As you drift into the night you feel so comfortable and warm, you can hear the sounds of the ocean lapping at the shore. Beyond that is the darkness and in that place is a force ready wipe out what is left of your heart. It is waiting for you to open your heart and let in that one thing you so long to have...
What is that one thing, it is Love...
But what comes with that is the darkness that surrounds it in shadow, so that you will feel complete. It does not strike right away, no it sits there watching, waiting, for the right moment. When that moment arrives it strikes without hesitation, and begins to wipe the heart out. First it drops seeds of despair and then pumps rage and jealousy into your heart. After that it laughs at how you struggle to get everything back the way it was and knowing this it only makes the darkness stronger. As you sit there and try to contemplate what to do, you run to the ocean. Hoping that the wves will wash away the darkness, and yet it still laughs at you. In the end you realize that your heart is broken and wil never recover from the darkness. As it smiles from deep within, you are now a slave to the darkness with no escape at all...