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Wolf's blog: "Rants"

created on 11/27/2006  |  http://fubar.com/rants/b28803

The Retired Age

For those of you that know me already, this will not come as a surprise. For those of you that do not, I guess I am talking to you. Ever wonder about things you had the opportunity to do and never did? Whether they were dangerous, sexual, high speed, or just plain fun and you felt unmotivated to go? Ever sat down and thought about all the things that, despite whether or not you knew you wouldn't like them, you had to wonder, "What if I did?" A little history: My father got drunk as hell one night when I was 5 and without warning he beat the hell out of me. It wasn't today's day and age, so nothing came of it, but I was tough and stayed standing. Eventually he tired himself out, and I still had all my teeth. The point is, I'll never forget the last thing he said to me. He said, "I hate you for everything you will one day become." This scared the hell out of me. Not so much his words, but what they represented. They represented a broken man, with so many regrets about things he never did that he couldn't even stand to see someone at the starting line, somewhere he wished he was. Because of that day, and I kept this my whole life, I have always vowed to move without hesitation into anything that even so much as interested me in the slightest. Some people have fears of heights. Some people are afraid of spiders. Some people even fear clowns. As for me, I have just one fear. I fear that some day I will regret so much the things I didn't do, that I will attempt to damn my own child. No kids as of yet. Look forward to working on that. However, I began to take the steps that very day to make sure that the situation never happens. In a way, I thank my father for this lesson. He showed me the wrong way, and the only way left is correct. A lot of you ask me how I have done so much by my age, and you know the answer if you didn't already. I have jumped out of planes with and without a parachute. I trained to be a powerful lover. I raced cars, raced bikes, went bungee jumping, saw the world. I have swung from a branch over a 250 foot drop to the water below. I have climbed mountains, done the world circuit for fighting, and surfed the wing of a jet as it took off. The list goes on. The wisdom and experience is flawlessly invaluable. A lot of you often call me too old for my age, lol, and that's fine. These days, I have managed to slow it down a lot, in preparation for one more hurdle. The biggest one of all. If I sit back on my porch one day and regret anything, it would be that I never had a family. Any one of them is scary. The scariest question that I hope I never ask is "What if?" I'll forever be a slave to the avoidance of that question, even if it so much as means meeting someone interesting from this site. Some of you can even testify that it's no lie, lol. All in all, I ask you all another question: "What is it that you regret, and is it too late to change that?"

Cutie Contest?

I'm seeing these things all over the place... I had to say something... The "Cutest Face" contest. The "Best Booty" contest. Seems like fun. There's just one problem. The cutest face never wins. Why? Because that's not how the contest is played. The real object of the game is to see who can get the most friends to come over and "comment bomb" the photo they submitted. At the end, you pick a winner, and her photo never played a part. I won't use names to spare any feelings, but just the other day I got a shout from a friend on my list that I tried to talk to several times and eventually gave up. The shout was coming MY way this time though, and it was a mass paste shout asking me to come over and "rate and comment the shit out of" her picture in one of those contests so she could win. I replied, "Is that really how you want to win?" She didn't reply. She didn't ask me to participate in the voting in general, or just come check it out. No, she provides a direct link to her photo specifically. I looked at it, looked at the others, and then picked the one I thought was best and rated and left a comment accordingly. Then, looking at the photos again, I saw the number of rates and comments. The original spammer was of course winning by a ridiculous landslide. It must be because she really was the cutest... either that or she sent that shout to over 65 people. Is that really how these girls should win these things? Does it even matter what photo you submit when that's how you play the game? Even the people that host these things usually PERMIT that kind of behavior. So what does it matter what photo they send? Hey look! You won the "MILF" contest because you got the most ratings and comments! Nine contestants and you came out on top! Congratulations! Too bad you actually come somewhere around fifth in the available competition... (I'm not talking about a specific contest I saw, that was just fiction with a purpose) So, therefore, I have a new idea for a contest. Let's make it real and honest, shall we? Everyone submits a photo of their name on an index card. No face, no booty. Just their name, written on an index card with the camera zoomed up to show nothing but the name. Then, we post them all against each other, and title it, "BEST SPAMMER CONTEST"! At least then, the winner will be winning for the right reason.


I am Agnostic. Agnostics provide balance where a lot of you people just can't seem to realize it. A lot of you think that Agnostic means Atheism, and a lot of you think that Agnostic means we are non-denominational religious. They're both wrong. Agnostics live in reality alone. We live a life completely devoid of the ultimate question. Why? Because religion can't prove that god exists, and atheists can't prove that he doesn't. We prefer to grab a bag of popcorn and watch you two fight it out. This can be a problem sometimes, especially on religion's side, when we watch wars between people last thousands of years just because you believe in things you have never seen and they differ from those of others. Regardless, we walk the line you draw. We as Agnostics cannot be converted to either side until something is handed to us that states we should. Descriptions of faith in god, or half-ass evidence of his absence, is not going to do it. Atheists don't usually try to convert unless they are attention whores, and even then, they don't seem to be trying to convert. They seem more interested in eliminating the influence of religion on society. That's fine. They get their small victories. Religious people try to convert me constantly, they see me as some gray area just waiting for a sign to join their ranks. Reading from a book that men wrote is not the answer. When it doesn't work, they typically resort to being childish, such as calling names and damning me to hell. That's... cute. Whether you are atheist or religious, do NOT speak to me about religion unless you are fully, and I mean FULLY, prepared to have your beliefs challenged. I will argue you, right into the dust. You may think you have all the answers, or maybe you just follow your beliefs because you're afraid of being wrong. Either way, I will stomp you into the ground without touching you if you come to me with nothing but faith. The only prayer you have (no pun intended) is to stay stubborn, childish, and catty, because then, even if you didn't convince me, you can walk away with the ignorance of thinking that you made your point just by being an asshole. Extremists piss me off.
To the people that yell "Bush Lied" like a bunch of ass-raped media puppets: I've taken some great pictures next to WMD's. They were in Syria, in Pakistan, and right there in Iraq. Yeah, they were everywhere. Buried in the ground, mixed in with regular weapons-grade, I even personally pulled a yellow-bomb out of a truck of water. We didn't find any nuclear ones, sure, and that's why the media claims they are not lying, because they are saying that's what Bush lied about. We did find a nuclear plant with some headless missiles laying in it, but the media said it doesn't count. If you ever somehow get the grace to speak to anyone currently running Mexico D.F. ask them about the big box of Anthrax that got shipped to them, with a little note from Saddam saying "Shhh... I'm gonna hit Texas first, just hold it here for a minute. I'm on my way." In so many words anyways, but luckily Mexico likes us. Stop letting the news tell you what to think. They really do NOT care if you are properly informed, or even if you're hearing the truth. They just want you to watch their channel or read their newspaper, as opposed to competitors. Welcome to Capitalism and Consumer Marketing. Read up on it. If Bush-hating wasn't so popular, and the truth more marketable, you'd get a cool Dateline NBC shot of your friend Wolf and two of his troops taking turns pissing on a medium-range bio-loaded scud the length of your driveway. To the goths and the emo: Or at least a specific bit of you. I hear a lot of "my family is dead to me" and "life is pain" and a bunch of other crap. It's mildly annoying really. I know pain. Pain is being dragged by a truck. Pain is being shot in the shoulder. Pain is having your hip shattered in a kickboxing ring by a giant Thai monster who turned out later to be 2 years younger than you but twice your size. Pain is your parachute only opening halfway. Pain is NOT when your parents gave you a Porsche instead of a Ferrari and now you disowned them. Believe it or not, that's a true statement from an actual living, breathing goth. I grew up in a rich neighborhood, despite not being one of them. That may be an exaggeration for most of you, but the message remains true. You don't live long enough to be so pissed off and depressed all the time. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the shit I've been through. I've been declared dead 3 times in the clinic, I've lost everything I have ever owned twice. I was told by my father that his new whore after he divorced my mother was more welcome in my childhood home than I was. Again, still not a complete list. Today I woke up, and admired the grace of a beautiful sunny morning and looked forward to another wonderful day. A lot of you that I have listened to about your 'pain', I've got one thing to say: Want to switch? I can handle mine, I can definitely handle yours. Give up and try to enjoy life a little ;). This world is a REALLY fun place! LOL To the 'Top Ten' profiles on this site: Every day my bulletin inbox is cluttered with public announcements about you people screwing eachother over and building multiple fake accounts to run each other out. I see strangers that are enemies, fighting over nothing. I really don't understand why it's so important to you. What do you do when you get to the top ten? What do you do when you get to number one? Is there a paycheck involved? A guaranteed spot on a TV show? A free meal at Denny's even? All this hate and stress, fighting over a bacon bit. Down here in the middle ranks, we do nothing but smile, get along, leave friendly comments. Is all your war really worth the prize? I hope I never make the top ten, and if I should by happenstance, I promise you I will not act like you... ever. Oh yeah, one last thing: What's going back to myspace going to solve? You get bumped to number 11 on here, and go back to myspace... where you will be bumped to #3,987,632? I don't know much about taking steps back, since I only move forward, but that's a hell of a game of hopscotch right there. You know what? I don't even know where the link is to see the top ten. I just have to randomly find a name in red. There doesn't seem to be much of a pedestal for all this fighting you are doing. It's bottom-feeding politics. Let it go. You're losing years off your life to have your name in red on a free website. To the rest of you: You hear what I think of you every day and I mean every word. I write my stories, my songs, my poems, for you. I don't make money from it and I don't have any contracts in the works. I do it for fun, and for the feelings you get when you read them. The same reason I fight for this country. In both cases, it's mostly for fun LOL, but I consider the faithful appreciators a perk ;). That's my rant. There's probably tons more, but I can only stay annoyed for about thirty seconds at a time. It's too nice of a day outside ;).

Give peace a chance?

You're talking to the wrong people. In every culture, there's warmongers. God knows I'm one of them, LOL. Regardless, does that mean that I wouldn't give peace a chance? I'd be out of a job, but I've got college degrees to fall back on. Would it be nice to know that I could go anywhere in the world without worry of being kidnapped or beheaded? Hell yes it would. The problem is, you can't release a flock of doves and make everyone hold hands. There are people out there who only know violence and savagery. You draw a cartoon depicting a Muslim spiritual leader as a suicide bomber, and what do they do to protest? Blow shit up. Think back to school. If you looked the bully in the eye and said you don't believe in violence, and therefore refused to fight back, then you just lost your lunch money for the rest of the school year. Raiding parties abound stormed Rome after they made the decree that their military should be disbanded. WE are not the problem. The problem is that there are generations of people who know only violence, and see people with absolutely no will to fight as weak and easy prey. If you tell them that you are too civil to fight, they rejoice at the fact that you are not going to be fighting back, and they can stomp on your remains with no casualties. Look at the Hezbollah. They attack Israel, kidnap soldiers, and when Israel goes in and blasts half their country away, they declared a victory because most of them did not die. That's similar to someone promising they'll knock your teeth out, and they punch you square in the mouth, and afterwards you stand up with blood running from your mouth and say, "HA HA! You said you'd knock my teeth out! I still have some! Guess that means I win the fight!" If we pull out of Iraq right now, they'll do the same thing. Despite 7/10 of their country wasted by the conflict, they'll pop out from under their rocks and declare a victory just because we left before we killed them all. This is because they know nothing except being a warrior, and if you walk away, you surrender. This will inspire thousands more to join the ranks when they declare the win. Their message to the world will say nothing about the tens of thousands of terrorists killed, it will only say that they hung on and persevered until we finally surrendered and left. There are violent people out there. They know nothing but this, and singing in a street corner isn't going to stop it. You'll just be the first ones they kill since you're an easy target. You have a guitar instead of a gun. Would I give peace a chance? Yes, but not until the whole world is ready for it, and not just us. In the meantime, refusing to fight means we hand everything to them with a smile and a cage full of doves. How much evil must we tolerate to avoid the violence of war? "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made, and kept so, by the exertions of better men than himself." -- John Stewart Mill
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