Exciting news:
Gerrylife.com has now become AFitSpot.com. Regular visitors to Gerryslife.com know it as a personal site with a focus on my life and weight-loss success. Afitspot.com will have a broader focus – a focus on the journey of weight loss, the information and resources that support that journey, and –most important – a focus on YOU.
In the coming months you will see many changes. Afitspot.com will offer continuously updated content, including:
chat and forums (already open for business)
relevant and up-to-date articles
objective and comprehensive product reviews
member journals
and much more.
We have recently started a forum and chat community which is growing every day. The Success Stories section is constantly growing, and many of those wonderful successes – people with an important story to tell -- will be featured on their own page.
Consider this an invitation to share your own successes – and struggles – within a community of friends who will be shoulder-to-shoulder with you on your journey. You are not alone.
You are welcome to be involved in the growth of this site. Please email us with your ideas at success.stories@afitspot.com.
To be notified of updates to our site please signup for our forums now.
I thank you and I look forward to getting to you know as our community grows.