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60 Year Old · Female · From Colon, MI · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Born on December 16th · I have a crush on someone!
60 Year Old · Female · From Colon, MI · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Born on December 16th · I have a crush on someone!

20+ year solitary, eclectic Witch...Celtic bound. My husband of 5 years is a great guy and life is all around great. I study full-time at Capella University - working on my PhD, Instructional Design for Online Learning...hope to soon open an alternative online high school completion program...currently looking to tutor those who need it...

I spend most of my time studying, playing with the family and pets and enjoying life to its fullest! Here to listen to kick ass music, make some new friends, and connect with others who have similar likes and dislikes.

WARNING: I am vocal, I am honest, and I have my quirks...but I will never disregard anyone because of who they are or what they believe. If you don't want the truth...don't ask me...and if you can't tell the truth...don't even bother! I abhor prejudice as a whole and I think our government is totally f*cked. I support our troops, but not the war...that does not make me a traitor, it makes me sane. Bring them home...soon...our women and men can better protect us from our own soil...and last but not least...please do not preach to me...we all have the right to believe what we will...and if your views are different than mine; I will respect that...please do the same for me!

60 Year Old · Female · From Colon, MI · Joined on April 27, 2007 · Born on December 16th · I have a crush on someone!
Family: my life is complete now; Education: my goal is to make it available to EvErYoNe; Music: What is life without it...Silent; Reading fantasy and horror books, cross-stitching, camping, boating, learning...and laughing...As my friend Carlos Mencia says; "If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'"
Loud -n- Local Music: Viewed From the Right, Revile, Our Fate In Hell, Winds of the Black Mountain, Hellbound, IHC, Deus Ex Machina, and many others to be mentioned later...
80's Metal, 80's Hair Bands, Incubus, Mudvayne, Hinder, Nickelback, 10 Years, System of a Down, Papa Roach, Stone Sour, Rob Zombie, and many more to come! LOL...
Video Games
When I have time...any kick ass RPG...and of course, the good old standbys of Mortal Combat, Street Fighter, and Tetris! Hee, hee...

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