You know how when you're young and you're so full of ambition, you think you can do anything and you damn near kill yourself tryin .. well heres some things I want to accomplish before I die .. I know morbid huh ? but this is life and it is a blog you have a choice whether or not to read it lol
1. I want to feel a love so strong that my heart beats specifically for that person and that person alone ( found it )
2. I want to find happiness in a job that I enjoy working
3. I want to run barefoot on the streets in venice and paris and syndey .. well no one likes shoes
4. I want to hurt so bad that I feel like nothing will make it good again ( without suffering there is no compassion)
5. I want to change the life of someone else so drastically, that they can't imagine what it would have been not to have known me.
6. I want to smell exotic scents blindfolded .. just to know what it's like to be sensous
7. I want to spend an ungodly amount of money on my dream truck... lemme know if you want the details lol
8. I want to have sex somewhere that no one has had it before. EVER
9. I want to know what it's like to live everyday to the fullest and without regret of things that should never have happened.
and 10. I want to be a friend to those who are closest to me so that when the time comes.. my funeral will be a party like no other!!
I want to know what you want .. hit me up with your main goal in life