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46 Year Old · Female · From Columbia, NC · Joined on February 7, 2008 · Born on January 4th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
46 Year Old · Female · From Columbia, NC · Joined on February 7, 2008 · Born on January 4th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

So you ever just meet one of those people who are too strange for words but for some reason you keep coming back to see what they say? I'm one of those people, I'm like a train wreck, you don't wanna look, and yeah I can be disgusting, but for some reason you're rubber necking me. I'm chaotic, emotional and sometimes you hate me so much you wanna put a bomb under my bed....but then later on you love me and you just can't help it.

I ramble a lot, and talk to myself. I'm a odd bird with many quirks. I'm who ever I wanna be at a moment, and I listen to whatever I wanna listen to. I change my look almost as often as my hair color, right now I'm sportng "Dark Natural Auburn" HAH!. Is there a such thing as fun?

I like to end sentences in.....

Annoying huh? Get use to it it's a phase I will never grow out of.

I'm DIVORCED finally.....

I'm Irish, Cherokee, German and Sioux mix, I have a major temper! LOL! Scary right, no really think about it....
I'm 29 years old and I'm unemployed now, yay me....
I have a baby girl (01-29-08), she's my life!
I get along better with men then women, but I love both. I always told my dad I should have been a boy, and most everyone agrees with that.
Wanna get in a burping contest?
Babe I could make your toes curl with my burps, I fucking rock when it comes to burping!
On a side note just to throw in because it's my fucking page so I can do what I want, GAYNESS ROCKS! There is nothing hotter then gayness...keep that in mind....

A few Quotes I have been known to say
1) Halloween was invented so that one night of the year I'd fit in....

2) My Body is a Canvas, Ink ME
3) I may not be the brightest Crayola in the box, but DAMNIT Im at least Periwinkle!
4) Stop yanking my chain, I like it where it is!
5) I wanted to get a job at Hooters but they said I had to grow my left boob first!
6) Temper you wanna talk about temper? I have Cherokee, Sioux, German and Irish blood running through my veins, to HELL with your temper!
7)I was born with dark hair and dark skin, now Im pale skinned with light hair. Apparently the Irish part of me sent the Cherokee part of me to a reservation!
8) Fucking Douche Snozzle! (Thanks to my friend Rusty for that favorite term)
9) Hes a Fucktard on a mission!

I AM a geek

46 Year Old · Female · From Columbia, NC · Joined on February 7, 2008 · Born on January 4th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

I love to write, read, sing and dance around in my underwear all Risky Business like. I'm a geek and love D n D and Rifts. I love Native American culture, more so since part of my blood is their blood. I love listening to Music and hanging out with friends. (Especially if those friends are in a band-free shows)I'm in lust with anything Vampire like, movies, books etc....

I like a variety of shows, I don't watch TV that much any more though. I LOVE HGTV.

Sword of Truth Novels. Anita Blake vampire hunter novels. Clan of the cave bear series. Ann Rice. Dean Koontz, my own stuff I'm writing, I like a lot of things....

I'm into Tattoos and piercings. Bikes rocks! I'm not looking for any certain type of person I just want to try to get to know people. I've been crushed and honestly I have MAJOR issues. So right now friends are great. I'm not going to jump into your bed just because you're nice to me....
After all I just had a baby so a relationship is SO not what I'm looking for right now, thank you!

If this is only a booty call then call next door, I'm not the Bitch you're looking for.


The largest sex orgy in
recorded history, involving
7,000 participants, took place
in the year 200 B.C.
in Rome. :D





I like all different kinds of music. I'm into 80's music but I love Metal a bit more then that. I like everything you can throw at me EXCEPT I'm not big on most rap and very little country. However that didn't stop me from going to a Garth Brooks concert, though the Pink Floyd concert was WAY better. I'm always interested in something new music wise, so yeah send me a message tell me to check out your band, I'll be honest.

I look at my music collection from a multiple choice view, do I want to listen to Mushroom head today, or maybe a little Cruxshadows? Billie Holiday sounds good, or maybe some ICP...hmmm. Half of the time I listen to it all, my "mix" CDs are really "Mixed".

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