w3ll wh3r3 d0 ! start !!! im a b0xah i b0x f0r E3 whaaaat whaaaaaat yup yup ! i l0ve dancing ...hiph0p..str33t bita jazz is all g to0 ! i lub m33ting n3w p30pl3 t0o0!
i l0v3 partying and muzik..watching funn! m0vi3s ..hanging with my cru..stirring up ish with my lil nigga sh0rtay!! :P
i l0ve fashi0n and sh0pping and st3aling fif3ys and bex cl0th3$ !!! i l0ve r0llin ar0und in cars with the muzik loud and singing with my gurl$ ! and i l0ve making pr0files on these sorta w3bsite$ !
i l0v3 muz!k all s0rts 0v muzik ! m0stly rap and rnb and hiph0p and reggaet0n but i also love quite a bit 0v r0ck muzik !
ma! fav artists arreeeee:
*$mall f33t whaaat whaaaat !!!(my twin bruthas band !)
* tupac...aaliyah...sno0p,k0rn..chri$ br0wn ..daddy yanke3,tw!sta,lil kim,chingy, eazy-3, b0ne thugz,dr3, nat3,b1ggi3,av3ry st0rm,50,th3 gam3,ciara,fat j0e, n3lly,metallica,blindspott,l!v3,dmx,audioslav3,xtina,evanesence,jagg3d 3dg3,kany3 w3st,na$,pr3tty ricky,scr1b3,t-pain,y0ung je3zy ! pr0b m0r3 i f0rgoten ..too mani lik3 i s3d i l0v3 muz1k !!!
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