46 Year Old
From Georgetown, TX·
Invited by: SilveryWitch·
Joined on November 24, 2006
Born on June 23rd
CHAOS ALWAYS BRING PERFECT HARMONY TO MY LIFE I love to DREAM while lounging in my hammock..more than anything else in the world..If you don't have dreams you are nothing.Im very upfront...BLUNT if you will. Sometimes it's a curse.I'm not gonna lie I have been acused of being a bitch but, over all I'am easy to get along with .Sex is one of my favorite thins to do ,besides play W.O.W.I like dancing at the clubs, Hanging out with my Bitch's,shopping, Being sexy...I love poetry,cooking,skinny dipping,DOGGY STYLE IS MY FAV. POSITION.I like to dance for my date...or b-friend which ever....I hate talking on the phone.I like to read,watch movies...
46 Year Old
From Georgetown, TX·
Invited by: SilveryWitch·
Joined on November 24, 2006
Born on June 23rd