45 Year Old
From Litchfield, IL·
Joined on March 4, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on May 2nd
·13 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
45 Year Old
From Litchfield, IL·
Joined on March 4, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on May 2nd
·13 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Some say I'm pretty complicated, but I am actually a simple man. I am married to a wonderful woman and work as a full-time paramedic. I am also a musician and disc jockey. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to and performing music, riding motorcycles, fishing, hunting, and just enjoying life. I am also a DJ in THE VAULT (DJ SOUNDZ) and enjoy hanging out with my online family.
45 Year Old
From Litchfield, IL·
Joined on March 4, 2009
Relationship status: Married
Born on May 2nd
·13 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
I am a huge fan of Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Blues, and anything 80's.
Latest Status
DJ SOUNDZ VAULT DJ Live life to the fullest, because tomorrow is not promised!!!
The Original Joke of the DAy The Brunette and the GenieA brunette is walking through the country, when she finds a bottle. She rubs it, and you guessed it, a genie appears.The genie says,"You are allowed three wishes. But, I must warn you, anything you get, all the blondes in the world get twice as much."The woman says,"Okay. Give me a nice house."The genie replies,"You now have one nice house and all the blondes in the world have two."Then the lady says,"Give me a gorgeous man."The genie replies,"You now have one gorgeous man, while all the blondes have two."The lady says,"For my last wish, Genie, see that stick over there? Beat me half to death with it."