Well I'm moving to Arkansas in September and well some of my friends are not dealing with it well. I'm having trouble with it to, I know no one there but my mother in law...lol I love my friends to death and would do anything for them. A couple of them are planning on moving there with in a yr or 2. I just wish they would not make me feel so bad and then say oh gf I understand its just fucked up. I know its fucked up, if I didn't have to leave I wouldn't. I'm 30 yrs old and my husband is going to be 49 on the 30th and this is the only way we will ever be able to own a home or 2 or 3...lol It's so cheap there its great. Well I'm done I feel a little better by getting this off my chest. It sucks that the people I'm talking about don't even have Fubar accounts...LMFAO anyways peace out and much love...