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debsclover's blog: "help"

created on 03/07/2007  |  http://fubar.com/help/b62217


On here to make new friends thats a alaugh as once you add someone to your friends list you never hear from them again


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In memory of my dad

DAD We'll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that warm embrace, you always gave us. You being there for us through good and bad times, no matter what. We'll always remember you Dad because they'll never be another one to replace you in our hearts, and the love we will always have for you Until we meet again, may God Hold you in the palm of his hand God saw you getting tired. When a cure was not to be, He closed his arms around you and whispered, "Come to Me". In tears we saw you sinking. We watched you fade away. Our hearts were almost broken, you fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping so peacefully free from pain, We could not wish you back to suffer so again. So keep your arms around him Lord, and give him special care. Make up for all he suffered and all that seemed unfair.

My shout

My shout aint working dont want people to think im ignoring then

good morning

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I am ;a;

TAKE THE FIRST LETTER OF YOUR NAME A-Punky B-Emotional C-Pretty D-Very Sexy E-Gangster F-Girly G-Dyke H-Sweet I-Retarded j-Gorgeous K-Beautiful L-Fabulous M-Slutty N-Preppy O-Hot P- amazing Q-Boyish R-Hot S-Sexy T-Sexual U-Ugly V-Wonderful W-Hott X-Bitchy Y-Under-appreciated Z-Over-appreciated NOW THE THIRD IN YOUR MIDDLE NAME(if you don’t have one use your last name): A-Wizard B- Babe C-Bitch D-Obsesser E- God (ess) F-Retard G-Queen/ King H-Slut I-Girl J-Goth K-Nerd L-Alcoholic M-porn star N-sex god (ess) O-Geek P-Skank Q-Crack whore R-Sex machine S-Prince (ess) T-Whore U-Cry Baby V-Jackass W-Punk X-Scared-cat Y-Coward Z-Chocoholic Now What Color Is the Shirt You Are Wearing: Red- Will Do Anything For Crack purple- Who Looks At Porn 24/7 Orange- Who Likes It In The Butt Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You Green- Who will rock your world Pink- Who's Good With My Hands blue- Who likes to strip White- Who everyone wants to fuck Brown- Who Wears Big Sunglasses Black- Who likes it dirty. Gray- Who gives great head None-Who is a beast in bed Post with: I am a "..." Repost it or you will have Bad Luck for 365 Days! TAKE THE FIRST LETTER OF YOUR NAME A-Punky B-Emotional C-Pretty D-Very Sexy E-Gangster F-Girly G-Dyke H-Sweet I-Retarded j-Gorgeous K-Beautiful L-Fabulous M-Slutty N-Preppy O-Hot P- amazing Q-Boyish R-Hot S-Sexy T-Sexual U-Ugly V-Wonderful W-Hott X-Bitchy Y-Under-appreciated Z-Over-appreciated NOW THE THIRD IN YOUR MIDDLE NAME(if you don’t have one use your last name): A-Wizard B- Babe C-Bitch D-Obsesser E- God (ess) F-Retard G-Queen/ King H-Slut I-Girl J-Goth K-Nerd L-Alcoholic M-porn star N-sex god (ess) O-Geek P-Skank Q-Crack whore R-Sex machine S-Prince (ess) T-Whore U-Cry Baby V-Jackass W-Punk X-Scared-cat Y-Coward Z-Chocoholic Now What Color Is the Shirt You Are Wearing: Red- Will Do Anything For Crack purple- Who Looks At Porn 24/7 Orange- Who Likes It In The Butt Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You Green- Who will rock your world Pink- Who's Good With My Hands blue- Who likes to strip White- Who everyone wants to fuck Brown- Who Wears Big Sunglasses Black- Who likes it dirty. Gray- Who gives great head None-Who is a beast in bed Post with: I am a "..." Repost it or you will have Bad Luck for 365 Days!


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re help blog

Not very helpfull on here


would someone be so kind as to tell me how this site works im new here so dont know my way round all the things on here
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