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44 Year Old · Male · From Newton Falls, OH · Joined on March 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on March 9th
44 Year Old · Male · From Newton Falls, OH · Joined on March 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on March 9th

I'm 6'foot brown hair, brown eyesI love to watch movies and just chill at home.Me an my wife how ever love to be a little bit Naughty!our thing together is to find another gorgeous women that isn't afraid to flont it if she's got it. Our Favorit is women that are busty and between the ages of 21-32 an that love to dress up. We love the secratery look, ya know the tight white button up blouse,the tight mini skirt with thigh highs or pantyhoes an high heels. We love to get to know them an invite them over for a drink,movie or just play with the adult toys we have. If you fit the discription an would like to get to know us better just feel free to drop us a line or I.M me any time.

44 Year Old · Male · From Newton Falls, OH · Joined on March 8, 2008 · Relationship status: Married · Born on March 9th
Video Games
Many of games do I play. To list would be tooo boreing for you to read. So here's what I'll tell you, I love to play World of Warcraft. I play the the server Muradin and I'm a lvl 64 Pally. I also play the Card game WoW TcG, as it continues to constantly get better, all wow tcg players should know this next set will change the game for ever. I must be the first to say the hole 2 faces of death image they are giveing the game is a nice twist. I also play other pc games like the Sims 2.. for thoughs in the dark an or don't like the sims it's for people that have a little bit of a god complex going on in there head. I love to beable to control my avis and make them do what ever I want or just let them go and fix there mistakes. Then moveing on in to the xbox 360 because lets face it.. " SONY F&$&ed up with the ps3" only thing it's good for is a blueray player right now or a giant paperweight since it has No good title games what so ever. But for my 360 faze I say Gears of war and Dead Or Alive are my favorit titles for the system but granted there are other great games like Saints row and comming soon Saints Row 2 An Resident evil 5 wich by the way may not even see till 2010.
Short An to the point I love Hip-hop an Rap, an good R&B but please some one tell mary j blige, alicia keys an some of the other whiny female artist to shut the hell up already.. mary is almost 40 an looks like she almost 60 and the outfits aren't working for her anymore.

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