We have but one life , we have but one heart , we are born into this world alone and frighten . The life we are
given is the life of hope , the life of love , the life of careing , the life of giving , the life of hope . As we get older
many loose part of the life we are givin , sometimes it is lost from the pain we must endure while walking lifes
long hard roads . Our hearts were tender once our souls were full of hope , but lifes hard roads turns them hard
turns them cold . Our once filled life of love , hope , careing , giveing becomes lost . lost behind all the walls that
we build protect our most charrished memorys of when life was good . But to me by doing that we lose all that life
has given us we lose our sence of giving back what we were givin our walls protect us from knowing the true
meaning of love . I may have a wall or two myself but i refuse to let lifes hard roads take from me what i have to
give to others , which is hope that we all can give life to each other by simply giving the hope of love the hope of
careing . plz lets not loose the life we were givin for once it is gone all there is nothing but darkness and once that
is here we want know what hard roads can really be till we walk down the dark roads behind our walls .