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73 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on December 12, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 5th
73 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on December 12, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 5th

The First $1 Million Dollar Winner of Poker.
The 1991 Worlds Champion of Poker. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I have been playing poker for over 35 years. I first got very serious of playing professionally after Doyle Brunson won his second WSOP Championship in 1977. I don't play as many tournaments as I use to, but I never miss playing in the Worlds Championship event each year. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
If you make it there next year look me up. Or just click a picture to go to my website.
Now days I have been doing a lot of promoting, like hosting tournaments,doing seminars and giving poker lessons. I like giving the poker lessons the best because I don't even have to leave home to give them. I simply join a player at a online poker site and give them tips and advice while talking on the phone. I have found it is the fastest and easiest way to teach someone to play poker. I am also the co-author of two books with Tom McEvoy.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketTheres nothing like playing with your dog outdoors, along with some exercise to make you feel good. I also enjoy traveling to exotic places, beaches as well as the mountains. I like all kinds of good food, so trying new restaurants is fun.
A very good friend of mine that was getting old gave me good advice a long time ago. He said "Kid you are only here for a short time enjoy it. Tomorrow isn't promised to any one." It's advice that I live with daily.
I like going to the movies. I usually pick a movie according to how I feel. If I am tired It is a action movie like Die Hard. A Comedy if I need a pick me up.
Shawshank redemption was one of my favorite movies of all time. The Green Mile was very good. Forest Gump.
I don't watch a lot of television. It's usually some sporting event like a UFC fight or a football game while I am on the computer. I watch a few movies just to fall asleep with.

73 Year Old · Male · From Las Vegas, NV · Joined on December 12, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 5th


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