I had this good life til things got fucked up.
I had the man that I have always loved with me, but we didnt have very much you see we were both broke as hell. No money, barely a trailor to live in, but we had each other. Thats all that mattered to me.
Then some asshole for reason unknown still desides to burn our tailor down while we were gone. It really pisses me off that nothing was done about that know one even tried to find out who or why it was done. didnt the cops relize we lost eveythin it that fire. and a week after xmas on top of that.
i only had one pair of pants two shirts and a pair of underware and socks and shoes.
Ashley my husband only had the clothes he had on that day a that was it.
we had deside to stay in a motel for the night because it was going to be to cold to stay at the trailor and i had a friend who let us stay in a motel she worked at.
Ashley's uncle came and told us our trailor had burn to the ground earily the next morning. i asked him what he was on because there was no reason our trailor would burn it had no electricity or anything that would start a fire.
when we got home there was no home. It was so sad to see everything you had in the world literally up in smoke.We had just lost everything.
but what ever or i should say who ever wanted to hurt us only made us stronger because we might have lost every position we ever had we still had each other.
And we started over ill give you the rest of my tragidy at another time. dont want to depress anyone to badly.
end for now later!