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A day in the life....

So, sorry I've been out for a couple of weeks. I m finally finished moving! Yay! and working graveyards at a super cool 7-11 job haha. Fun eh? :P Umm I resolved that my isp is the dumbest frikin company ever. It took Qwest 2 damned weeks to transfer my services 10 frikin miles. *sighs* not to mention about 20 hours on the damned phone with cust service. (what service? lol) I haven't had time to do my shoot yet, maybe on weds. blah.. Book should be out between dec. and Feb hope hope. I'm officially zombified at the moment just thought I'd catch up right fast. Oh and Corey if ya read this give me a call! lol Hope ya'll are doin well, send me a shout, it is nice to have my Inet back.. finally. Be well!


Finally!!!! I get to say my book is really really being published!!!! Of course it's my third book , but hey better late than never! So.. be on the look out for Precognitive Casualty in the next couple few months. (I'll keep ya posted on the actual release date) It is being published by Publish America and should be in all major bookstores.. (Barnes & Nobel, Borders, etc..) *does a happy dance* Finally I have good news holy shit. Now I must go faint, or pee myself .. or cry maybe all 3 :P haha
It’s true. I am not a housewife. Nor do I ever want that title. To be more exact I find it is most definitely a full time job, one which I don’t particularly recall ever applying for. It seems to me there are two kinds of women. The kind that never needs training at this job, and the type no matter how hard they train, it seems they always fall just a little short. I am one of the latter. Last night before bed I could have sworn I put the whites into the dryer. This morning I wake up to dirty dishes and the darks in the dryer, my significant other desperately looking for clean socks. I casually say, “Honey, there’s socks in the dryer.” Of course however, to my dismay there are not socks in the dryer. So of course between scrambling the cheese omelet, reheating yesterday’s leftover coffee and trying not to burn toast I rush to put socks into the dryer that I could have sworn already had socks in it. Meanwhile- I’m trying desperately not to climb into a cocoon of self loathing for the fact I suck- horribly- at this job. In fact- I would fire myself from it if I could. Now, understand, I have always tried not to do anything half assed in my life, housework is one of those things. I have always tended to pride myself on keeping a relatively clean house even when I was working two full time jobs and in a band. Now- my house is my job and yet I fail miserably at every breath it seems. This is the merging of two lives. A laundry pile that is never done, dishes that are never “all” clean, trash that always has to go out- and in the midst you try to get the pat on the back and thank you for managing to cook food that is edible. Food, being the one thing, I am actually rather good at. So, should I remain happy that of my life I can do 1 of the house-Girlfriend things right or should I hire out for training? The real disturbing part of all of it for me, is to a limit I actually enjoy the domestic thing, what ruins it, is that I suck at it. I think the point of all this being is that however much I might want to be the natural woman with the gene of home and hearth, is the brutal reality that it skipped me. I just don’t have that gene. Perhaps its being single too long, perhaps it’s a subconscious stubbornness, perhaps it may even just be I never had a role model myself to instill that in me. The truth, since trying to actually be this person I fall short of, I do strive harder and promise I’ll get better at it, but honestly- I am just not this girl. I have learned definitely, that people highly underestimate and under appreciate the everyday housewife or for that matter single moms who do it all. I’m not a single mom I’m not a mom at all… but I cannot imagine how hard that would be if you are like me, horrible at being domestic. The upside to all of this, I do have a relatively happy man, even if he doesn’t have clean socks sometimes (maybe if he had more than 3 pairs at my house…) and I’m cute enough to get away with my other wise slacking talents in the home.
My Little Philosophies on Life Faith and Everything! *Although laughter sometimes may seem unruly or unwarranted, I can simply say I do not live to laugh but laugh to live. I have to laugh, even when the joke is not funny.*-MCA *The Beauty of a musician is the ability to feel through a single note- It is the ultimate unconditional and universal love.*-MCA *Whisper in the breeze and I will hear you, Laugh in the rain and I will Dance with you*-MCA *Do Not ever fear the world for it is beautiful in Chaos and Uncertainty with never ending possibilities.*-MCA *I am literally a walking contradiction in everything from my world political views to how much I love and hate every person who walks the Earth, and that is what makes me beautiful. -MCA *Life is really a series of little things- the biggest cruelty in the history of the world was all the little things that go missed. I walk down the street and smile at everyone- sometimes its matched and I know by my simple smile I might of made someone’s day a little brighter- whether inside I could cry at any given moment- I made someone’s day just by a smile. its the tiniest of little things but you making someone’s day as simple as that can in effect makes hundreds of peoples days. I figure on my worst day I effectively impact a hundred or more people, just by a little thing. -MCA *I’m tragically faithful to humanity when it comes down to it- I have faith even when the entire world is crumbling around me many times I’ve been a mess a humble crumbling lost mess- but then the clouds part and a bird sings and there’s a little bit of light from a homeless persons smile - and that right there gives me strength to keep faith in humans and life really, the thing is I casually say I can always be worse even when I’m at my worst and that is because I’ve been there done that and still had faith to look at someone even worse off and know that even that person has faith when they have nothing to hold onto at all. -MCA *It's not that I’m oblivious to the here now and brutality of reality , I just choose to look past the dirty streets and the piss smelling subways and look farther past it all and prefer to believe the greatest even when its the hardest to find -MCA *we are but a creek amongst the possibilities of waterfalls -MCA *I think that faith is an idea, its easy to form and mold and grow.. a belief is something much harder to change. a faith is a concept and an idea of feeling in something you cant prove- I believe in nothing but I have faith in everything -MCA *I've just accepted that someone needs to take the weight of the world with all its ugliness and beauty with open arms, I’m strong enough to do that with honor -MCA *I guess when push comes to shove about my grand philosophy on life- I look at it like the dandelion- the most overlooked and unappreciated flower called a weed. why its called a weed I have no idea since its part of the family that the Zinnias are and the sunflower-but- I'm a dandelion in my own right, I’m a little weed that can grow anywhere just give me 5 minutes of light and a shower and someday Ill be beautiful then pretty soon I’m no more than a bit of fluff on the breeze to be magic to some fairy tale -MCA *When all else fails, I know I'll still have my daydreams. -MCA *if there’s not going to be a tomorrow- at least I know I didn't waste today. -MCA *Don't think for a second you know me merely by looking at me. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I am not a pretty girl, I am a beautiful woman because I have a beautiful soul. Outward beauty is fleeting- and is gone in but a blink. -MCA *Chaos is my favorite color- not because its uncontrolled- but because it's nothing with possibilities of something. Black is not the lack of color but every color possible combined. I dress myself in chaos black- untamed but possible. -MCA * I believe in love at first sight, not because I've had it, but because it's something I've always wanted. How can you have a need or a want for something that doesn't exist. -MCA *Faith is something even the most ignorant can find. A church is not built on faith alone- it's built with rocks stone mortar and a plan. It's founded on the soil the earth and the Faith that is instilled with the very air the builders breathe to make that stone building beautiful. The house of God is in everyone and everything- a church is not the house of God, but filled with the Faithful it becomes a city of Him. -MCA *I am beautiful, because of the people I surround myself with. People who exude faith- life- creativity-love- open mindedness- hope - they become me.. they are what surrounds my dull life in sheer beauty. I am beautiful, because you are. -MCA ©MCA2007 ________________________________________________ My Heart note- Let us all regain our voice and share it in strength in global unison sing- Sing at the top of your lungs all the hope in your soul. Sing and share your knowledge the truth and the way it can be. Let us no longer be blind to our brother our sisters our children and our elders- Let us no longer be deaf to the songs each of us sings in silent soliloquy- Let us hold hands and hug for not one is a stranger for we are all but one- Let us be fruitful and share what we have- Let not our brothers and sisters our hope our future our past die another day in vain in hopelessness in gutters and in pain- Let us Hear- Let us Sing- Let us Dance. *MCA-07* ~Excerpt from Let Us Listen a Poem in length read it on my homepage. at freewebs dot com forward slash melcanderson (lol sorry it wouldn't let me type it for some reason CT hates my web addy) ________________________________________________ That I Live By- *Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature . . . life is either a daring adventure or nothing.* -Helen Keller *No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.* -William Blake, Proverbs of Hell *Give me Liberty to know utter and to argue freely according to my conscience, above all other liberties.*-Milton *To see a world in a grain of sand And heaven in a wildflower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour* -Blake *A brief candle, both ends burning, an endless mile, a bus wheel turning; a friend to share a lonesome time a handshake and a sip of wine, say it loud and let it ring,-that we are all part of everything- the future present and the past- fly on proud bird, you are free at last.* -C.Daniels *If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.* -Francis Bacon *You are successful the moment you start moving toward a worthwhile good.* -Charles Carlson *We may be personally defeated, but our principles never.* -William Lloyd Garrison *We must either find a way or make one.* -Hannibal *Always listen to experts. They're tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it.* -Robert Heinlen *Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.* -David Hume *Sit down before fact like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.* -Thomas Henry Huxley *I never told my own religion nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convert, nor wished to change another's creed. I am satisfied that yours must be an excellent religion to have produced a life of such exemplary virtue and correctness. For it is our lives, and not from our words, that our religion must be judged.* - In a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. H. Harrison Smith (1816) *"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,"--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know*. -John Keats, "Ode on a Grecian Urn" *He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still *-Lao-Tsu. Tao Teh King *We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.* -Charles Kingsley *Beauty is the purgation of superfluities.* -Michelangelo *We do not inherit the earth from out parents. We borrow it from our children.* -Native American proverb *No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.* -Eleanor Roosevelt *There are two things to aim at in life: first to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second*. -Logan Pearsall Smith *What I have learned is but a handful of earth, what is left unlearned is the Earth itself.* -Tamil proverb *Win without boasting. Lose without excuse. *-Albert Payson Terhune *Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint.* -Mark Twain *Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would rather have talked.* -Mark Twain *Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause.* -Voltaire, A Philosophical Dictionary *There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.* -Edith Wharton *The thing always happen that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.* -Frank Lloyd Wright *There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.* -Ralph Waldo Emerson *The Earth laughs in flowers.* - Ralph Waldo Emerson *The softest things in the world overcome the hardest things in the world.* - Taoist sage Lao-tzu *"As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to live it more and more."* - Jules Renard *"I am not young enough to know everything."* - Oscar Wilde "When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." - Chief Aupaumut (American Indian Chief of the Mohican) *The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit." *- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) *Man is the only creature that strives to surpass himself, and yearns for the impossible." *- Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) *"To be really enjoyed, sleep, health and wealth must be interrupted." - Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825) *"If you talk too much you're likely to give yourself away." - Spanish Proverb *"There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way." - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (1940~) *"One may be humble out of pride." - Michel Eyquem De Montaigne "I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it." - Coco Chanel (1883-1971) [Gabrielle Chanel] French Couturier "A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) 35th U.S. President (1961-63) Philosophy is harmonized knowledge making a harmonious life; it is the self-discipline which lifts us to serenity and freedom. Knowledge is power, but only wisdom is liberty." - William James 'Will' Durant (1885-1981) "The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) "Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is boring without it." - Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) "My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope." - Ovid (43BC-17AD) [Publius Ovidius Naso] Roman Poet "He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom." - James Gibbons Huneker (1860-1921) ________________________________________________ Whitman Say's it Best This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body... - Walt Whitman
1. I want to build my own bike.. actually 2 bikes my first one I designed the concept of when I was 15 , and still havent built it. Its the concept of a 78 Sportster softailed out with whitewalls and cali bars.. yeah.. its not quite a harley but not quite a chop. My second one.. Chop totally chop low low cruiser recliner type of chop to where I can sit on it and drive cross country if I feel like a road trip`. Thats the bike. 2. I fucking hate women. More accurately I hate women who lower their iq's to impress a guy. I hate fake stupid chicks or overt drama princesses. What ever happened to tomboy girl next door kinda on the friend side of lovin? whatever happened to that. 3. Tats.. i want alot of them, I have 5 now but someday the 5 I have will be a full back 2 full sleeves 2 full calfs and I want a tat on my ass. I want it simply to say , (Im not tellin haha) some of them, I plan on doing myself, just as soon as I replace all my equipement, I want to apprentice build my prof and do tats.. at least until I can buy my own shop and bar. 4. I love cartoons. Adult swim , Aqua teen , Inuyasha the whole nine, im a fucking geek . all the damned way. I play on my fucking computer or ps or xbox and am completely fucking happy doing just that. 5. I say fuck literally every other fucking word sometimes. It's jut me. Especially if Ive been drinking, too much time of my life spent bartending or being angry at the world. its just me , I swear well and Im proud of it . ;) 6. I love love everything vintage.. when it comes to cars or bikes. You will never see me buy a fiberglass peice of death trap off a new lot , Id rather own a 78 Nova ;) lol 7. What the fuck is wrong with spending a day fishing?! 8. Sometimes I hate everything and everyone because humans are fucking stupid 90% of thier lives ultimately. i hate stupid people who make stupid choices and try to play it off like they are just stupid!! lol 9. I think this is becoming a rant 10. I think humans first and foremost need is to have sex whenever possible and most woman deny the animalistic need and live miserably in life becuase they deny that first need. 11. I think all women are bi or gay and those who claim straight are just in denial. 12. I think that the Yankees suck. Not becuase they think they are the best team but purely because they are all overpayed assholes who dont realize that the fans is really what makes the teams.. in ANY sport. p.s GO RED SOX!! 13. I think the only pro players in any sport that are payed their worth are boxers.. and they should be payed MORE. 14. I hate that just because the wcw is staged [people think its all fake. when people bleed in wrestling .. its real people. sure they act like a dance, but the shit still hurts! 15. I hate hate that most people way into comedians are guys because women are so detached from their iq's they dont see humor in Everything. Yes, Im still inlove with Pauly Shore. 16. I think people are so wrapped up in everyone else that they dont even know themselves and Im glad I sit slightly askew in knowing myself , but being fully comfortable being "different". 17. Ya know, I like that Im trying to learn how to chug beer faster to keep up with my friend Jeremy. 18. change of topic , My favorite movie in the world ever is Boondock Saints, Id like to be an assassin, purely because I hate people enough to know Id do it well. Thus is why I dont own a gun. 19. I freaking love any sort of martial arts film , Im only missing 1 Jet Li movie (Unleashed) for now. I have them all!! (warned ya I was a dork) 20. I tryed to cook microwave popcorn in my oven because I dont have a microwave :X lol It didnt turn out too well 21. I hate mothers day. I hate secretaries day , puppy day , cat day, daughters day, bring your kid to work day.. I hate them all. Why cant we just have no holidays? 22. Im really not always hateful. 23. Beer makes me brutally honest- like this blog entry yet? 24. I hate that I have noone to come drink k beer with me right now, I hate being new to a town yet again and not knowing more than 2 people here , and those 2 people Always have lives 25. the last one of this insightful hateful blunt and ugly rant /25 is that ya know.. If you cant walk like the big boys.. dont talk like one.. I HATE GUYS who cannot walk the talk. call me when you grow up The End. Original post date-2007-05-13 23:22:58
1. I still spin in circles until I get dizzy and fall down. 2. My favorite past time is fishing. Not because I catch anything- but any excuse to spend an entire day drinking beer on a lake is an awesome thing to me. 3. I never catch anything. 4. I worked on a fishing boat in Alaska for awhile , that was cool. Luckily I didnt have to depend on my fishing prowess. 5. I want to go fishing. 6. I've never been Ice fishing. That could be fun. and cold. very cold. {lol} 7. I hate fish {lol} I don't eat the stuff. 8. okay okay I'll get off the fish kick. 9. My jeans are my favorite dress. 10. I don't watch tv- like ever. {lol} 11. I still play dress up with no where to go- I'm not sure why. Typically I'll change into my jeans as soon as I get someplace to go. 12. I used to grow pot for a living. I don't anymore though. (I swear) 13. sometimes I wish I still did. 14. I'm masochistic at times- most of the time. 15. I think blogging is a weird way of soul searching. 16. I love 80's hair bands. Still. haha 17. My favorite car is a Volkswagon bus. (I guess thats a van) 18. I only have 2 things I'm afraid of- Elevators and Bridges. 19. My chucks are my favorite shoes. 20. I'm not really a heels kinda girl unless I'm not going to be walking much haha 21. I change my hair color like once every 2 months. 22. I get bored easily. 23. I was bored with this list like 21 things ago. 24. I am a video game junky. seriously. 25. I broke my tail bone riding a bannanna board when I was 10 years old. (If you don't remember what that is.. youre fired. or youre too young.) lol Original post date-2006-12-04 16:17:30

Another 25 (moved blog)

1. I find inspiration at the oddest times and typically from the oddest of things. 2.I have an accute sense of touch. i/e certain things make me cringe like sandpaper and construction paper and even some fabrics. I can't touch a nail file or burlap. itchy wool makes me shiver. 3. I love leather. leather anything. I love the smell the feel the taste of leather. cured leather.. rawhide leather.. it's all the same. 4. I think the greatest invention of all time was duct tape. I can think of at least 100 things Ive used it for and another 100 I would like to use it for {grin} 5. my favorite dessert is chocolate pudding. it's not too sweet but its to the point.. and soo many things you can eat it on! 6. I love night swimming. One of the biggest thing I miss from living in rhode island was going swimming in the ocean at 3am. 7. I love love to fish even though I don't like to eat it {lol} 8. I'm a very scattered person. I want to be everything and I believe I can do it all. 9. I believe a newborn holds the key to the universe but living stupifies you. 10. I think people play god too much. 11. I followed the Grateful Dead when I was younger. 12. I believe I can fly. it's just that gravity thing thats holding me back. 13. I'm perfectly happy in my own shoes. 14. I could die tommorrow and have no regrets. 15. I love everyone until they give me a reason not to. Stupidity is usually the number one reason for me not to. 16. I used to "rabbit hunt" with cb radios. 17. I want to go to Africa someday. 18. I chain smoke sometimes. Usually when Im bored. 19. My dream guy would let me have my dream girl at the same time. {grin} 20. I want to be writer. I also want to own a pub, a bookstore and a cafe someday. 21. I'd love to go up in a hotair balloon. 22. I want to buy a sailboat and sail the seven seas. 23. I want to be adored for my geekiness. 24. I sing in the shower. Usually out of key. 25. I love to look at my entire life as one big adventure. Original Post date-2006-11-26 04:14:07
Diva and Daddy inspired me to do this because its a quick little thumnail into seeing who is who- and I loved theirs so though I would make my own 1. My Favorite food in the world is Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Tomato Soup. (made with milk of course)- though I hate hate tomatoes! 2. I have Green eyes that turn almost transparent tropic ocean blue when I cry. 3. I'm a book worm. I read everything I can even if I have to use a dictionary to learn the meaning of some words in it. 4. I want to sky dive before I die. 5. I have a fear of flying in large planes, but I love flying in small ones. 6. I'd rather take road trips. 7. I've been to 48 of 50 states and loved them all. (the 2 I'm missing is Florida and Hawaii.. and I don't have a specific need to go to either.) 8. I'm Haida, Tsimsian and adopted Tlingit, as well as Italian and Norwegian. (with Irish somewhere in my family line generations upon generations back.) and I grew up half of my young life in Kassaan a small native village in the Prince of Wales Islands in Alaska. (It's not there now.. everyone moved into the towns and the road got built etc etc..) My Family still owns land there though. 9. I was Born in Bremerton Washington Feburary 24'th 1979, with black hair and green eyes. 10. I was born with a low immune system and spend most of my year sick. If someone has a cold within 5 miles of me I'll catch it {lol} (I blame it on being a changeling) 11. I got Chicken pox for the first time in my life about 3 months ago at the age of 27. 12. I can read palms, Tarot, Crystals and Fae stones, though I choose not to for other people. 13. I'm spaghettios biggest fan. 14. My sister was my mortal enemy until about 5 years ago when we realized we were all we really had. Growing up can do funny things to you. 15. I'm the youngest. 16. My Mother died 5 years ago, and I never said goodbye. 17. I currently live in Chicago and it's cool, though I miss Seattle everyday. 18. I suffer from writers block everyday. 19. I'm a big kid though I am not sure if I really want any. 20. I can't wait for my next tattoo. 21. I'm inlove with Nikki Tyler. 22. Drew Barrymore is My Favorite actress ever. 23. Adam Sandler is my favorite Actor. 24. I'm a percussionist and a song writer, though I havent made it big yet {wink} My first instrument ever was a Violin. I wan't to be a Bass player. 25. I live in my dreams. I Never have a dream I don't remember, and I never remember a dream I wasn't supposed to. Original post date-2006-11-21 14:16:19
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Mel (Just Mel) Christine Anderson- Guthrie Birthday: Feb 24th Birthplace: Bremerton Wa. Current Location: Earth Eye Color: Green Hair Color: umm this month/ irish red and black streaked Height: 5'4- ish Right Handed or Left Handed: ambidextrious- Righty primarily Your Heritage: Alaskan native norwegian italian romani irish The Shoes You Wore Today: Sketchers Your Weakness: Starbucks- a place right behind my ear Your Fears: Flying in big planes- Bridges, falling through street grates,elevators- fire ants Your Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Moving home to seattle Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol Thoughts First Waking Up: fuck (not in the good sense haha) Your Best Physical Feature: my eyes Your Bedtime: anytime in the wee hours of the morning Your Most Missed Memory: what? Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi MacDonalds or Burger King: neither Single or Group Dates: single Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ummm- depends on my sugar craving Chocolate or Vanilla: hellooo Im a girl! what do you think? Cappuccino or Coffee: triple grande peppermint mocha atm Do you Smoke: yes (for way too long) sigh.. I once had a bf who almost got me to quit though lol! Do you Swear: fuck what? Do you Sing: typically off key Do you Shower Daily: ..I hope so.. Have you Been in Love: yes Do you want to go to College: did Do you want to get Married: doubtful Do you belive in yourself: absofuckinlutely Do you get Motion Sickness: only in the back seat of cars Do you think you are Attractive: relatively.. on my good days.. physically that is Are you a Health Freak: ummm... Do you get along with your Parents: I get along with my "adopted" parents My real mom is dead and my father.. umm.. Do you like Thunderstorms: yes yes yes Do you play an Instrument: yes! any/all percussions In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: too much In the past month have you Smoked: ...smoked what? In the past month have you been on Drugs: oh .. umm no In the past month have you gone on a Date: no In the past month have you gone to a Mall: fuck no (december I hate malls .. christmas time I avoid them like the plague &..39;In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:' no but Ive thought about it lol In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yuck In the past month have you been on Stage: only in my mind In the past month have you been Dumped: newp In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: do mud puddles count? just kidding.. no /sigh In the past month have you Stolen Anything: hell no Ever been Drunk: ...didnt we already go over this? Ever been called a Tease: everyday Ever been Beaten up: once Ever Shoplifted: newp How do you want to Die: in my sleep or jumping out of an airplane What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I dont want to grow up. What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: green or blue Favourite Hair Color: blackish brown Short or Long Hair: long ish- shaggy Height: avg-big hehe Weight: umm I like um with cuddly stuff Best Clothing Style: the open front silk style shirts with jeans- kinda the nice looking grunge I guess lol.. Number of Drugs I have taken: too many Number of CDs I own: again too many lol! Number of Piercings: now? .. umm do my ears count? Number of Tattoos: 5 Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1 Original entry 2006-12-25 03:42:29
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