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53 Year Old · Male · From Corpus Christi, TX · Joined on January 1, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on September 15th
53 Year Old · Male · From Corpus Christi, TX · Joined on January 1, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on September 15th


Merry Meet
I'm just a T-shirt and jeans kinda guy. Plain and simple. I have so much love at home that it's wonderful bliss.
I follow the Wiccan path and for thoses that don't know what that is, I'm a child of nature and practice witchcraft. I was raised Wiccan by my mother & grandmother. In my early 20s left those beliefs, but recently I've had events in my life that caused me to rediscovery my root beliefs. I'm looking for serious believers and new friends to share my regrowth with. I do miss the Circle back home and I'm thinkning of you all. I'm current looking for a new Circle and new friends to meet. I have very strong views on my beliefs and don't like people claiming to be true Wiccan when they have no idea what it really means. You maybe pagan but you're not Wiccan.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own points of view" -Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, 1983.
But, I also like sci fi shows and movies, as you can tell. Might be a little geekish when it comes to that but that's ok. Seeing old friends and meeting to people is good as well. As much as I've moved around the past 10 years I don't get home often, thank the GODDESS. If not for my mom, I probably never go back near Disugusta. OppsĀ¦ Augusta, Ga. The other things I enjoy are horseback riding, hiking, a good countryside drive, and other adult things. Now I leave you with this, Sex is like pizza: Even when its bad, its still pretty good.

53 Year Old · Male · From Corpus Christi, TX · Joined on January 1, 2006 · Relationship status: Married · Born on September 15th
Wiccan and Witchcraft. I do follow the path. But I also enjoy racing (all types except NASCAR), cars and all aspects of cars, Sci Fi, Horseback riding when I can, my friends especially the female ones (wink wink), meeting new people, and any and everything else can'think of.


You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

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All the STAR WARS movies, Matrix movies, Lord of the Ring movies, King Arthur, Gladator, ......hmmmmm....... Just too damn many to list. I just like what I like.
Oberon Zell Ravenheart

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You are 98% Witch or Wizard!

You are the Witch or Wizard that sees the entire universe as one thing, using the power you have to create the world for us all. Blessed be!

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