so, i go the "Dr." about my sleeplessness...just what i need another f*ckin the last 44 years haven't been full of nothing but disorder. my one solace is he says and i quote"it's're fixable" HA i almost peed myself. i like him.
so, while i am at the pharmacy waiting anxiously for my DRUGS hehehe...I see this book by Dr. Gregg Jacobs. I have been in therapy for insomnia and anxiety and panic attacks for like a year(once a month...hmmm) and was seeing no real improvement. Luckily, I decided to take some action and got this book. I thought it sounded like it could help me. My sleeping still needs improvement, but I have broken through the intense anxiety and depression that was engulfing my life. I feel so different but,I only get sleep when IT comes to me. I am hoping that with this new medication and at least getting some sleep here and there will be a big improvement...we'll see