59 Year Old
From Wadsworth, IL·
Joined on August 1, 2008
Born on September 22nd
Well lets see... I was - am (not sure at this point) a DJ, clubs & special events. I got 15+ years of hot mixin and scratchin under the belt as DJ Wyld Kush. The basic needle fryin 12 inch sliging warrior DJ. No fancy behind the back using elbows and nose stuff. Just pure tight on beat packed dance floor mixin. I kinda been MIA on that scene for the last couple years... been more into puttin tracks down rather than mixin someone else's stuff in clubs. Now a days I'm happy workin on layin down tracks or workin with artists and performers recording and mixin.
Whats my music background? Well I gotta say Rock and Metal are my 1st love. After that its a hop and skip around everything else R&B, Motown, Blues, a lil Jazz & Fusion. Then the dance music. Techno, Trance, Rave, House (& deep too), Hip Hop, Hip House, Heart Throb (the old days kind). Not to forget Industrial, and a touch of Ska. Of coarse any chance I could I'd mix Rock & Metal, R&B or Fusion in too (if the club allowed it). I will most likely end up posting dance & rock tracks here.
I used to write for a magazine back in the 90's (hard to tell with my sloppy typo filled presentation here). Interviewed performers and artists like 2 Unlimited, La Style, The Movement, Mitsou, CeCe Peniston, Freedom Williams, Tesla, Queensryche, Aerosmith...
I play Unreal Tournament (yea I'm an addict I'm in a sniper clan - Clan DOU) My game nick is HappyFnCamper, so if ya play UT you might have been capped by me... or capped my ass first (talkin to the guys on this one I guess). Scriptin for UT as well, weaps, skins & mods. Need to find time to make some maps some time too lol. Chess is still my favorite game.
Also dabble in website design. I like to make gifs and cartoons. Lots of other stuff I'm not ready to share with ya all yet.... maybe later...
59 Year Old
From Wadsworth, IL·
Joined on August 1, 2008
Born on September 22nd
Just Another Tale For My Legend - instrumental MP3 - DJ Wyld Kush AKA HappyFnCamper
Latest Status
HappyFnCamper Playin Texas Hold em most of the day :) Come by the tables and take my cash :)