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34 Year Old · Female · Invited by: jay · Joined on March 10, 2009 · Born on August 2nd
34 Year Old · Female · Invited by: jay · Joined on March 10, 2009 · Born on August 2nd

I'm Jannella or Jelly. (nickname).
I love a food and im still skinny.
Dont call a PIG because i eat a lot!!
I love random and weird ppl they are my favorite. Manic.gif
I am Bisexual, so deal with it.
Im very mellow but if you get on my bad side i will get piss off!.

I love my friends, without them I'll be dead.

I'm the sweet person you will ever meet, have a go.

I'm really easy to get along with most of the time...
If I don't like you, that your fault.

I'm very open.
I can trust anyone sometime.
love music.

if something buggin me i got to have it, someone is i have to go away.

i love my girls at home (dogs).
i make fun of ppl I'm stressed.

im always self-esteem.

My birthday is August 2 Sd, I dont expect anything.

I don't talk in my sleep.
I'm addicted having fun and going out a lot.

I don't like it when people they lie or cheat on me.

I'm usually always a very happy person.
But it doesn't take much to make me mad.

I like all kinds of songs
like (metal, rap, hip hop, screamo, techno, country, rock...ect.)

Sometimes I think of random stuff about myself and about people.

i make myself and other people confused make me and the other person laugh.

I don't like to go to my mother's friends house or spend the night there.
I stay up over 24 hours and got home, went to sleep

I HATE spiders with a passion. i also Hate snakes O.O;;...
I can get paranoid.

I absolutely adore myself.
People who love me.

I LOVE the phone/computer, they are my life.
I don't mind school.
I use to have a house that burn down D:

I LOVE my dad to death, my mother make me so mad or stresses some time but i love her Slurp.gif.

I'm great at math.
I often apologize for things I don't need to.
I've been told I look so cute ever time.

Sports are not for me just to watch.
Hockey is violence, i like it Biggrin.gif

I love my Leandra always got to have it.
You can't act me or be me.

I hate guy think they know me


As much as I don't want to do that crap, I really dont care what you think about me.

I love to watch Animals Planet and CSI.

I think sit at house is boring.

I hate my face.
I feel my Best Friend's emotion when she's upset.
And she can feel mine.

I love it when people express their feelings.

I hate it when 9 or 10 years old suck on their thumbs.. i think that's Disgusting!

I like to spook people out when its night time sometimes. i love it when my boyfriend is not afraid to kisses me at any god give time. Biggrin.gif

I love Guys have a good appetite.
Ok so not all of them do.
Only the COOLSTER do Biggrin.gif

If you read this. Your basically my Stalker.

34 Year Old · Female · Invited by: jay · Joined on March 10, 2009 · Born on August 2nd
The basic stuff ...
Favorite Music: Rock, Metal, techno, screamo
Favorite Books: i don't like to read book
Favorite TV Shows: CSI, Cops, animal planet, is me or the dog, ghost
Favorite Movies: i like them all hehe
Favorite Cuisine: chinese and Japanese
Favorite Chinese Food Place: The Great Wall
Favorite Pizza Parlor: Pizza-Hut
Favorite Restaurant: Don't have a favorite
Favorite Clothes, Shoes: i don't know
Favorite Quote: "Life is like a bunch of oranges Enjoy it... Until it goes bad... or Bom Chika Wah Wah"
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latin
Religion: Christian/Catholic
Living: With Parents/Family
A little something more ...
First thing you will notice about me: Great personality
Best Feature: Eyes
Turn Ons: Body Art / Piercing, Candlelight, Dancing, Flirting, Intelligence, PDA, Thrills, Spontaneity
Turn Offs: hickeys
Car: i don't have a car but soon D:
If I could live anywhere: don't know, Don't care
I want to see this before I die: My fallen angel Manic.gif
Five things I can't live without: music, someone to love, friends, family, my two dogs
In my Bedroom you will find: drawings, poems, TV, videos games, x-box 360, ps2
Perfect First Date: nothing
Ideal Match: sweet, funny, nice, good scene of humor, hug able, fun
On a scale of 1-10, how important are these things to you?
Hanging Out 10
Success 5
Money 10
Family 9
Looks 7
Sex 4
Fitness 6
Similar Interests 5
Candlelight 6
A Sense of Adventure 10
Kinky, kinky 5

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