This is a subject I am normally shy about or more often than not, give the wrong impression of when I do talk about it. But, since I'm in a fairly decent mood today, I figured I'd lay it out in the open. I'll break it down into a few categories, can't put a exact amount for the number of categories since it might change as I write.
1) Appearance: Really this isn't all that important to me. Hair color/length doesn't matter, eye color doesn't either. However, sparkly eyes are a weakness of mine. Body type doesn't really matter either, though it does matter if she doesn't take care of health. I've always been a sucker for a nice pair of legs too, but I'm not too picky their either. lol Age? Well... I'd prefer it is she were closer to me in age, but a little older or a lil younger is fine with me.
2) Intelligence: If she's able to carry a decent conversation, I'm happy. I mean, I don't go for the dumb as a post type, no matter how hot they are. Not too smart, not too dumb. A happy medium works for me.
3) The Relationship: I'm looking for a girl that can not only be a lover, but my best friend. Someone that shares a lot in common with me. Doesn't have to be everything. We all have our own preferances, so if she would like to go off one evening doing her own thing, I'm fine with that. As long as I'm shown the same courtesy. Someone who would look to me when something was wrong and share it, regaurdless of what it is. Again, willing to do the same for me.
I can be high maintenence with my depression/anxiety, though as said in my other posts I am getting better every week. Still, she would have to be able to put of with random bouts rare as they are, should one arise. All I'd need is for her to be willing to listen to me talk about it. It helps immensly when I can discuss the problem when going through a bout of it. I'm more than willing to do the same for her, should the time come.
Hopefully, she'd like to join me for late night walks, or just sitting outside watching the stars. Curl up on the couch and watch a movie... Or just going out to have fun.
4) No title here. I'm just going to say that by now, you may (or may not) have noticed I didn't mention sex. Well, that was on purpose. As much as I joke around about it or talk about it. It's not the biggest prioriety in a relationship for me at this time. I'm not saying it's not something I don't consider important, I'm saying I would rather build a relationship built on love/trust than sex. We can always work on the sex part later. =-)