here to have, but only one will ever have my world whand to which is my heart...i love walkn out in the wooded trails, down by the lake, an just take my time cause i,m in no hurry but i will get there, ,sorry if i repeat my self its tht i want u to know this me ,love this me and hope you could want this me, cause i feeli,m a wonderful man specially what i went thru, and for me taking care of my kids they deserve a decent life, if they will ever havea mother figure i dont know, i wish an pray every night that i do find such a woman that see,s and feels what k8nd of man i really am, i dont know what to prove, but i do hav a beatuiful heart to give an child that love unconditionally as i do wellthat enough once again will write more as it come to thought..your always sincerely,shane
I love anything of a great beat,an sounds good, I,m an avide guitar player Tentative.gif I been playing since the age of 6yrs old.my dad been my teacher thru my life and I never stop playing, its a beautiful instrument, I never played in front of anyone,or my ex,cause she didn't enjoy music so I just never played,I would love to play to someone one day,but I dont think I will find anyone at my late age I didn't mean for my time to pass before me as it did, but I could,not change the way my ex was just hope I never half to go thru that pain as I did or my kids they deserve to be loved as anyone, and I know I do too, I miss feeling and giving what my heart has to give and offer...
As long it entertaining and exciting,and makes since,I will watch it, I,m easy and simple, there's not much I won't watch, you pick it we,all watch itTentative.gif
My idols, are my kids, arianna,4 Ryder 5, and dawn,11 they are the most amazingly strong ,beautiful children I could ever want, and my ex gave them up just to party,and have that thrill of a different guys,and wanting somethg in life that soon many want but few find,and take for granted her own selfishness,which is beyond me,but whatever, I know I will be good to a amazing woman that wants a man that have a wonderful giving love in his heart, with kidds, and that a pricless gift no one can buy,it just here to have and only one will ever have my heart and soul, then we can say we have the worldTentative.gif ...and then you will be my number one idolTentative.gif
Video Games
I love to play the ps3 and there isn't a game I don't like, it passes the time I have and keep things off my mind, but modern warfare 3 is my favorite, I do want a partner in life for everything I do and that she does too in life that fun with two, it gets old been single, I feel as I,m the only one; n the world God forgot to give me my best friend an soul mate, I have everythg I want except that amazing woman to share my life,love,home,kids,everythg with,ughhh..

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  • Holy Ghost what the FUK Eva, least of my thoughts.thats on YOU!!!
    1 wk ago · Comment

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