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babygirl's blog: "more about me :)"

created on 02/03/2007  |  http://fubar.com/more-about-me/b51632
Cancer This is the sign that needs to be cuddled. They may believe that they were born in the wrong period or century. They dwell in the past...Victorian...Roman...Medieval...you name it. They usually will only fuck at night. Come to think of it they fuck better at night anyway. Maybe its because they are ruled by the Moon. This is a sign that is looking for true love...I mean real true deep love. That Romancing The Stone, Wuthering Heights kind of love. They probably cry at the end of any Jane Austen flick. They want to be swept off of their feet. They really do deserve it, too. They are constantly dumped on by previous past fucktard ex lovers that think they own them. Sometimes Cancers pick the wrong guy/girl and get beat up or emotionally hurt. Why? They think its what they deserve. Which is bullshit. They are wonderful people. They love water sports (Jacuzzis, pools, showers, saunas, bathouses...) They want to be comfortable while fucking. Oh sure the foreplay may have had you bent over a barstool, but when you get home they want comfy couches, beds, fluffy pillows, anything soft and fuzzy that is not a pet. Cancerians also have a horrible tendency to misplace their clothing. Highly exhibitionistic. They live for oral as long as it tastes good. Karma Sutra honey dust is a good start. Mints...ice creamanything with sugar...fruit. Don't rush them they smolder. But when you get started, be ready for a long night. They like to play with ice cubes, too. Also nipples are a big thing for Crabs...they all secretly wish to get their nipples pierced. Can be highly submissive. Masturbation is where they get their bonus points at. Be warned: They like 'em young...so you better be ready to dress up like an animation school boy/girl with a whip to keep 'em. Wow, I like reading new and interesting things, but I think that this may top them all. This is great. lol..... Hope you enjoyed reading. I'll never tell what parts are true and what is not. lol..........


Throughout your life you will meet great people; See great things; and do great things... However, the most important greatness of all... Is the greatness inside of you... Don't forget that through all your journeys in this life and in the next... Be prepared to struggle... Be prepared to fight... Nothing worth having ever comes light... Don't engage in the wrong because it is easy... For you shall only engage in things that make you happy for the moment but will carry great sadness later... Do what is right... Even if it is hard, and you feel like giving up... No one ever said that Greatness was easy... But when you give your all in everything you do your entirety; your sprit; your heart; your soul; your gifts; and your mind... There is no way to hold you back from the greatness you shall find... The GREATNESS, inside of you...... Copyright ©2007

Erotic Passion

Get down on your hands and knees, and wrap your lustful fingers around my hips… Glide into me forcefully, first onto your face- Taste me… touch me… feel the way my body calls to you- Slowly pull my legs up to wrap up and over your shoulder tenderly… Pull me into to you… further and further… Do you hears my whispers, pleas and cries?- My breath is coming in faster and I am moaning under you… My body and soul are aching for you- But you just keep the erotic rhythm and ignore my pleas… My nails are gently digging into your shoulders and running through your hair… In attempts to slow you down or make us one- You are devouring me in erotically wicked hunger- You begin to simultaneously caress me with your tongue and your fingers… My body is so ready for you… bucking and arching underneath you… I am lathering you… I am begging you… come inside my love- You are so hard… so very hard… and I want to feel you inside of me- I cannot take much more without you- Oh God, oh God… I'm Cumming again…. Join me, my love… Feel me- Now! You pull me down on to you… Onto your hott, hard, and aching manhood- You slide inside me- Oh this is heaven… Stay here… Right there- You hold me closer, trying to dive deeper and harder… Where do you end and where do I begin? Does it matter? You're thrusting me higher and higher still- Over and over….more and more… I love when you're inside me- So much pleasure, and maybe a little pain… You grab my hair and my ass, as you plunge more than before- I have reached the heavens… And have come harder, faster and higher… Than ever before- We lay there spent and breathless, drenched in love… Still wanting more- The erotic passion that we share… Is addicting… Let's go to sleep and dream… And when we wake… Please give me more- Copyright ©2007

Secret Love

Come down stairs; take off your clothes… I wanna make sweet love to you- The lights are down low… Nobody has to know… What our bodies' do- All night I could caress you, and Never would I repress you- I'm waiting for you to embrace me… Let me in with open arms- Drink the wine… Baby we've got time- Let me kiss your lips with hunger… Let me kiss your skin with passion… Let me replace your sin with love- Nobody has to know… But only God above- Thrust with hunger… Let your body tremble- Let the candles burn around us… Knowing it's your lips that started the flame- I reach for you… For your hips… To pull you closer to me… Once we've made love… Things will never be the same- Give me your everything… For with me… I know no shame- Copyright ©2007

What is love??

WHAT IS LOVE? What is love? Do you know? Does anyone know? Is it blind? How do you define it? How do you know when you find it? Do you know how to keep it going, or If it gets too hard do you let it die? Do you give it all you have & how much are you willing to try? What is love but your child's smile… The look in their eyes when they look up to you… The touch of a lovers hand… A moment of true clarity where you can understand… Is love passion? Is love desire? Does love come with warning or Is it like lightening bolts that come from the sky and singe the ground? Is love like the sun that burns bright and high, but extinguishes when it's not around to light? Is it like the night that embraces the land and holds it close while whispers of fog travel through and unite? Is it knowing what is easy and doing what is hard, because it is honest and it is right? Is it loving someone who doesn't love you in return, and smiling even though? Is it giving all you have to that person, no matter if you feel like you can't give anymore? Is it caring about what they go thru, who they are and where they are to travel throughout their life? Do you wait for them and show them the way when they get lost? Hold open the door? Do you share your life with them, and ask for the same in return? Love never holds back and waits…. But springs forward always hoping for more… Is it going thru hell just to make sure that they make it to heaven? It is thinking about them often thru out the day, and wondering how they are, and what life may bring their way? I ask you what is love? Can we really define it? You see LOVE… Is simple…yet complicated… Small…yet bigger than life… And with it - - - Love brings pain… Love brings happiness… Love brings life… Love is everlasting… Love is enduring… Love is all…. And I ask you what is love? Do you know? Copyright ©2007
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 19. How many times would you like to cum? 20. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Do you like fore play? 22. What is fore play to you? 23. Can we take pictures of the act?
Name?: Heather. Sex?: Female. Date of Birth?: July 2nd Hair Color?: Blonde Brown(w/light blonde highlights and red lowlights). Eye Color?: Blue - gray (sometimes green). Tattoos?: 1, on my left shoulder of a rose. What are you wearing right now?: I'm bundled up today, it's too chilly today... up north instead of down south weather is definately a change. WHEW!!! Do you have any siblings? Do you get along with them?: Yes. I have a sister, and I love her with all my heart, and wish her a long happy life and all of God's blessings. Who do you live with?: I live with my son. Once you're finished with school, what will your profession be?: A Lawyer. Have you ever truly been in love?: Yes, I have. What is a long term goal of yours? short term?: Long term goal is to raise a man I will be proud of and to leave behind a legacy I can be proud of.... Short term goals are to get a house and buy a new car. What kind of car do you drive?: 97' Pontiac Grand Prix GT.. but ask my what kind of ride I want.. Oh, the possibilities are endless…'. What's your favorite holiday?: Christmas time. What is your favorite sport to watch?: Boxing. How many car accidents have you been in? How many were your fault?: 3. But none of them were my fault. Who was the last person you spoke on the telephone with?: My Best Friend in the whole world... LILA (miss u girl…I could use some Lila luv right about now). What star/celebrity do most people say you resemble?: Who knows…. I’d like to look like Angelina Jolie, but then who doesn't... Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?: My son, the love of my life (he's such a ham). What are you biggest peeves?: Dishonesty and cheaters. What is your favorite color?: Blue or Chocolate Brown. Are you a lover or a fighter?: A Lover, first and foremost, but I can fight when I need too. Seems like lately I need to keep my guard up… UNDER CONSTRUCTION… Walls in progress… Do you read the Bible?: Yes, but not as much as I should. Who is your favorite actor/actress?: Vin Disel/Angelina Jolie. What cologne/perfume do you wear?: Ralph Lauren Romance, Paris Hilton or Shi. I got the new Pure Poison by Dior and I love that too. Who is your BFF (best friend forever)?: Lila Brioso Purdy (she's like my sister, only closer...lol.) How long was your longest relationship?: 11 years (hey all I can say about that is, I learned alot)... Do you snore (don't lie!)? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?: I don't snore, I do steal the covers and I sometimes roll around in my sleep. What is your main ring tone/Favorite on your phone?: Beyonce’ - Irreplaceable, but I like to switch it up, so it really depends. Have you ever been to the stripclub?: Yes I have. To both a male and a female club. What time is it?: Almost 10:30 p.m. When was the last time you had popcorn and watched a movie at home?: It's been awhile, but I would say... Pirates of the Caribbean II and Miami Vice, with my son, my best buddi and my Dad. How many alarm clocks do you use?: 2. I set them at different times, because I tend to want to stay in bed under the covers longer, and dream. But who are we kidding... I beat the shit out of all of them. Have you ever been out of the country?: no. but I have been to a lot of other states within the U.S. Where would you travel to if you could hop on a plane right now?: Puerto Rico with my BBF to chill and spend time with her and her family and learn a different culture. How many hours of sleep do you get on an average night?: Between 5 - 8.5 hours a night, and sometimes not nearly enough. Now, that I’m going back to law school next semester, working full time, and being a single mom, it won’t be nearly enough… Are you a morning person or a night person?: Sometimes neither.. depends on the day. Sometimes I like to stay up late and hang out with friends, and sometimes I like to get up early and do special things with my son. Have you ever been too scared to make the first move?: Hell yes. Did you end up missing out?: Nope. How do you determine whether or not someone is compatible with you?: Chemistry, Intuition, and my heart will tell me..Either its right or it’s wrong…. But a woman’s intuition, my intuition is never wrong… How long does it take you to discover this upon first meeting them?: When you first meet someone, you can tell during that 1st day with them if you have chemistry, sometimes a little longer. However, everything else needs time to grow and when you find someone you care for you should let them know no matter what the consequences are, for you may not get another chance should something happen. Be honest even if its hurts. Are you a good kisser?: I'd like to think so... never had any complaints... and I do love to kiss.... Do you believe there is life out in the galaxy(ies)?: Sure why not.... It's hard to believe that we're the only ones here. Are you allergic to anything?: Bullshit, stupidy and lack of common sense. Which is better: sugar or honey?: honey.... of course! Love or Money?: 1st- Love for my son and family... but then 2nd would be money so that I can support them. Children or a successful career?: Children. My son always comes first... but of course I would also like to have a successful career as well. I believe that you can have both if you work really hard. Mountains or the Beach?: Beach. Bonfires or fireplace?: Fireplace. Would you ever go sky diving?: Sure, if I found out that I only had 30days to live. What is your biggest fear?: SNAKES!!. Do you prefer going to the beach at night or going for a joyride at night?: Going for a joyride at night.... somewhere scenic and romantic. If your house was on fire & you could save only one thing/item from your room, what would it be?: Well, I would save whatever I considered at that moment to be irreplaceable... I would definitely save my son first before thinking about saving any personal belongings. Which parental figure do you respect more: your mom or dad?: My Dad. Why is the ocean blue?: Just because or better yet.. Because I say so.... Which movie(s) do you prefer: Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter?: Harry Potter! What is, in your opinion, your best physical attribute?: My hair..or my eyes. or so I've been told. Do you think you have a good sense of humor?: I'm always laughing and smiling, so I would say yes... What makes you unique?: They only made one of me. Have you ever played Texas Hold'em?: NOPE. but I'd like to learn... so far I can play crazy eights.... plus a few others. Do you enjoy sports? If so, what is your TOP favorite sport to play or watch?: Boxing or Football. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: Not where I am right now that's for sure... Hopefully in a house raising my beautiful son and somewhere around my family, surrounded by people who love me. When do you get up?: Normally 6:00 a.m., but some days I get lucky and sleep til 8:00 a.m. Do you have an iPod?: Yes, and I love it... I just got the new 30gb for Christmas. Do you believe in God?: YES, he looks out for me and my lil' man! Do you believe in the Devil?: sure, why not..he’s constantly putting obstacles in my path…. What is/was.... Your favorite quote?: Live each day as if it were your last... cherish every moment for you never know when you may get another... Last.... Time you cried?: Not that long ago! Last...restaurant you ate at(not fast food)?: Outback Steak House. Yummy. Do You.... Daydream?: Of Course! Do You.... Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home?: Apartment, for the moment. Do You.... Own a cell phone?: Yes, I don't leave home without it. lol... Do You.... Collect anything?: Yes, I collect dragons for my son. Have You Ever.... Had teeth pulled?: Yeah, and I can tell you it's not enjoyable. Have You Ever.... Broke the law intentionally?: NOPE.. I'm not crazy...You ever watch CSI. Nowadays, you can't get away with shit.. Plus, I have a beautiful 7 yr. old son to take care of....not worth the trouble. Have You Ever.... Been issued a citation/traffic ticket?: Yeah, a while ago for speeding. Your Favorite.... Place to be?: With people that I love, and that love me. Your Favorite.... Alcoholic drink?: Amaretto Sour. Your Favorite.... Dessert?: Something with chocolate in it. Do you believe In yourself?: Hell Yes, I believe in myself. Favorite Video Game?: Anything where I can kick your ass... jk. I like the new Tomb Raider, Need for Speed Underground, and The King of fighters, etc. Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No. Are you IMing anyone?: No, but I was earlier. What are you listening to?: Mixed CD. Does size matter?: YES & NO. There are height and width requirements... but stamina and movement's just as important... But right now I'm not getting any so I can't really say. Where do you go on the first date?: Anywhere the moment takes us... To dinner, the beach, movies... Kiss on the first date?: Yes, but only if the chemistry is there and your feeling the other person. Would you go out with someone just for their money?: HELL NO. Money is not everything. You should never like someone or be with someone for what they have, only for who they are. Do you play an instrument?:: No. But I always wanted to play the panio. Do you go online a lot?: Yes. I try to stay in touch with my friends and I like making new friends. Do you listen to music a lot?: Yes. I listen to music everyday. It's soothing to the soul. Been watching some really great videos lately Do you Dance?: Yes. I love dancing. Do you sing?: Once upon a time I could.... but now I leave it to the professionals. Occupation?: Paralegal. Law Student. (getting ready to go back to school sometime soon... and work full time and raise my son... I wear many hats.... Do you like your job?: Yes, I love my jobs!! Any Piercings?: Yes, but only in my ears. (5 all together). Last book you read?: The Last book I read was .... The Dark series by... Christine Feehan... Hott and oh so good... Last time you got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail)?: I can't even remember, e-mail's much quicker and more convenient. Last CD you bought?: Beyonce. Your worst trait/characteristic?: Moodiness. Do you have a good luck charm?: Yes. Pepsi or Coke?: Coke. Have you ever had anyone broke your heart?: Oh Yeah! Have you ever skipped skool?: Yeah back in the day I skipped school and hung out with friends, but don't tell my momma. lol.. cooking or cleaning?: Cooking, definitely.. I love to try new things and love being a master chef... Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: 27. and once I hit 30... I'll stay at 30 for a few years. Hometown?: Germantown, Maryland Current Town/City that you live in?: Back in Germantown, MD for the moment. Favorite day of the week?: Saturday. What do you sleep in?: Nothing if I'm by myself. If I have company over, I wear my V.S. shorts outfit. Are you ticklish?: Yes, but only in certain places and not in the same places all the time. I'm training myself to not be. Do you masturbate?: YES! and I'd be lying if I said I didn't... Everyone does. How do you alleviate stress?: deep breathing, meditate, punch-a-pillow...boxing. Do you swear?: Every f*uck*ng time I wanna..and still managing to be a lady too. Do you like thunderstorms?: Yes, I think they're hott especially if the storms are at sunset and in the rain. Is the glass half empty or half full?: Half full. Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?: I like boxer-briefs on a man. Can you handle the truth?: YES, bring it on!! What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?: WIN THE LOTTERY!!!! Is family important to you?: Family is the most important thing there is to me. Fly or drive?: Drive short distances, and fly for long distances. Set your own path or follow the crowd?: I set my own path. What's your favorite position?: Doggy. How many times have you gotten off in one night?: I guess that depends on the partner. The most so far is 15 in one nite. If you could sleep with ANYONE, would would it be?: "Confidential". Pets or exotic animals?: Exotic animals. Single biggest intense pain?: CHILDBIRTH (25 hours of pitocin induced labor and then a c-section! Do you wish on stars?: Every time I see one....
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