<a href="http://fubar.com/user.php?u=10811280&friend=10811280" target=_blank>Mike<br><img src="http://b.pcc1.fubar.com/08/21/10811280/tn_2158411765.jpg"></a><br><a href="http://fubar.com" target=_blank>@ fubar</a>
I am so sick of scammers man there working over time now i see just to let all know do not fall for this lottery crap this person is trying to scam you let be known
here is what he will try and say to you do not fall for it ppl
Mike: My name is MIke Jules from the Fubar headquarters based in the USA, I am a Fubar Online Coordinator. How are you doing today?
To Mike: doing great and u
Mike: I contacted you because I have good news for you from Fubar.
To Mike: and what might that be
Mike: I was assign to add you just to pass you some vital information and good news from Fubar Head Office concerning your Fubar account.
To Mike: ok tell me what might that be?
Mike: Have you Heard about the Fubar online lottery going on now? Or have you been inform about your winnings from any of the Fubar online coordinator?
To Mike: no ???? you sound fishy to me you have been reported have a great day...!!!!!
Mike: Your Fubar profile name was selected among the 5 lucky people who won the Fubar online lottery.