Family: my life is complete now; Education: my goal is to make it available to EvErYoNe; Music: What is life without it...Silent; Reading fantasy and horror books, cross-stitching, camping, boating, learning...and laughing...As my friend Carlos Mencia says; "If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'"
Loud -n- Local Music: Viewed From the Right, Revile, Our Fate In Hell, Winds of the Black Mountain, Hellbound, IHC, Deus Ex Machina, and many others to be mentioned later...
80's Metal, 80's Hair Bands, Incubus, Mudvayne, Hinder, Nickelback, 10 Years, System of a Down, Papa Roach, Stone Sour, Rob Zombie, and many more to come! LOL...
Video Games
When I have time...any kick ass RPG...and of course, the good old standbys of Mortal Combat, Street Fighter, and Tetris! Hee, hee...