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Emmett McCarty Cullen...
Is my name, and my life is a hell of a lot more complicated then you would believe. I was born and raised in Tennessee, 1915 where I spent all my child hood and adult hood. I had my mother, my father, and my little sister. Though, I won't talk about them, since I don't even remember them at all. Being a teeneger was the most fun of all. You know what guys to when they get their heads into you know what? Well, yeah I did all that. Get drunk, partying, waking up beside girls I didn't know. Yeah, I was a good party boy.



Let's see now. Oh yeah, 1935, I was 20 years old, hiking and hunting in the montains of Tennessee. When suddenly a big bear showed up and started attacking me. Maulding me, yeah I was mauled by a bear. The lights were going away, and I knew I was dead. I was only tweenty years old and I was going to die, riped apart by a bear!Then that's when I saw her. My angel. My angel had come to help me, to bring me to havean. I was flying, the air was wooshing passed me, but I never took my eyes of her perfect features. But surely havean couldn't have taken that long to get to. It must have been further then I ever had thought it would be. It felt like it was taking forever for me to get there, then suddenly, I was brought before God, and his angelic features gave me a smothing look like saying "it's all right Emmett, you're safe now" but then I felt fire. I was in hell, it would make since for all the fun I had. But why would the angel be allowed to stay at my side? God never made her leave, even him came up to check on me once in a while. And then, then the fire was gone. I woke up beside my angel, and I was told that I was not human anymore, but a vampire. I was okay with it, because if my angel and God were vampires, then surely it's not all that bad.

"They were surprised at how little disturbed I was over the issue. But if Carlisle and Rosalie, my angel, were vampires, how bad could it be?"

So here my new life began, with a new family. My new father- Carlisle; my new mother- Esme; my new brother- Edward; and of course my angel- Rosalie. I loved my angel for saving from my own death, that this new life brought new changes. Rosalie and I got married, it was the most beautiful wedding. Of course it was only family since we couldn't go to public with my eyes of the color red, people would wonder about me. Our honey moons were the best! I don't know how many house we broke, but you could see where this is going!Of course, living with Carlisle made us felt less of the monster we are. He taught me how to control my thirst, although it was hard let me tell you! He thaught us how to feed on animals instead of humans. Edward had a tough time controling me. Feeding on animals is harder then most think. Being around so much temptation is like having a bowl of haroine in front of you. But I made it through, for my angel.

After months and months of practice, I was getting better at it, the animal hunting. I felt better too, not killing humans. I learn how to even fight against a grizzly! My favorite animal to hunt. It's like having my revenge on the one who almost killed me. Perhaps I even got my revenge on it, who knows, they all look a like to me. Edwards favorite thing to hunt is, montains lions. You should the guy fight those things! The tiger is out of the bag! Of course, we couldn't stay in Tennesse any longer. So we moved to Forks, Washington. A very rainy place. Carlisle attended work there following his carrer as a doctor. That's when we learned something. Something we never thought actually existed: Werewolves. They tried to convince us to get of there land or they would kill us. Ha, it's even funnier everytime I say that. And as for us, on our side, we tried to convince we aren't like other vampires in their stories. We didn't drink humans, but animals, of course they didn't believe us. Who would? So we made a treaty with them. If we were to drink a humans blood, the wolves would be allowed to come on our side and kill us. And if we are to step even an inch of a food on there side of the line they would be allowed to attack us and kill us, and vise-versa. Of course that wouldn't be a problem since we didn't drink humans.

While Edward and I were coming back from hunting one day, we found Edward's stuff in the garage. It was pretty funny actually. His room had been raided. For a minute he had thought Carlisle was kicking him out of the family. His face was hysterical. I couldn't help myself from laughing at him. But when we enetered the house. We were faced to faced with new comers. She introduced herself as Alice and her mate was Jasper. She already knew all our names. That's when she explained, she has seen us, had a vision of us here, had seen our ways of feeding and followed it, it was like she had known us all her life. That's when our family numbers grew, we weren't five anymore but seven. I had one new brother and a new sister. Alice and Jasper. Of course, eventually the inivitable happened. We had to move away from Forks. Everyone got older by the minute while us, us we never aged nor grew by the minute. People would get suspicious about us, and eventually they would find out right? Well maybe not, but they would ask questions, and things wouldn't turn out so good for us. So we moved to Alaska, where others like us lived. The Denali coven. Good friends of Carlisle.



Living with the Denalis, was somewhat different. It was a house full of girls. A perfect way for Rosalie to get jealous very easily. The girls were beautiful. Yet not enough to bypass the beauty of my Rosalie. Tanya had a thing for Edward, but he showed no interest in her. I guess Edward is just destened to be alone. It's kinda depressing really. I mean, he's always so moody and all. It's not fun to be around a moody vampire. But his still my favorite brother.The year 2003 is the year we returned to Forks, Washington. Esme had missed Forks, and it had been years since we had been there. So really not many people would have regonized us. Not that they ever had payed any attention to us in the first place. That's when we enrolled into Forks High School. Carlisle went back into working as a doctor. Jasper took Rosalie's last name because everyone thought they were twins. Alice, Edward and I took Carlisle's last name, and we bacame the foster children of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. At least, we could stay longer here.

Of course well all kept to ourselves. Not that we wanted too, well maybe yeah. But everyone were scared of us. Not that I blame them. I mean they get to close to us their endangering themselves, not knowing what their getting themselves too. But everything changed in 2005, when the new girl along. Isabella Swan. At first Edward had no interest in her. But eventually, Edward started liking her, and eventually he could no longer stay away from her. Not that he didn't try too. He did, he went as far as leaving Forks for a week and went to live with Tanya and her clan. But he couldn't stand it, he had to come back for her. That's when Alice saw the future, she saw Bella coming into our family. At first I wasn't to happy about it, but then whatever made Edward happy, then he had to do it. I tried convincing Rosalie that it wasn't that bad, that she's making Edward happy, to give Bella a chance, but Rose didn't listen.

Bella came over one night to watch us play some baseball, some real baseball. Baseball is no fun until you watch us play. It's nothing like your ordinary playing. Trust me! Of course, we all knew about the vampires that were roaming in the area, but they were leaving, so we didn't think they would be any problems...that is until they heard us play of course! They came to see us, to play a game with us, but when James to a sniff of Bella's scent, well lets just say the game was done. This became the most exciting game for James. Edward had ticked the guy off when he protected Bella. So we had to get Bella out of Forks as fast as we could. So Alice and Jasper brought her home to Phoenix, while Esme and Rosalie stayed in Forks to protect Charlie -Bella's dad- from the girl Victoria, and Edward, Carlisle and I went after James. Laurent was way gone by now. Though James had figured out our strategy and went after Bella in Phoenix.

"Three! Let them come."

James had tracked Bella all the way to her house in Phoenix, and made her join him at her old Ballet studio alone, yeah, to have her as a meal. Alice saw her becoming one of us. So we had to go save Bella. Edward had gotten there before us. But when Jasper and I got there, we took care of him, ripped him to shreds and burned him in the wood floors. Carlisle had to stop Bella from bleeding since she had been trown into the glass. But Bella had been bitten, so Edward had to save her. He suck the venom out of her blood. Even after all that, Bella still wanted to stay in Forks to be with Edward. That's what she said in the hospital. Oh yeah, and the story was: Edward, Carlisle and I had come to Phoenix so Edward could convince Bella to come back to Forks, but when she was coming up to our hotel room she fell two story flights. Sounded like Bella to me. So Alice had much fun fabricating t he evidence. Edward convince for Bella to come to prom with us. She didn't enjoy that very well. I like Bella though, ever since she joined us, she keeps me laughing with her klutzyness.

It was Bella's 18th birthday, when Edward decided what was best for Bella's safety. Well it all started when Bella got a papercut. Jasper went all phsyco and almost killed her. We had to bring him outside to cool him off. Edward was giving Bella the cold shoulder for a week when he finaly decided that our family had to leave Forks for Bella's safety. So we left. Rosalie and I went to another honeymoon. Jasper went to College, while Alice reasearched for her pass. Esme made her own antique shop and Carlisle, well Carlisle never stops working as a doctor.



Of course, Edward was crawl into a ball, stoved away into complete darkness for the longest time. He went into a deep depression. He needed Bella but he also wanted to keep her safe from us. Alice knew it would never worked. She had told us that she was one of us now. Of course Edward is just as stubborn as always. So instead of keeping us all moody, he decided to go and track Victoria, but that didn't turn out so well. And Alice, Alice had seen Bella suicide herself, by jumping off a cliff. So Alice went off to Forks to try and stop the future from happening, but what she found out, was mostly desturbing. Bella was hanging around werewolves. But she hadnt suicide herself, that was good. But Rosalie had called Edward telling something about a funeral and Edward had assumed it was Bella's. So well Alice and Bella's trip to Volterra was a pretty adventurous trip trying to save Edward from allimination. They did, but they left with the promise that Bella would have to be turned into one of us.

"It doesn't count until she's conscious Rose."

Oh and yeah, Victoria had come back to Forks to try and kill Bella because we had killed James. Something like mate for mate. Yeah...so Seattle went all phsyco with vampires. But Alice had finaly seen the vision we all waited for during her Graduation party. Victoria was coming to Forks. So we allied with the werewolves, and killed all the newborns with the help of Jasper's training. The Volturi came along, but we had no trouble with them. Jane, Felix, and Demetri left, but they promised us they would check up on Bella soon. Edward and Bella were also now engaged, and August 13 was the day of their wedding. They left on their honeymoon that night. But they both returned 4 weeks later because Bella had fallen pregnant. Something that we never thought was possible. Bella was all excited to see Rosalie when they returned.

Jacob had come to warn us about his pack. They were planning a surprise attack to kill Bella because of their baby. But Jacob had promised he would help us protect her. Leah and Seth joined him. Of course when Renesmee was ready to come to birth, she was ripping herself out of Bella killing Bella in the process. But Edward saved her by turning her into a vampire. And Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. Bella wasn't too happy when she found out, but it's not the pups fault. Irina had seen Renesmee one day, when Bella was out with Jake her Renesmee, she had thought that Renesmee was an immortal child and had reported it to the Volturi. Alice had seen the Volturi coming here when the first snow hit the ground. So we had to seperate and find old friends of Carlisle for them ti witness that Renesmee was half mortal. Rosalie and I went our way, and Carlisle and Esme went theres. We had no clue where Alice and Jasper went since they had never returned after they left.

So everyone we knew came to stay at our house, Bella had learn her talent, her shield. She learn to control it, to strech it out, with the help of Kat and Zafrina. But then the big day arrived. The Volturi showed up. Everyone expected for it to come to a big fight, but it never did. Alice had come back with Jasper and Kachiry and Hulien and Nahuel. Nahuel explained that he was half mortal himself and the Volturi believed him, and they left with greetings and and we all lived safe. I still have my angel Rosalie with me.

The Legend


Taha Aki

"The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the blood of our ancestors."

The quileute people believe we descended from wolves, to protect our people from "the cold ones" or as your people would call them "vampires" We descended from wolves, your people would call them "werewolves" It all started because the cullens came upon our land. Chief confronted the cullens and carlisle explained that they were not like all the other vampires we had encountered. That they were "vegetarians", they did not feed off of humans.The chief said that they could go on, but if any of them bit a human. The war begins.


The Change



"Speed is my anti-drug."

The change was actually very painful. You know when you get a charlie horse in your leg and whatever you do it just makes it worse? Thats how I felt the night I changed. I felt like my whole body was tensing up, it hurt to move and it felt like I was going to explode. I had just gotten back from the movies with bells and the newton kid and I was so happy because it was the first "real date" with bells, I got home and my dad had asked how my night went and I exploded into a werewolf. It has its perks though, speed, running through the forest running faster and faster not stopping, your heart pounding through your chest as you push yourself forward is the best feeling in the world.




Renesmee Cullen

"Won the girl this round."

Renesmee Cullen. The love of my life, my imprint. Right now she is 7 years old, I will be her brother when she needs someone to protect her, her best friend when she needs someone to cry on, her boyfriend and eventually her husband. We are soulmates. Nessie is also the daughter of bells and edward. She is just like her mother but slightly less stuborn. Her name is renesmee but I call her nessie, short for lochness monster.




Isabella Marie Swan Cullen

"Your like a porcelin doll."

Isabella Swan. The first girl I had my first crush on, She moved to Forks from Arizona, her dad bought my dads old chevy, thank God because he was going to make me drive it. Bells and I became best friends then Edward Cullen caught her eye, she fell in love with him. Im not gonna lie, It hurt me really bad that she would just forget me like that, but she didn't. For awhile, it was between him and I. She loved us both, Edward won the girl, but I also won in a way, because I found the love of my life, Nessie.
"All is fair in love and war."


The Pack


Wolf Brothers

"People say family is a bond one should not break."

My Brothers. This is my pack, they are my brothers (and sisters)They are with me until the end. We have been through everything. Quil imprinted with Quil, jared with Kim, Sam and Emily are engaged and I...have Nessie, Who knew imprinting was true?, They are my best friends. My pride. This right here is why I stay sane.


The Cullens


The Cold Ones

"A family in harmony will prosper in everything."

The Cullens. Edward,Esme,Carlisle,Blondie(rose),Emmett,Jazz, and Alice. Now recently Bells, I used to not like the cullens, with the whole bloodsuckers thing and it was in my blood not to like them. After I imprinted on Ness I started to ease up. Plus, My best friend is a Cullen now and if I want to come over I have to be able to not kill them. Esme is like my mother, even though she isn't blood related to me, she acts like im one of her sons that she never had. Carlisle is the cool and collected one, hes the doc and the only doctor I can see without them freaking out because of my temperature. Blondie has the temper while Emmett constantly tries to calm her down but thats Jazzs' job, he can control the emotions around people (which can be annoying) Alice is the pixie, she also uses me for headaches. Edward turned out to be a really cool, guy...we can actually talk to eachother without wanting to rip the other ones throat out. Bella is still bells, even though she is a bloodsucker now (sorry old habit) she is still my best friend. Nessie is part of the cullen family now, she is also my imprint.




"Does My being half naked bother you?"


Where to start, where to start. Well, The names Jacob, but people call me Jake, Jakey, Wolfboy (but im not too fond of that name. I have lived here in La Push ever since I was a baby with my dad, Billy and two sisters Rach and Becca. Growing up, I had two best friends Quil and Embry, we were glued togehter. If you would have known me a couple years ago, You would think I was totally different. I was about 5'5 lanky, with a long pony tail and I always wore it in a rubber band. But things change, and let me tell you, they changed alot. A couple years ago Isabella Swan walked into my life, well, more like tripped.



"Okay.Just Bella and Jacob. None of those freaky Virgos here."


She was always a clumsy one. She had bought my dads old chevy, thank God because he was going to try and give it too me for my first car. But Charlie bought it off my dad to give to Bella as a welcoming home gift.I got my hands on a old volkswagen rabit. I love this car.



Bells and I became really close, best friends, and I loved her. Not just Liked her, or "youll get over it crush" I truly loved the girl.


Everything was going good, until she fell head over heals for Edward Cullen, I never did like him, well to be honest, I had nothing against him until he fell in love with the girl I loved. He was winning, I was loosing. It pissed me off, plus, he always looked at her like she was something to eat. It grossed me out.


I wanted to tell bells about our legend, about our people. Legend had it that we descended from wolves. Taha Aki was the first ever Spirit warrior who discovered who we are today. Legend has it that the spirit warrior would run around as spirits protecting our people that way, until one day, Taha Aki left his human body behind while he ran around as a spirit. Utlapa discovered Taha's body in the woods and hid it. Claiming to be the new leader of the spirit warriors. All our people believed that Utlapa was actually the leader, but in reality, he was an imposter.



"As long as you like me best.And you think I'm good-looking....I'm prepared to be annoyingly persistent."




In desperate attempts Taha found a wolf and asked to share its body with him. Taha returned to his people as the wolf but because of so much rage and deperation to tell our people the truth he fazed back into a human. Our people were all confused. Utlapa was killed, Taha discovered that he could transform into a wolf, or as your people would call them "werewolves" Our people transform into werewolves to protect from "the cold ones" or, as your people would call them "werewolves".


Again, At the time, it was just a legend. I told bells about "the cold ones" and that a family had moved to Forks recently being, The Cullens. Bells believed our legend, and discovered that Edward was really a bloodsucker. There was a "group" in La Push, that always gave me the creeps, Quil, Embry and I didnt like the group because they were too goody two shoes for our kind. They were like Hall moniters gone bad. Their leader was Sam Uley. two guys had already joined in on his group. Jared and Paul. We didn't like them at all. Embry, who hated them suddenly couldnt leave sams side.



"What's it like- having a werewolf for a best friend?"


It pissed me off, one minute he was all for hating them, then the next, he wouldnt come to school, answer my phone calls, he ignored me. I started to worry that I would be sucked in too. I remember the night it happened. I had just got back from the movies "crosshairs" with Bells and the newton kid, when my dad had asked how the night was and thats when it happened, I exploded.


Thats right, you heard me, I exploded into a wolf. At first I didnt know what was going on, to admit, I kind freaked. Until I heard this voice in my head calming me down, I recognized Sam Uleys voice, telling me what had happened. Then, I relized that the legends of my people were true. Everything was true, I was a werewolf. I had to tell Bella, but only I was afraid that she wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, that I would freak her out.Suprising Bells didnt freak, she still wanted to be my friend. She didnt think of me as a monster.



"A lifetime of servitude remember?"


Bells always did attract attention, vampire for a boyfriend, werewolf for a best friend what next? Soon our pack grew from Embry, Me, Sam,Jared and Paul to. Quil, Seth, Leah, Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry and I. We are a family. I still didnt like the fact Edward got the girl, I always told bells that I would be waiting in the wings. Until her heart stopped beating. Edward changed her into a vampire.



"You don't have to go.You really don't.You could stay here with me.You could stay alive...For Me


I was furious, and hurt at the same time. There was no more chance for us.Bells got pregnant, and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Renesmee Cullen. The legend also talked about imprinting, imprinting is when a wolf (like me) imprints on a human, meaning, thats your soul mate. I imprinted on Renesmee,Nessie for short. she is half vamp and half human. And I love her.

Bells freaked when she found out. She kicked me out of the house. Literally. But She has come to realize that I love nessie, I am here when she needs an older brother, best friend to cry on and to listen, and when shes ready, we can be together. I have become friends with The Cullens. Who would've thought that I would become friends with bloodsuckers. No offense, but I would've never thought I would become friends with them. Edward and I are actually pretty close. Emmett is the funny one. We like to play tricks on eachother. Rose, well, you know, Nessie is going through this whole "hannah montana" faze and puts me in blonde wigs, then I go up to rose and say,"Hey look! were twins" I usually get slapped, but its still hilarious. Esme is like the mom, Carlisle is the best doc you will find, ever. Jazz likes to play with my emotions alot. I will be sitting there and all of a sudden I want to watch Hannah Montana, mostly because Nessie wants to, and I dont. Alice is like my sister, she uses me for her headaches though lol. We have all become close.



"I'll never see anyone else...I only see you even when I close my eyes..."


Can't get enough of Em's cooking, Its amazing, You should try it :D

carlisle_cullen1 Pictures, Images and Photos Esme Pictures, Images and Photos Carlisle Icon Close Up Pictures, Images and Photos Esme Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos

Hello my name is Carlisle Cullen I have lived and seen through my years many things but even through many things you still find only one thing that will ever mean anything to you I was born long ago in Italy as a child I was interested in learning and hearing my father was a well respected doctor and we knew many people in the village,My father was strict and obsessed with hunting these creatures he would tell me about creatures to be so fowl that you would wish to be dead than 100 feet near one these creatures were vampires that my father beileved to have been attacking the villages through Italy but there was one particular hunt I helped my father with that hunt would be my last,it was dark and cold when I was coming through the village I happened upon a group of beautiful people standing on the cobble road they stepped out of the dark shadows into the gleam light of the moon and I knew what they were there was no use running I knew very well but I did when suddenly one sprang near and bit me I knew if I screamed the ones hunting would come and kill me they approached and I slid into a hole pit where I silently screamed in my head for days over the painful burning in me knowing what I would soon be.

Twilight Edward Pictures, Images and Photos Edward Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos edward cullen Pictures, Images and Photos Edward Cullen Pictures, Images and Photos

Then it was over I came out on the 4th nigjhts feeling safe but very alone I decided I would kill myself not knowing what a problem it would be I tried drowning myself,cutting myself,hanging myself none of it would kill me I knew I would always be this way so I roamed and I learned and soon became in control of myself I went to Chicago to work at a local hospital there at the time of the spanish influenza break out I was working with a family of three named the Masens they all were running out of time I knew but the son Edward was the strongest I liked the boy Edward he was intelligent and a fighter so I was heart broke to see him go later that evening while I was treating his mother Elizabeth she told me something that would change my life forever she told me she knew what I was and that she wanted me to save her boy I was lonely and looking for company but unsure if I would be able to take the task in concideration I promised her and soon her husband Edward SR. passed then she followed I changed Edward and he became a son to me soon he was helping and learning in the medical field along with me

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he knew how I longed for a different kind of company that of a woman soon a lady was brought in but they took her straight to the morgue once they checked her they said she was simply not able to be saved but she still had some what of a pulse she was beautiful so then I decided I would bite her. We became inseperable and in love I was forming a family I had always wanted as the time passed on we added new members to our family Rosalie which I found lying on the road after being beat badly I felt sorry for the girl and made her apart of our family this didnt please Edward very well but every addition we came to made esme extremly happy soon Rose found Emmett and they married our last additions Alice and Jasper found eachother and came to us everything I have made me pleased and fortunate to have the family I did Edward grew lonely and went on his own for a year as a nomad I had raised my family to eat only animals this way gave us a chance of a more normal excistance to be with other humans and act as normal as possible

Bella and Edward Pictures, Images and Photos Bella and Edward Pictures, Images and Photos Edward & Bella Pictures, Images and Photos Bella and Edward icon Pictures, Images and Photos

soon Edward found a girl Bella marie Swan which he fell in love with but thirsted for her blood to much to be with her they came across many problems but came out of it and soon married and had a child Renesmee while Bella was still human whom is the most extrodinary little girl I have ever seen my life is complete and I feel almost lucky to be whom I am because without it I would have never had the people who are so dear to me know,A wise man once said "wise men are but of fools who listen"

Clock Icon Pictures, Images and Photos clock icon Pictures, Images and Photos clock twisted Pictures, Images and Photos clock Pictures, Images and Photos Sometimes I find that even with all the time in the world there are those days when there is just never enough time filling it doesnt seem to be a hard thing to do for me even when im just sitting at home with esme its filled in the most significant ways and for that I am proud and quite content with having all the time in the world

I was originally born in Chicago, Illinois on June 20, 1901. In 1918, my parents, Edward Sr. and Elizabeth Masen, died while the Spanish influenza was going around, and my mother asked Dr. Carlisle Cullen to "save me." He turned me into a vampire, as there seemed to be little hope of me living. From then on, Carlisle raised me as his son. Eventually, others joined our family.

"It’s twilight... It's the safest time of day for us. The easiest time. But also the saddest, in a way... the end of another day, the return of the night. Darkness is so predictable..."

I'm living in the quiet, tiny town of Forks, Washington. With the exception of my family, this is your average small town. Nothing too exciting happens here. Well at least not until one day, when a new girl named Bella Swan arrived at school. I could barely control myself. I was intrigued by her, and she smelled so good. I tried to stay away from her because I thought I wouldn't be able to control myself, but I was unable to do so. I ended up falling in love with her...

"It will be as if I never existed."

Since Bella was already prone to danger, and I only seemed to be attracting more towards her, I decided I had to leave in her best interest. I wanted her to be able to live a normal, human life, without all the danger associated by being around me. Being without her, well, those were the longest and worst days of my life . She was always on my mind, but I promised her I would not interfere in her life again. Strangely enough, it was Bella who ended up saving me when I decided to go to Volterra, Italy.

"I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn't want you anymore. The most absurd, ridiculous concept---as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you."

While I was gone, Bella met a werewolf named Jacob Black. They became very good friends. Werewolves, however, are the mortal enemies of my kind. Although he is my enemy, I am very grateful to Jacob and his pack, for they protected Bella while I was gone. He grew to like her, in fact, to love her. If Bella would be happier with him, I would be happy if she picked him over me. She is my life. She's the only thing it would hurt me to lose, and as much as I would hate to lose her, especially to one of my enemies, it would hurt me even more to see her unhappy.

"Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever-
Every single day of forever. Will you marry me?

Bella wanted to be changed into a vampire. She wanted me to be the one to change her - apparently, she liked the idea of 'my venom' flowing through her veins. I told her I would change her under one condition - she must marry me first. At first, she didn't believe me when I propsed to her, and she didn't want people in Forks to get the wrong impression of our relationship. However, I did not back down on my deal - I wanted her to be mine forever. She finally accepted my hand in marriage, and we were married on August 13th. I do not think that I could possibly be any happier than I am now.

"All of my best nights have happened since I met you."

On our honeymoon at Isle Esme, Bella got pregnant. None of us knew this was possible. I wanted to get the 'thing' out of her - it was hurting her. Bella wouldn't even consider this option though. She loved this 'thing' that was hurting her. Eventually, we all grew to love it. Our baby girl, half vampire & half human, was born on September 10th. After giving birth to Renesmee, Bella had to be changed into a vampire so she would survive. She finally got her one wish - I bit her, and she changed. Renesmee is a true miracle, and we love her with all our hearts. We moved to a cottage and are now living happily ever after...forever. :)

About me:

I have had an uncanny passion for nature and its beauty all throughout my entire existence. It all started when I was sixteen years young. I was deeply fascinated with trees and their strength; and, unfortunately, I paid the price of being too adventurous as a child. After climbing to the top of that magnificent tree and maintaining the proper equilibrium, I suddenly lost my balance and proceeded to fall to Mother Earth, breaking my leg in the process. The pain was near unbearable, I dare say. Do understand that my family and I lived on the very edge of town, out of the way from any nearby hospital, as you can imagine. We set out on our way to the doctor’s, foreseeing an entire day’s travel ahead of us. We arrived at the hospital, just as night fell — the norm doctor was away at the time, as we learned. Instead, the youthful—looking, stand-in doctor Carlisle Cullen treated my wound. He was beautiful, unlike any other I had ever beheld. I will never truly forget that day. I was changed forever; it was love at first sight. I knew he would be apart of my life, I just did not know exactly how or when this would happen. After my injury he left a few months later but I still had hope I would see this Doctor again.

As all of my dear friends married, I could only wallow in my loneliness and self-doubt. I felt considerably empty, considering I have ceased to capture any one male’s attention. Was I undesirable? I had considered such as the cause of my desperation.

But of course, I was happy for their engagements, and I always attended their weddings, for such is what a good friend would do, after all. I tried not to let the bitterness brewing inside of me rise to the surface, where it could have very well taken over. My despair was temporary, I prayed. I kept my emotions under control. Jealousy has become my constant companion. It became a part of me.

If you haven’t the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you.
I then decided to pursue my dream: I wanted to be a schoolteacher. I wished to be able to do some actual good in this evil world, but everything comes at a cost, as I was soon to learn. This time, such would cause more loneliness, as I would have to move to the wilds. I was forced to relocate. Then, amongst my wallowing, however, when I least expected it to happen, the son of a dear family man proposed his heart to me. I was too entirely eager to suppress my father’s urges of pressing me into marrying Charles Evenson. I was very drawn to Charles but knowing his past I knew this could become problems later on but I never told my family (or to even Charles, for that matter) that my heart was merely indifferent towards the fellow. I complied to my father’s wishes, I finally gave in to marriage in 1917, when I was only 22 years of age. Little did I know that this first—hand experience would scar me for life.

How I regret that decision even to this day, as he abused me behind closed doors. I dared not leak word of Charles’ fierce tempter, for I did not wish to stir any more trouble than I was already causing. I was raised to be a “good wife” and that I needed to “keep my mouth shut.” And so I did, wanting to make my father proud of my efforts of being a decent wife. I know that Charles had a past that explained his hate and anger but he was taking his anger out on the one person who cared. Reluctantly, relief overwhelmed me as the monster was drafted to fight in World War I. I thanked God each and every day for the new found peace He had brought into my life. I could not have been happier; but, all of my dreams were crushed at his return in 1919. My heart sank in my chest, as the routine strikes continued on where they had left off. I can remember not knowing how much longer I could last living in this violent relationship. I did my best to stand strong and hold my ground, despite the constant beatings. I had sworn my heart to the very man I dare say I wished dead. I was violated and have brought disgrace on my family’s name.

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.
I fought against my husband’s abusive grasp in 1920 when I dropped everything and left our dysfunctional home, once I had discovered that a child was taking refuge inside my womb. I felt more complete, despite the emptiness what lingered within my torn heart. I escaped to live with a second cousin in Milwaukee for some time, but I soon moved even further north when word had reached to my parents about my whereabouts. Of course, they were infuriated. I was supposed to be compliant, living happily with my husband elsewhere. I remember formulating a plan that I was to portray a widow who lost her dear husband in battle overseas. And dare I say it was successful for the most part. Then, my life-long dream of teaching young children was finally granted, as a small community outside Ashland welcomed me with open arms. All was well until my child died of lung infection just a few days after he was born. The emptiness and bitterness had returned. Again, I was left broken and alone. Was I not granted to have even a sliver of happiness and freedom in my life?

Needless to say, I found nothing left to live for. I wasn’t granted a happy marriage. I was refused the child I had been longing for. I was so entirely distraught that I decided my time of death without the consent of anyone on the outside world. I came to the conclusion that I would be better off dead, for only more hardships would find their way into my life, depriving me of happiness. I flung myself off of a cliff to the ragged earth below — a quick and painless passing. Or so I thought... Surprisingly, I awoke with a new found life. Never again did I expect to see that dazzling face from my childhood.

Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.
I was not too shaken by the fact that I had been turned into that of the undead. It didn’t take long for me to accept my fate as a vampire. I was with Carlisle, and nothing else in the world even seemed to matter. He would surely treat me as a wife deserved to be treated; he took pity on me, after I told him the story of my life. He consoled me and showed me much affection. He was meant for me and I for him. I made an effort to forget about my past and all of its hardships. It would be very much a lie if I say that I don’t remember anything, or that I have forgiven every wrong that has ever been done to be. My heart has since healed over, though the scars are still very much present.

Ever since the death of my child, there has since been this maternal ache that needs to be quenched. So, as a result of being physically older than the rest of my “family,” my maternal instincts took over, as I am now the mother figure of our happy family. I continuously watch out for them and tend to every need they may have. They are my life and my world. I will sacrifice everything for their happiness. All of my so called "children" bring something special to our family. Alice and her ability to see things before they happen, Edward with his gift of being able to read minds, Emmett with his strength and older brother love, Jasper with his way of being about to calm a room or get them rallied up together and Rose with her enthralling beauty that no one can compare too. All different but I love them all very much equally. They are apart of me and I think of them like my own. Carlisle, my passionate husband, is my life. I love him dearly and no other being on this world can compare to what love I have for him.

Who I'd like to meet:
I have a loving husband who seeks to be apart of the greater good in this life. His love and compassion shines with hope for all to see. He is the one that has led our family to a new way of living. I owe Carlisle Cullen everything in my life. He is my soul mate and my partner. His love is pure and true to my heart as mine is to his. Saving humans has been his focus for centuries and he continues to proceed in this path. I am proud to say I am his wife and the mother of his children. He completes me in every way.

Doctor Carlisle Cullen.♥.

I was born in 1843 in my home state of Texas. Twenty years later, I was changed into a vampire by a woman known to few as Maria. She and the other two members of her clan (Nettie and Lucy, who are also vampires) transformed me into the being I am today. Believe it or not, I served as a Major in the Confederate army during the Civil War. The vampire family that changed me in 1863 was very different from the Cullens in their dietary habits –- they fed off humans. I became depressed over my way of life and soon enough, I sought something better. My search led me to Alice in 1948, which in turn led me to Carlisle in 1950, a mere two years later. Carlisle taught us about his “vegetarian” lifestyle, meaning that we drink from animals and not humans. Surviving off animals is extremely difficult for me, but I manage to do it with Alice’s continuous love and support. I’d do anything for her. It is extremely difficult for me to be around humans, and going to school certainly doesn’t help. But I naturally manage for Alice, of course. I am currently taking a year off before attending college (again). This allows me to be near Alice while she finishes up her senior year in high school. I used the last name of Hale because Rosalie and I look so much alike, and because people assume us to be twins. We, as a family, tend to go with whatever the humans are willing to believe, making it easier on us. Rosalie insists on using Hale as a last name, and therefore, I took it as mine, too. Anything to make our living as smooth as possible. "You held out your hand, and I took it without stopping to make sense of what I was doing. For the first time in almost a century, I felt hope." Alice is everything to me.



It was a very, very long time ago. Mary Alice Brandon lived in Biloxi, Mississippi with her parents and younger sister, Cynthia. She was around the age of 17 when she began having premonitions, and her parents pushed her into an asylum. She was kept in a very dark cell, and had the shock treatment over and over again, making her forget everything. Little did she know that, one of the guards that worked in the asylum was a vampire, who had grown fond to her. When the vampire found out that she was being hunted by a tracker, he quickly changed her, safing her life. When she awoke from the burning, it was as if she had never seen anything before.

Mary Alice Brandon Cullen is the name, Currently living with the Cullens. My "Adopted" Family, And Life Couldn't be any better. As I don't remember my human form at all, the Cullens are all i have, and the best family ever, Carlisle has shown us so many good sides of being what we are and he is a really good man, Esme is the most loving, caring person you can ever wish to meet, i am grateful to have her as a mother. My dearest brothers, Edward and Emmett, i will annoy them for the rest of eternity, but they will always love me no matter what. My Beautiful sister, Rosalie, your vain, but with good reason. You my sister are stunning. My Best Friend Bella, your my best friend, and you know it ! My Jasper, for the first time, in almost a century, i felt hope, I Love You. ♥

No one dressed by me, ever, looks like a idiot.

the future can wait, i have everything i need right now.


Once Upon a Time Pictures, Images and Photos
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I was born to a middle-class family in 1915 in Rochester, New York. My father had a stable job in a bank while my mother was a housewife. My parents were social climbers and I was the ticket they needed to reach their social aspiration. I was clearly the favorite of my parents, with two younger brothers. While growing up, I dreamed of a lavish life--a life with a rich husband and children as beautiful as I was. My parents influenced my want of material things, which made me vain and conceited. I wanted a big house that someone else would clean, with a large lawn that I would play with my children on.
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In Rochester, where I grew up, there was only one family that had what my parents wanted--the Kings. Royce King owned the bank my father worked in. His son, Royce II, saw me for the first time and began dating me. It was a quick courtship and we were soon engaged. The engagement went too quickly and wedding plans were made. I couldn't help but feel something was missing from my relationship with him, despite the fact that Royce was everything I'd dreamt of. I soon began wanting what my good friend Vera had--a husband who wasn't necessarily rich, but one that loved her and was there for her, and a small baby they could raise together lovingly. One night I went to Vera's, and while walking home I realized how late it was and I wished that I had called my father to escort me but realized it was silly since the way was so short. As I continued, I saw several drunken men. One of them turned out be Royce. Showing me off to his friends, he ripped off my jacket and the pins from my hair. When she I out in pain, the men seemed to enjoy it. They proceeded to beat and later rape me.
Royce and his friends left me dying on the streets. Carlisle Cullen came to investigate the grisly scene, found me half-dead and tried to save me humanly. I had never liked Dr. Cullen or his wife, Esme and her brother, Edward, as he then pretended to be. It had bothered me that the family was more beautiful than I was. Dr. Cullen, who turned out to be a vampire, saved me that night by turning me into a vampire after he realized I could not survive my wounds as a human. Despite the fact he and his family are vampires, they only fed on the blood of animals, calling themselves "vegetarians". Soon after becoming a vampire, I killed Royce and his friends in vengeance but was careful not to spill a drop of blood, knowing I couldn't resist that. For this particular reason, I pride myself on never having fed on human blood. Two years later, while hunting, I found a young man named Emmett being mauled by a bear and ran him back to Carlisle. I begged for him to save the dying Emmett, who reminded me of Vera's little boy Henry, by changing him into a vampire. We fell in love and were soon married.
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Emmett and I currently reside in Forks, Washington, but we often live away from the family as a married couple. I am the only one of the Cullens (except Carlisle) to keep my last name. Jasper took up my last name because we had been told many times we look so similar we could be siblings so that is what we usually go by. I decided to keep my last name on account of myself not wanting to be a vampire. It is for this reason that I resent Bella for wanting to be a vampire, for "throwing away" everything I ever wanted but never had a chance to have.
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bellas lullaby.... Pictures, Images and Photos Before you, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars -- points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything.
Bella Swan Banner Pictures, Images and Photos
Full Name: Isabella Marie Swan Cullen. Nick Names: Bella to friends – Bells or Bell to Charlie. Hair Color: Brown. Eye Color: Gold. Height: 5’4”. Weight: 115 lbs. Date of Birth: September 13, 1987. Turned: September 10, 2006. Status: Vampire. Special Ability: Mental Shield. Originally From: Phoenix, Arizona. Physical Description: "Bella is very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow’s peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She’s slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them.


..Robert Pattinson Pictures, Images and Photos..
The daughter & her name is Renesmee
1 of 2: The Sister & her name is Alice
2 of 2: The sister & her name is Rosalie
Rosalie Pictures, Images and Photos
The brother 1of2 & his name is Emmett
Emmett Cullen at Lunch Pictures, Images and Photos
The brother 2of2 & his name is Jasper
Jackson Rathbone Pictures, Images and Photos
The Bestfriend & His name is Jacob Black BellayJake(L) Pictures, Images and Photos
The Father & His name is Charlie Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos
The Mother & her name is Renee Renee Dwyer Pictures, Images and Photos
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