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36 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 31st · 1 person has a crush on me!
36 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 31st · 1 person has a crush on me!

Using your mouth


Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

~*I hate finding hair in strange places after I shower*~
~*I sing to my niece Kaya...she is my everything...I love you baby girl *~
~*I am very flirtatious and a tease*~
~*I rub my thighs when I pee*~
~*I always have my hands in my sleeves with 1/2 of each finger sticking out except my thumb which is usually in my sleeve *~
~*I am very indecisive *~
~*I use body wash to shave instead of shaving cream *~
~*I really don't like shaving but I do it anyway *~
~*I really don't have a favorite color...I have like 3 *~
~*I suck at remembering dates and names*~
~*I hate winter...hate the cold, hate snow, hate dirty snow more, the only thing I like about snow is eating it*~
~*I love hot chocolate even in summer *~
~*I drink a lot of milk *~
~*I don't like apples unless they are peeled*~
~*Pineapple makes my tongue hurt*~
~*I think I have weird diseases sometimes but know that dr.s won't find anything*~
~*I hate drs...all of them *~
~*also hate dentists...are they considered drs? *~
~*I hate a lot of people really *~
~*I am smarter than I act I guess*~
~*I think that I am more logical than smart *~
~*I am allergic to cockroach poo...I have no idea...that is what the allergist said *~
~*I hate feet except new baby feet *~
~*I think my family has more germs than my friends...I will drink out of the same glass my friend is drinking out of but usually not my family...except my sister and Kaya*~
~*I miss going to get ice cream with my grandma when I was little...I got peppermint and it had little candy cane pieces in it and the ice cream was pink *~
~*I hate men...not guys...men...well most of them
~*seeing Kaya smile can make me happy no matter what mood I am in *~
~*I move a lot when I sleep*~
~*I rarely sleep with clothes on *~
~*I love strawberries and cherries *~
~*I don't really like candy unless I am craving it*~
~*I eat a lot of small meals/snacks during the day instead of 3 big ones *~
~*cuddling and kisses are my favorite *~
~*my muscles twitch a lot *~
~*my knees are fucked up *~
~*I only have one ovary*~
~*I get headaches a lot *~
~*I like playing in mud and rain and puddles *~
~*I really don't like most of my body *~
~*I have an underwear obsession*~
~*I don't like the word panties *~
~*I can't spell for shit *~
~*my middle name is Lee *~
~*I'm not a big fan of pizza and only like cheese pizza *~
~*I run on my toes not my whole foot*~
~*Every time I see my niece after not seeing her for a long time my eyes tear *~
~*I am really shy *~
~*I am scared of a lot and get scared easily *~
~*I am not high maintenance *~
~*I can be a bitch if you get on my bad side *~
~*I'm a lover*~
~*I love animals*~
~*I am pretty crazy around my friends *~
~*I sing to myself *~
~*I crack my knuckles a lot...and my back, sometimes my neck *~
~*my bed is super comfy *~
~*if I am wearing undies chances are they have been sticking out of my jeans at some point during the day*~
~*I like playing with fingers *~
~*I am very ticklish everywhere*~
~*love massages *~
~*I like brownies *~
~*frosting is nummy *~
~* I have an oral fixation*~
~*orbit is my favorite gum *~
~*I like walking around bare foot*~
~*I love summer rain *~
~*I'm almost always hungry*~
~*I don't like showering in other places other than my own shower *~
~*I can't pee if someone is in or by the bathroom *~
~*I don't really like skirts or dresses *~
~*I would mohawk my hair for shits and giggles if I wasn't scared to cut it*~
~*I would rather be called beautiful pretty or gorgeous than hot or cute *~
~*I think I am bi-polar*~
~* I have an obsession with a lot of things*~
~* I am VERY defensive*~
~*tattoos are an addiction*~
~*I do a lot of thinking in the shower and could spend all day in there*~
~* I have an obsession with cleaning my ears out because I used to get ear infections when I was little all the time and I hate having wax and water in my ears*~
~* I got my tongue pierced...it hurt*~

36 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 27, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 31st · 1 person has a crush on me!
I love my niece, she is my everything.

My family is one big train wreck.

I love tattoos, have 3 as of now.

I can be a bitch if you piss me off.

I like all people untill they give me a reason not to.

What human body part are you?!?!?
The Eyes!
The Eyes!
You are kind of person who acts tough but has eyes of gold. People judge you becuase you act badass but really their just scared to get to know you. Your best feature is your vibrant eyes! My advice, act bad ass once in a while... but sometimes let the real you escape from your restless soul!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

How Hot are You in Bed?
Way above Average!
Way above Average!
You LOVE your sex, and have no shame in showing it in the sack! You can be rough or gentle, or both, and occasionally enjoy a gentle spankin', hair pull, or dirty talk. You're quite likely to keep your partner coming back!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

Whats your sexual fantasy?
Your good at foreplay and you like to take your time on him/her because you know your gonna get something.You probably have amazing sex.You drive him/her crazy.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic


I really listen to everything and am pretty open to new stuff...I mostly listen to psychopathic, metal, and punk metal, some country...not really into the whole ghetto rap scene, or any polka, old stuff, don't really like techno or blues or jazz so much but I will try listening to anything
I don't really have a movie type that I love...I don't know...it has to be interesting.
my sister. She has done the most for my life. I just recently got a tattoo for her.
Video Games
not too much of a gamer...sorry...I will play if I am bored or having a sleepless night but that's about it

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