Family Values
1. A Juggalo does not Hate/ Discriminate
2. A Juggalo does not steal from his/her Family
3. A Juggalo does not covet his/her ninjas significant other
4. A Juggalo keeps his/her Drama in hand, but out of sight.
5. A Juggalo avoids Cliques and keeps his/her Family whole
6. To a Juggalo Everyone is Equal
7. A Juggalo does not initiate Religous Battles fore that leads to Hating
8. A Juggalo should always try to have fun
9. When a Juggalo has Beef with another ninja he/she keeps it between them and doesn't involve the rest of his/her Family
10. A Juggalo doesn't have to Lie to be Down.
11. Above all a Ninja is proud to be a Juggalo
A message to all Juggalettes--
You're a juggalette, and all juggalettes are fuckin matter what anyone says. In my eyes, as it is or should be in every "True" Juggalos eyes, all Juggalettes are fuckin beautiful and they should be told this every fuckin day for the rest of their lives. Even if the rest of the world tells you otherwise regarding your appearence, your attitude,etc., know that there is still one person out there that thinks differently.....After all, you gals put up with us, and all our retarded we don't believe y'all is beautiful for that, then why the hell have y'all put up with us for so long? hmmm? Peace out beautiful......MCL MFL
(Feel free to post in your pro. All I ask is that you give credit where credit is due...MFL)
-Rev. Casper aka Brother Casper-Jude aka
Casper The Living Ghost