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47 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 30, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 23rd
47 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 30, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 23rd

I'm Scuzz Puppy Ruxpin, the dollar store bargain beauty, but I have to recreate my damned page, cuz I forgot what email adress I used to sign into my old page! ARRGGH! This whole page is under construction, so please bear with me.First of all, there are some very important things that you need to know about me, so read this crap first, before you read all the other crap, ok?I'm not like any other girl on this system. I am one of a kind. I'm not a dirty slut or an attention whore, so please don't treat me like one, ok? If I think you're cool enough, and I happen to take a liking to you, I just might let you know some things about me that are actually true. I like bratz dolls and strawberry shortcake dolls, A LOT! (All joking aside, this is really true.)I have a boyfriend.I take all my own pictures on here. It's called "SELF-TIMER", look into it sometime!!I make all my own graphics and gif files (moving pictures of myself and my username), except for the Pewee Hermon pic. I found that one on Photobucket.I do all the special effects in my pictures, MYSELF! It's called Photoshop! Learn to use it, the end results can be very rewarding at times. If I see a really cool picture that you have in your photos section, and it's been photoshopped....(EXAMPLES:The IPhone pic and art gallery pics in my photos section)Chances are, I'm gonna steal it and black out your pic and put mine in. And make it even better than yours. Sorry if that pisses you off, but I don't see any copywrights on them. And if it does happen to piss you off, it's only because I made mine come out way better than yours and made you look like the total amatuer that you really are. This profile is striclty for mine and your entertainment purposes only. If you can't deal with that, then I strongly suggest that you go to hell! If you find anything in my profile offensive, then your a big, fat looser who needs to get a life! If I show up on your boyfriends friend list, chances are, HE sent ME a friend request, and not the other way around. So ladies, please don't go all postal on me and start calling me a slut, etc. I'm not a boyfriend-stealer. I wouldn't want some cheap whore on the internet trying to steal my boyfriend, so why should I do it to someone else? I'm totally safe and harmless. I promise. I'm not a flirt and I have no interest in hooking up with or meeting anyone on this system, unless it's my friend Nova, lol. Well hello there to all you crazy hooligans and ruffians out there! What can I say about myself that you don't already know? Well, I like to melt crayons on my radiator. I like to tickle the moon with my toenail. I gargle with mens aftershave, to chase away the boogie man. I'm in love with my next door neighbors garage door. We're getting engaged next month!! I like to lick the fog off of peoples car windows when they're in the backseat, doing the wild thing. I eat mold. I find hairy men really sexy. I like to throw wet toilet paper at the ceilings in public bathrooms, cuz it sticks. I love the smell of cat crap. I think it's glorious! And I want to be a monk. So like, add me if you think you can handle the scuzz, ok? Can you handle it??? CAN YOU?!! CAN YOU HANDLE THE SCUZZ?????!"I AM BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY!"

47 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 30, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on October 23rd
Im interested in Nova's shower. (This really is his shower, by the way.) I seriously contemplating coming up with a reality TV show called "Pimp My Shower". And Nova will be my first victim, if it ever makes it on the air. Another really cool toy, made by Fisher to the Price! The coolest, most awesome toy ever made, by my men Fisher and Price. The parking Garage. Need I say more? I think not. I love Dollar Stores. I try to buy everything at the dollar store, even pregnancy tests and condoms, if need be. I like toilet paper, A LOT. I'm interested in Nova (My friend, you'll see him in family list, and when you see him, you'll be adding him to your interests too.) I collect box tabs, you know the kind that have the color codes and numbers on them? Those are really neat. Giving stray cats bizzarre names. For example, my mom adopted these two stray cats that someone dumped off in her driveway, and I named them "Jacket" and "Heru".
I need you all to know about the song "Squealer" by AC/DC, in my playlist. That song was written about me, by Teddy Ruxpin. He wrote it just for me. See, it basically describes our first date. Teddy Ruxpin was the first man/bear I ever kissed, let alone went on a date with. And well, he was a roadie back then for AC/DC. You know, helped them carry all their equipment and stuff. So, anyway, there was this one time they couldn't pay him, cuz they hit a dry spell and stuff, and were like totally broke. So, they told Teddy Ruxpin that they'd get a song published for him, if he wrote the lyrics. So, Teddy Ruxpin used the events of our first date together, to come up with a song for AC/DC to sing. And well, there you have it! That's how the song "Squealer" came to be! So, I have to dedicate 2 songs to my totally awesome friend Nova, out here. (That's him in the picture). The first song is "I love Rocky Road" by Weird Al. Cuz he's powerless over ice cream and he's an ice cream addict. And the second song is "Do I creep you out?", also by Weird Al. Now, onto the rest of my musical history. Well, I gotta hand it to the cast and crew of the smurfs and Sesame Street, they really know how to rip that shit up, don't they? I mean, when I hear the theme song to Sesame Street, it just makes me wanna get down and jam, and do some moshing, you know!! YEAH!!
PEEWEE HERMON!! This dude rocks my socks!! He is soooooo hot!! He has my heart I tell ya, he's got it!! NOVA!! He's definitely another idol of mine, cuz he lets me put ice pops on his face and draw mustaches and beards on all the stupid looking people in his newspapers. And he makes really good bacon and chicken noodle soup. And it's fun to go grocery shopping with him. And cuz he lets me put pretzel rods up his pant legs. He even lets me comb his hair and put girly barettes in it and make him look really stupid.
Video Games
Sesame Street (Shapes and Colors) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mickey Mousecapade Super Mario Bros. Back to the future Duck Hunt Paper Boy Pac-Man Wario-Ware Twisted Big Brain Academy Bubble Bobble Bust-a-move Mario Kart (For Nintendo DS and Gameboy SP) Super Princess Peach Animal Crossing Cooking Mama I'll add more later, when I can remember the names! Ask me for my friend codes on some of the DS games listed, I love playing against other people on WIFI. I'll post them on here when I get around to it. (For Nintendo DS only.)

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